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RSS HillarySucks

Reward Points:14
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8 most recent arguments.
HillarySucks(14) Clarified
4 points

I agree. GodIsNotDead got inside and used emotions. I like that. They used things that were absolutely true, but that you would not ever think of. Most of you are into logic, everything is about logic, as most people say. But it is not always about logic.

3 points

when people get bad grades, that means they did not prepare or the assignment is too hard. That does not prove that they are intelligent or dumb. That just means their mind is somewhere else, not set on grades or school. Intelligence is determined by genetics. People could be smart and pass all their classes if they tried, and some intelligent people don't even pass high school but are focused on God and the study of religion. Some intelligent people might not even know they are intelligent. This proves that intelligence does not depend on grades.

7 points

Abortion is murder because babies that are not born yet are still humans, they just are not fully formed yet. It is an action because the doctor is taking an action to kill the baby. The shit that people are talking about that babies not born yet are not humans is not logical.

4 points

America may have its downsides, but it is the best country in the world. You have the right to do whatever job if you work hard. You are free to speak against the government and the freedom to be whatever religion you want to be. Maybe some people are in this country that make it seem that America is not that great, but every country has its downsides.

3 points

Great, you are next. I mean, who wants to get shot. With your attitude, I guess you want to. So you have been added to the list.

The Muslims are ruining the U.S.A. With all the terrorism, I think that they do need to be relocated and re-educated. Maybe not even allowed in this country anymore like Donald Trump implied.

0 points

I am proud to be an American because Donald Trump is President.

Also, America is the land of opportunities, if you work hard you succeed. America is also a free country. I like freedom.

2 points

Shootings are harmful to people and America. If there was a shooting, many people would have lost their lives when they were innocent. America is falling apart because of shootings

Many helpful people have lost their lives and many innocent people are going to jail. Donald Trump could be a great president. If he got shot, maybe he would not make America great again. Shootings are never entertaining and never upright.

Winning Position: Abortion Is Murder

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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