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RSS Camila1

Reward Points:8
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

This is one of the most delicated subjects to discuss. It's interesting what Milena said about the money on wrong hands. But if it were legalized wouldn't it be considered a kind of " stimulus" to use drugs?We cannot disagree that, ilegal or not, the users won't stop to consume cannabis. The legalization would make only increase the number of users and would go against all of the initiatives the government is doing agaist drugs in general, like cigarretes.

On the other hand, other kinds of drugs, like alcohol, are legal and are even encouraged. We have a lot of beers advertisements, for exemple. So, it's a kind of hipocrisy to prohibit some kind os drugs and to promote others, once all of them make the health worst.

1 point

We cannot disagree that social networks are useful tools. We can talk to people who lives far, organize events, disclose informations, organize studies groups...but, as everything on Internet, it must be used carefully.

One new tool on facebook, for exemple, is the marcation fo "tags", where the person posts where and with who she is.It' s the cumulus of free exposion on Internet.

But the problem is that a lot of people starts to live to social networks. They take pictures just to put on facebook. They go out and the first thing they do is to acess facebook on cell phone. The solution is use it as the useful thing it is, not as a "vice".

1 point

It's undertandable the proposal of ban alcoholical drinks on Brazilian stadiums. Brazil is known as the "football coutry",and the fans takes it seriuously. We are witnesses of all the violence that happens because of soccer, even in small championships. The join of this violence, the hugeness of the event and the use of alcohol (that make people without consciousness of their own acts) can be disastrous.

But, on the other hand, alcoholic drinks are already estabilish in our culture. There is no sense to prohibit it only in the world cup, while in other games it doesn't happen.

I belive the solution is to release only the sale of beers, that has a lower alcoholic stength, and for a more expensive price. This way, people will enjoy their alcohol, but without excess.

1 point

In theory, it's a nice initiative from the government. The biodegradable one takes about six months, while the usual takes a hundred years.

But this action isn't being accepted for everyone. One of the problems is that the biodegradable one is sold for R$ 0,19. The real matter is that it is more about the money than about the worry to environment.

But if this ideia really works, it should be used in everywhere. After all, there is no sense you don't use the plastic bag on markets, but you use it when you go to the mall, drugstores or rental stores.

1 point

Everybody has your "escape valve" to try to deal with some problems. Some people do sports, others read, some play music...and some people go to the mall and buy a lot of things they don't need, and sometimes with the money they don't have. That's the consumerism. People feeling empty try to full this space with products instead of solve this problem on a effective way.

The reach for status is an explanation for it too. Some people attribute the value of the person taking into account only the value of their belongins. And the saddiest thing is that kids are now worried about status too, what can be readed on the introduction text of this discussion. I belive parents have a big importance on this subject. They must to attempt their kids about the matter of extreme materialism, even being it a hard task in our society nowadays.

1 point

I once saw a article on a diet magazine that I consider terrible. The title was something like: "Lose X kg on a week and get the man of your dreams". It's really sad to realize that some people can think that a perfect body can make your life perfect. This excessive reach for the perfection , that should be cutted, is even more encouraged by the media, the people, the magazines...the resoult of it is: people who will never be satisfied. They will always try to reach the perfection.

Let's think about the concept of perfection. According the Oxford dicionary, it is "the action or process of improving something until it is faultless". But the "faultless", or the "perfect", is relative. People have different opinions and tastes. It's impossible all the people in the world to agree in one concept of beauty. So, those people who try to reach perfection will be never be a hundred percent or aprovation. And when they realize it, start diseases as anorexia, bulimia, depression...

It's true that nobody is totally satisfied with the own image. Some people wanted to be thinner, some wanted to be fatter, some wanted be's normal to have little things you don't like, but it gets serious when those things starts to interfer on your health and welfare.

1 point

I belive that being vegetarian is not a healthier way to live. About being cheaper, it would be true if the person simply stopped to eat meat and don't substituted it for nothing. But what happens a lot is the vegetarian buy organic and natural kinds of meat, like soybean meat. These kind of products much more expansive than the commom one.

Some people afirm that it's healthier to exclude meat for our lives. But the protein is, like all the others nutrients, essencial to our health. It's true that it can be substituted by other kind of aliments, as eggs for exemples.But to substitute protein for protein, would be all the same on the end.

There are people that are vegetarian because they are against the murder of animals. I belive the actual murder is to kill animals to make purses, coats, wallets, etc.

Being vegetarian or not, we cannot deny that meat is really important to our health and to our immunity agains all kinds of disease.

Winning Position: Unresolved

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