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RSS CorvusCorax

Reward Points:19
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

Premise: A firm wants to hire the best candidate for a job.

Premise: There are smart, intelligent, creative and skilled people who 'only' graduated from high school

Premise: There are people who graduated from college who are not as smart, not as intelligent, not as creative and not as skilled as the above mentioned people.

Conclusion: In this case the person who 'only' graduated from high school should get the job

1 point

I do not understand the problem. It all boils down to this:

Would you rather save 5 lives or 1 life?

There are no circumstances in this 'problem' that would make me consider if it would be 'better' to save one person over five. An example of such a circumstance could be, that the five people were all mortally ill or that I knew they were planning on murdering someone if they had the opportunity.

1 point

I agree with you but...

Where do we draw the line between being religious and being crazy?

The difference between regarding a person as religious person or crazy is purely subjective, I believe.

Therefor your argument doesn't help us decide when it is OK to mock someone. :p

1 point

If I earn enough money myself, then I would prefer a woman with great looks and average income :)

1 point

I met my girlfriend online. Now we have been a couple for almost 3 years and have a child together.

We have never been looked down upon because of the fact that we met online. I believe that it is a norm nowadays to hook up over the internet.

1 point

Education is not the same as indoctrination. To have a moral and political element in education does not out rule critical thinking.

Besides if education is about realizing potential, one could ask "why should the government spent money on educating people so that they may realize their potential?"

Is it to make better citizens or to maximize its workforce?

1 point

Just because they (perhaps) had the technology it doesn't mean that they actually came to The New World before Columbus.

Where is the evidence that they did?

Because of the lack of evidence I say that the Romans didn't make it before Columbus

1 point

You believe that the majority of Africans don't want to improve their living standards? This again is a major generalization and I believe you are wrong. I ask again again, Where have you got this fact from? It is not common sense to me.



Facts about Africa


The population of Africa is 1.033 billion people.

It is the second largest continent i the world.


There are 54 countries on the continent


Because you are making such a generalization it sounds like you are judging on the basis of ethnic origin or race.

2 points

"look at the nations in Africa that the US and countless other countries help to rebuild them"

This is true I guess.

"The truth is, the people don't want to become better".

This is a generalization. Besides that, where have you got this fact from? I think it's wrong to say, that the whole population of Africa doesn't want to improve their lives.

Besides... Just because something hasn't worked in Africa, it doesn't imply that the developed nations should stop trying to help elsewhere.

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Tied Positions: Great looks but average income vs. Great income but average looks
Winning Position: widen our perspective

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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