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RSS Geniusy

Reward Points:4
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5 most recent arguments.
2 points

Because you are too stupid to know what Hitler's positions are because you cherry pick fake quotes off the internet.

1 point

Do you use fake quotes due to dishonesty or stupidity? Because a lot of these meme-quotes you cherry pick off of google images were never said by the individual they are attributed to.

1 point

Only if one takes the ridiculous approach of assuming all the communist failures where actually fascist.

They weren't.

“State Capitalism” was coined by a socialist and is used almost exclusively by socialists.

Therefor it can't possibly be a valid concept, I gotcha.

The lie that is promised hasn’t. But the outcome that inevitably follows that promise has been repeatedly actualized.

Communism is not a lie just because it hasn't been actualized and the outcome you speak of is not the universal result of it. Before I expound on this I want you to look inside of yourself for some semblance of brutally neglected intellectual honesty and ask yourself if it's possible that capitalists could be lying when they say all socialist countries always amount to pure evil and pure failure in every conceivable way. I have found that much of what is said about the USSR and other socialist nations is utter bullshit designed to demonize an ideological enemy rather than tell the actual truth.

After observing, and often proving how woefully incorrect you are concerning almost every issue you weigh in on, statements such as this cause me no concern whatsoever.

Yes I would say the same about you. So I think I'll just ignore the rest since it is all bullshit anyway and you won't even consider anything I say in reply.

1 point

FromWithin bombs abortion clinics and supports the genocide of blacks. He believes they are descended from demons. FromWithin has never worked in his life, nor has he ever thought for himself. He inherited enough wealth to spend his entire life plotting acts of christian terrorism and masturbating to bible verses.

1 point

So what incentive is there for companies to stay in the socialist societies

Socialist countries don't have companies, at least not the kind you're used to. It's called collective ownership of the means of production.

FYI Banks are run by the people

No they're not they're run by a handful of individuals who happen to own banks.

There are still people who will collect and redistribute the wealth these would be the bankers and politicians.

That's not how it works, Capitalists don't lead socialist revolutions and reformations that's why they're called capitalists, if they wanted to redistribute wealth to themselves they would just keep things the way they are because as it is most of the wealth is being allocated into the pockets of the wealthy.

Winning Position: Empiricism

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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