
Debate Info

Abortion Is Murder Abortion Is NOT Murder
Debate Score:272
Total Votes:316
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 Abortion Is Murder (106)
 Abortion Is NOT Murder (104)

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HillarySucks(14) pic

Is Abortion Murder?

What does everyone say about the issue of abortion?

Abortion Is Murder

Side Score: 138

Abortion Is NOT Murder

Side Score: 134
7 points

Abortion is murder because babies that are not born yet are still humans, they just are not fully formed yet. It is an action because the doctor is taking an action to kill the baby. The shit that people are talking about that babies not born yet are not humans is not logical.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
GodIsNotDead(48) Clarified
3 points

I agree. I dislike the idea of abortion and the concepts "supporting" it.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
GodIsNotDead(48) Clarified
3 points

Also, studies say that mothers have domain over their baby, so therefore they have the right to kill it. That is not true. That is like saying a slave is yours and then you murder him/her because you do not want them around. THAT IS COMPLETELY ILLOGICAL!

Side: Abortion Is Murder
DaquanL(14) Disputed
1 point

First off Christianity is filled with flaws and illogical reasoning and ridicule towards other religions. Second what if a woman were impregnated during rape and didn't want to have a rapists baby inside of them because that child would scar them and remind them of the rape.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
FabianGordon(25) Disputed
1 point

Your logic is fundamentally flawed. Would you say that a fertilised egg is still a human?

If you say yes: How is a clump of some cells with no shape or unified purpose or ability to exist independently a life form?

If you say no: Then you have conceded because it is impossible to draw any a line in foetus development between a point where the foetus is an arrangement of cells and a point where the foetus is considered human and where abortion would then be considered murder thereafter. This is because any such line creates holes in logic, for if one day a baby is a human due to some classification, then why was it not the week before, or even then day before? How does one day an arrangement of cells be just that, an arrangement of cells, and the next day it be something for which getting rid of it is considered murder? How is this possible - it isn't, you can't draw the line in the same way that you cannot point a finger to when some grains of sand become what we call a "pile" of sand.

Therefore I believe your argument has no sound backing and you are speaking with emotional disgust rather than actual consideration of what is happening, not even getting into the morality of abortion under particular circumstances.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
1 point

Abortion is a murdern because if somebody abort a child she have kill the child and the child she abort she don't known maybe he/she we become the president of its country and when that person known that she's not ready to bear child can't she abstain from sexual intercourese

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
ForTheRight(9) Disputed
0 points

Genetically speaking, a fertilised embryo is still a human. You did state, and i quote that a growing embryo was a "A clump of some cells with no shape or unified purpose or ability to exist" but the problem is that if the so-called "clump of cells" that you speak of can exist, or there would be no way for us to reproduce, it just needs support from the mother to survive. the problem with your argument is that after the baby is born it is still helpless. Just because in the first few months of life, a human baby can barely lift its head, does not mean we have the right to kill it. Using that exact same argument, it could be justified that you could kill your baby AFTER it is born as well.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
1 point

I think that abortion is a way to kill, because in the womb of the mother there is a fetus that although not born yet, has life and develops day by day. So even if the fetus is not fully formed, feels, grows, dreams, feeds, develops over time and this only occurs in a living being. Therefore if it is a living being, it has a developing life like any human being in the world. And if a living being is deprived of life, it would be to kill and snatch life from a human being. That he even began to live.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
liz0ris(13) Disputed
1 point

What if taking the baby to birth would endanger the mothers life? Would you really sacrifice the life, or QUALITY of life of a mother for a unformed fetus? And what if a women was raped? Or what if a 15 year old had sex and the condom broke and having a child would be unbearable for the mother? Think about QUALITY of life.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
2 points

Why do you want to have risky fun.....and when the rubber prank goes wrong, you try to preempt the consequences.

Its murder.

its a deliberate attempt to seize the existence of a human being .It doesn't matter the state of the human being. Its an attack on a defenseless human. Had it been older and not delicate, it would have fought to protect its right to life.

Irrational situation;

The only persons who can abort are people who were aborted at birth..... and will therefore will be doing that in the name of payback(still not fair....innocent victim).

Therefore if you were not aborted, you have no right to abortion.

Apparently no such human exists.


And addressing rape....

There are many orphanage homes so you donot have an excuse.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
3 points

And addressing rape....

There are many orphanage homes so you donot have an excuse.

What the hell kinda nonsense is that statement?

It's bad enough to have your body so violated, to have someone force themselves inside you over and over again with no regard to your pain or pleas to stop...but then to then be forced to give birth to the child you didn't want, that constant reminder that your body is STILL not your own? It takes a sick mind to completely bypass the victim because they feel self-righteous in their "cause". Your complete disregard of what a woman has to go through with rape is....I mean it's utterly astounding. I sincerely hope that you didn't mean to sound that indifferent to rape victims.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
jeffreyone(1383) Disputed
2 points

My focal point is abortion not rape.

I don't mind if a rape victim stabs her abuser in the neck. I will affirm it....she's right.

But the child has no knowledge of it.

If you so hate the father, leave it an orphanage home or someone's door step

But don't go looking him/her in the future

And also if you seek advice about me........

That guy should be the last you should ask....

Or even if him only then you should keep wondering instead of asking him.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
1 point

I'm afraid Mint tea that is just the usual garbage one hears from Jeffrey and just shows what a sick person he truly is .

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

I didn't notice rape was related to in the debate topic ? Reference that for me !

Side: Abortion Is Murder
Dermot(5736) Disputed
1 point

You see we got ourselves a problem here , and the problem is you're a cretin , a cretin is someone who speaks nonsense and the only people who understand nonsense are fellow cretins so I will let you converse away with your ' pals ' .......

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
jeffreyone(1383) Disputed
2 points

I think in your past you have caused some women to have abortions and now you tryna not feel too bad about it.

Its cool man. We are not judging you but the act instead.

Or am i speculating?....but there is some amount of truth in it right?

So whats the difference between an aborted baby and a child who dies from cancer.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
Ameri2ca(177) Disputed
1 point

This isn't nonsense. This is MURDERING A CHILD!!! If you don't think this is murder then you have something wrong with you.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
2 points

Abortion of a human pregnancy is murder IF the unborn is in fact a human. Opinions about when an unborn is a human, differ among people. No one has solid proof of exactly when an unborn becomes a human. In the face of this uncertainty, prudence requires that we err on the side of protecting life.

There are no other defensible positions on this question.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
Amarel(5669) Clarified
2 points

What kind of evidence would you require to prove when a human begins?

Side: Abortion Is Murder
daver(1770) Clarified
2 points

There is no universally accepted evidence, only differing opinion.

From a religious perspective, even further compilations are introduced when considerations are given to discerning the moment at which a human receives a soul.

This is why I believe the safest conclusion, among all possible conclusions is that we don't know and should err on the side if preserving life.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
NowASaint(1380) Disputed
1 point

You were you the moment you were conceived. That is solid proof. It's just simple common were you the moment you were conceived and if you had been killed inside your mothers womb you would not be here now. Abortion is always murder, birth control which allows for conception and then kills the life which was conceived by expelling it from the mother's body is murder.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
Atrag(5666) Disputed
2 points

I don't think anybody cares about your opinion...............................

You dont care but yet you reply to be 5 times within half an hour?

You are a satanist and I have a duty to make sure no one is fooled by you.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
KingGinger93(50) Disputed
0 points

I don't think the doctors are uncertain about whether or not they are killing sentient fetuses. I think the point in which a fetus becomes sentient is very debate-able but all the doctor has to do to not err on the side of killing a human being is make sure the fetus isn't sentient prior or during the operation.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
2 points

Yes abortion is murder. Murder is the unjust taking of a human life. An unborn baby is certainly a human life - and the convenience of the mother (which accounts for 99% of US abortions) is hardly a justification.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

For the unjust taking of a human life to qualify as murder, one must show intent. Most women do not believe their fetus is a human life. Therefore they do not intend to end a human life. Thus, even if abortion is the unjust taking of a human life, it often (though not always) cannot be equated to murder.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
sceathers(155) Disputed
1 point

Well what kind of life do they think their fetus is then? Plant life perhaps? Sorry, but not realizing it's a human life (which biology can easily prove) is no excuse at all.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
2 points

Abortion does cause pain to the baby inside the mother. Many may argue that abortion causes no pain what so ever, this is wrong. Their argument states that a baby cannot feel pain before its cerebral cortex is functioning. This is simply not true. There is a part of the brain that is present in the early stages of pregnancy that is known as the thalamus. This part of the brain is there and functioning within 8 weeks of pregnancy. Anyways, even if the baby, at no point of the pregnancy, could feel pain, it would still be wrong. Killing someone in their sleep might be painless, but it is still murder. Therefore, abortion is unethical, even if the point of no pain abortion was true.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
2 points

If a woman is raped, there is still no grounds for killing the baby. It is illogical to believe that it is justifiable that when a woman is raped, that that pregnancy be terminated. If one day, every son and daughter of any rapist were to be killed, would that be morally justified? If not, then why do you justify doing that exact same thing, only to little babies who haven’t even been born? Another reason is that if you were to abort the baby of a woman who was raped, it would be exactly the same as if you were to give someone the death penalty because their father was a criminal. Therefore, it is not morally justifiable to abort a baby whose father is a rapist.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
1 point

Abortion is murder unless the mother's life is in danger.......................................................

Side: Abortion Is Murder
1 point

A fertilized egg is indeed a human being. The argument was brought up that killing a group of cells is not murder, seeing as it is not life. This point is not true in the least. All multicellular organisms start out life as unicellular. Through the process of mitosis, one cell becomes two, two becomes four, and so on. Cells accumulate to become tissues, tissues accumulate to become organs, and organs accumulate to become the fully mature organism. At no point in the middle of this process is there an official start of life. It is in the beginning, when the egg is fertilized, that there is a living being. it, therefore, cannot be argued that life does not start at conception. Furthermore, a collection of cells, no matter how small, is life, whether human or not determines its value.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
1 point

A fertilized egg is a different human being than its mother. Dermot has pointed out that "Abortion is not murder, because a fetus is not an actual human being—it is a potential human being, i.e. it is a part of the woman," but the truth is, the so-called "fetus" is actually a human at the moment of conception, as proven in section (1). It is an undisputed scientific fact that a genetically normal human has 46 chromosomes, and a genetically normal human gamete cell has 23. It is also an undisputed fact that each and every cell in our body has a nucleus, and in that nucleus, there is enough DNA to make 23 pairs of chromosomes. When a sperm fertilises an egg, there are 23 chromosomes from mom, and 23 from dad, which just so happen to add up to 46, which defines the species of homo sapien. Since the fertilised gamete cell was fertilised, from then on, it cannot be classified as a gamete cell, but as a somatic cell, this somatic cell will then undergo the cellular process as described in section (1). Therefore, you cannot argue that the baby is part of the mother.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
1 point

An unborn baby has its own separate DNA. If I were to take a tissue sample from 3 people, using DNA fingerprinting, it is indisputable that I could tell the difference between each human that I tested. Now, the same principle can be applied to an unborn baby and its mother. If a tissue sample was taken from the unborn, and one from its mother, a simple DNA test would conclude that the unborn child is different from the parent. Furthermore, if the DNA in a child is different than the mother, then how can it have been logically deduced that the baby was part of the mother until it is born? The explanation of this is simple, gamete cells are created, not by mitosis, but by meiosis, which is different for one reason: the cells that are produced are not genetically identical to one another. When the two gametes (egg and sperm) come together to fertilise, they create a somatic cell, as explained before, and this somatic cell is different than any cell in the body of the woman. Therefore, the baby is not part of the mother.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
1 point

The fertilized egg is in fact living. When two gamete cells come together, they form one cell. This cell is an organism that is completely different from its mother. Not only does the cell have different DNA, but it is alive. According to the cell theory, cells are the basic units of LIFE. I would like to focus on that 4-letter word for just a second. How exactly could cells be the basic unit of life, AND a collection of cells not be alive? This is obviously a fallacy of the law of noncontradiction. Furthermore, a collection of cells that is actively replicating and growing is the definition of life. There is no non living thing on this earth that happens to be self-replicating and grows. So let me ask how a growing, self-replicating organism can be classified as non living. As has been proven, it is impossible to logically argue that the “fetus” is not alive.

Side: Abortion Is Murder

Abortion is legalized murder. Sickening!

Remember when it was legal to kill slaves. The Democrat Party wanted to keep it legal to do so!

Now here we are again today, after the Democrat Party claims to have gained some humanity, that the new socially acceptable victims of a selfish barbaric people is our babies.

But they got even worse if possible. They are sacrificing our most innocent of human life, our babies. Our babies can't speak for themselves. They can't defend themselves and most importantly.....they can't vote!

Democrats give little attention to people who will not vote for them.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
-Yuri-(284) Disputed
1 point

And during the time is was not murder to kill a slave. Use the definiton of the word stop trying to make loop holes. killing slaves or having them in anyway is wrong yes but because killing them then was legal it was not murder.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
GodIsNotDead(48) Disputed
1 point

That is what he is saying. You democrats think it is right to kill a baby when it has the right to live. Same with the slaves. It was legal at the time, but it does not mean it was right at all. Same with the babies. It is legal now, but that does not mean it is okay.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
1 point

it is murder because you are killing someone,you dont give them a chance at living life which is stupid,i believe everyone should have a chance to live there life and we are just robbing it,the only reason to abort is if the mother is in danger.So therfore abortion is murder

Side: Abortion Is Murder
1 point

Alright so the baby isn't allowed the same rights as someone who is outside of the womb? okay so lets make you swallow a poisonous pill and take your life because we don't want you anymore. Yes i understand rape is also a big cause of it but lets be real, we have adoption centers as well as foster care systems that you can give the baby to.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
0 points

We have the right to live. Babies that are not born yet are still humans, but they are not formed yet, as HillarySucks said. Dermot said that murder is taking the life out of another human being through the initiation of physical force. As I said before, babies that are not born yet are still human beings, and the people that are aborting the baby are initiating a physical force to kill it. I do not agree with people calling the unborn babies a fetus because they are humans as I have stated multiple times.

Side: Abortion Is Murder

As I said, we have the right to live. Think about this: What if you were aborted? You would never be arguing this right now. If your brother or sister or just anyone in your family that is close to you was aborted, how would you feel? You would probably be on the other side of this argument. You need to also think about the life of the baby that was aborted. They could have a whole life ahead of them. If you killed somebody that had already been born and had the brain capacity to know you were killing them, you would feel bad if you had a heart. This is just like aborting a baby.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
HillarySucks(14) Clarified
4 points

I agree. GodIsNotDead got inside and used emotions. I like that. They used things that were absolutely true, but that you would not ever think of. Most of you are into logic, everything is about logic, as most people say. But it is not always about logic.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
Dermot(5736) Disputed
-1 points

Didn't say that ...

No , Murder is the taking of the life of another human being through the initiation of physical force. Abortion is not murder, because a fetus is not an actual human being—it is a potential human being, i.e. it is a part of the woman.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
2 points

No , Murder is the taking of the life of another human being through the initiation of physical force. Abortion is not murder, because a fetus is not an actual human being—it is a potential human being, i.e. it is a part of the woman.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
jeffreyone(1383) Disputed
2 points

Probably why you took out your brain..............................

Side: Abortion Is Murder
Brendan1095(29) Disputed
2 points

So where's the advantage in taking away a potential human life?

Side: Abortion Is Murder
liz0ris(13) Disputed
0 points

A fertilized egg is not human life. The advantage is the mother, possibly 15, possibly has been raped, not living a miserable life because of a dumb desicion, or worse, something that she didnt decide at all.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder

That's right.


it is a part of the woman.

It isn't really a part.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
ForTheRight(9) Disputed
3 points

If you had cared to research your side, you will find that the "fetus is NOT part of the woman. it has a completely different set of DNA and chromosomes. When something is part of someone, it has the same DNA, and exact same DNA fingerprinting as the other tissues in the body.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
jeffreyone(1383) Disputed
1 point

What do you mean by "actual human being"

Whether black, brown or white dog....its still a dog.

All the seed needs is germination to qualify for that name.....of the plant.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
Dermot(5736) Disputed
3 points

At least try and type something sensible ,you're making no sense you cretin , even though you say if three times :)

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
liz0ris(13) Disputed
1 point

No, abortion is not murder. Murder is the taking of another human life form, and a fertilized egg is not a human life form.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
jeffreyone(1383) Disputed
1 point

Repeated post erased............................. .............

Side: Abortion Is Murder
jeffreyone(1383) Disputed
1 point

Repeated post erased........................................

Side: Abortion Is Murder
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Does it change from potential human to actual human upon exiting the woman's body?

Side: Abortion Is Murder
Bull_Moose(82) Clarified
2 points

Yes, once the fetus leaves the womb it becomes an independent entity. I could ask is abortion to murder what a miscarriage is to manslaughter? I mean, following most "abortion is murder" ideologies, then we should be charging women with miscarriages to manslaughter, no?

Side: Abortion Is Murder
sejj0716 Disputed
1 point

It kinda has to in order to birthed. Also as soon as the BABY has a heart beat then it is obvious a human. Come on even my 4 year sister knows that much

Side: Abortion Is Murder
Sitar(3680) Disputed
1 point

Google aborted baby, dear proabort....................................................................

Side: Abortion Is Murder
Dermot(5736) Disputed
1 point

Google foetus dear bible thumper .............................

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
0 points

It is called prochoice, yet you seem to think that nicknaming it makes you stronger.

Nothing limits the other side to do the same. Then it'll merely be a fight like between little children.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
sejj0716 Disputed
1 point

so the death penalty isn't murder? It's pretty much using the same things as abortion just in the form of an injection.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
Dermot(5736) Disputed
1 point

No the death penalty is not murder ,I think you may need to look up the definition of murder .

Get back to me when you actually know what you're talking about

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
SpewedFacts(1) Disputed
1 point

is a guy in a coma different from a fetus? and how so? would you unplug all people if they're in a coma?

Side: Abortion Is Murder
2 points

No. Murder is the killing of a human being, a cluster of cells is not a human being. A fertilised egg is not a human being. These laws are based on the abstract concept of life anyway, you cannot try and make it more abstract by trying to call some cells, which themselves are arrangement of proteins with no conscious thoughts, a living thing.

People argue that there are stages in the development of a foetus that when gone past, classify it as living, and anywhere past or close to this time would indeed constitute murder. These checkpoints in growth can be development of a central nervous system, a beating heart, a brain, electrical activity in the brain, or a theoretical point where the child would be able to survive independently. The problem with this is that it is utterly impossible to try and draw lines like and I shall explain why: Let's say that we do draw a line, say at the development of a central nervous system, firstly what is the CNS, there are different views of what it actually would be when first developed, but even ignoring this, what if this line of age is crossed meaning abortion at this point is now murder - are you really saying that just a week earlier it was not abortion, it was something else? How about a day, what if just one day earlier an abortion was carried out, we are to say that that was not murder but one day later it is, all because a few thousand cells grew in a specific place? Who are we to say which stage of development defines life, and how can we even say when a few grains of sand turns into a "pile" so to speak, there is no point after which it is murder and before it is not.

I also however would argue against the belief that there are indeed no lines and that all abortion is murder. This is simply false, as aforementioned, a fertilised egg is not life, not even close to life. The only thing that you can argue is that it has potential for life, but if this is believed then you would believe that all egg and sperm cells have potential for life, and thus the menstrual cycle when a women is not fertilised is now immoral? Then also you run into the issue of a definition for potential for life, could an instance be potential for life, would having protected sex or not having sex at all contradict this law of not killing potential for life? Therefore no abortion is murder, and while this may be believed, there are often circumstances where the act of killing something which could be life at some point is certainly the right thing, not only because a mother has domain over her body, but there are important socioeconomic issues often that cannot be ignored.

- ran out of time to finish this

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
ForTheRight(9) Disputed
2 points

The arguments that you have presented are obviously based on a straw man fallacy. The argument is that the very moment an egg is conceived, it is then a human life. There is no point that can go against this seeing as there is no way to prove otherwise without bringing into the mix opinionated arguments. Genetically, the embryo is a HUMAN, it has 46 chromosomes, just like you and I

Side: Abortion Is Murder
Brendan1095(29) Disputed
2 points

So if we just rip your heart out of your body and cut it into pieces for no particular reason that shouldn't be an issue right? I mean it's not a living thing it's just a bundle of cells. According to your logic, as long as its just a bundle of cells that cant think on its own it doesn't deserve to exist so we can just go ahead and take out your heart, lungs, stomach, liver, any part of you that's just a useless pile of unintelligent cells because that is 100% justifiable.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
1 point

Brilliant, this highlights flaws in arguments of immorality of abortion from conception and from later on in development after a supposed stage.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
1 point

Good, pointed out flaws in the opposition's argument, though i would have to say that at some point you have to admit that there is immorality in abortion before birth. For example a child a month before birth could survive out of the womb and likely has 'thoughts' to some degree. The science is not that strong to back it up, but you must agree that a foetus this close to birth should not be allowed to be aborted.

Well argued though

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
KingGinger93(50) Disputed
1 point

People argue that there are stages in the development of a foetus that when gone past, classify it as living, and anywhere past or close to this time would indeed constitute murder. These checkpoints in growth can be development of a central nervous system, a beating heart, a brain, electrical activity in the brain, or a theoretical point where the child would be able to survive independently. The problem with this is that it is utterly impossible to try and draw lines like and I shall explain why: Let's say that we do draw a line, say at the development of a central nervous system, firstly what is the CNS, there are different views of what it actually would be when first developed, but even ignoring this, what if this line of age is crossed meaning abortion at this point is now murder - are you really saying that just a week earlier it was not abortion, it was something else? How about a day, what if just one day earlier an abortion was carried out, we are to say that that was not murder but one day later it is, all because a few thousand cells grew in a specific place? Who are we to say which stage of development defines life, and how can we even say when a few grains of sand turns into a "pile" so to speak, there is no point after which it is murder and before it is not.

This is a bad argument... Reason why? because doctors don't genuinely think that way obviously. Of course they understand the the fallibility in drawing lines like that, as long as that lines prevents what it is meant to it doesn't matter. As long as we never abort after a certain period of time then the event of a sentient fetus capable of pain and emotion being aborted is more guaranteed to not Occur. For example you can't legally drive unless you are 16. I am sure there are some 14 year olds who might drive really well... that doesn't mean I think it is a good that every 14 year old should be able to.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
FabianGordon(25) Disputed
2 points

Okay, yes this is what I was going to cover I had a bit more time to finish it. I believe that the abortion week limits can be put in place for humanitarian reasons not due to development progression. But that's not the debate, remember it is is abortion murder, and i remain my stance that it is not murder. While these caps being puts on as a guarantee that no foetuses suffer is the case, that is irrelevant to the debate at hand because it is one of whether it is murder or not rather than whether it is legal or not. So I believe that it is still not murder until self-sustaining life has developed, but since this point cannot be determined then abortion cannot be said to ever be murder

Side: Abortion Is Murder
1 point

"No. Murder is the killing of a human being, a cluster of cells is not a human being. A fertilised egg is not a human being."

Could not have said it better.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder

Its not murder because its not yet a human life. it is a parasite that survives on off the host body. Once its capable of surviving outside the womb on its own then its a human being....

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
ForTheRight(9) Disputed
2 points

You forget the definition of parasite. a parasite is an organism that lives and feeds on or in an organism of a different species and causes harm to its host. the key word there is harm. A human baby is not a parasite. Furthermore, a parasite is an organism involved in the symbiotic relationship of parasitism, which is defined as one organism benefits, while the other is harmed. Both organisms benefit, because the woman is having her species continued. You also have skewed the definition of human. A human being is a member of the species of homo sapien. Homo sapien is defined by a number of characteristics, one of which is the number of chromosomes in the cells, in a genetically normal human, there is 46. in a genetically normal "fetus," there are 46 chromosomes, and the DNA inside of these is genetically different than that of the mother.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
2 points

The problem with this resolution is that murder defines as being unlawful killing of a being. And at this moment abortion is legal so by the definition of murder no abortion is not murder. I am 100% against abortion however it is not murder.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
1 point

Murder only exists if society declared a particular type of killing to be illegal and thus murder. War, self defense, police action, etc, are all killing but are not considered murder.

In current US society most abortions are not illegal and thus are not considered murder.

If the Supreme Court changes on it then I will acknowledge on this site it has become murder.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder

Abortion is not murder for two major reasons.

1. It's not illegal. Murder, at least if we are speaking about the legal term, murder refers to unlawful killing of human beings. Since abortion is legal and not unlawful that's one reason Abortion is not murder.

2. The "victim" is not a being. It might be human, but so is sperm, or fingernails, or hair, etc. What's more important to me is whether or not we are killing an actual being. It is technically alive but so are plants technically. Abortions after the point in which the the fetus develops a sensation for pain is typically illegal and thus don't result in the end of a human being life.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
GodIsNotDead(48) Disputed
4 points

1. Abortion is only legal because people do not understand that it is murder. It does not make any sense for that to be an argument. It is like saying rape is not bad because it is not illegal. It is, but it was not before.

2. The "fetus" can feel pain and does notice when an abortion is actually happening. The "fetus" is a being, a human being. It is like saying that when you plant a seed and it starts to grow a little bit and you say it is not a plant, when it really is.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
KingGinger93(50) Disputed
2 points

1. Abortion is only legal because people do not understand that it is murder. It does not make any sense for that to be an argument. It is like saying rape is not bad because it is not illegal. It is, but it was not before.

Dude I totally get where you are coming from, I've been on the other side of this argument on this issue. Just because it is legal, doesn't mean it should be...

However the debate isn't "Is abortion moral?" the question is "Is Abortion Murder?" and as of right now, it is not. legally.

I can be a very technical guy sometimes. Although we'd disagree on that issue as well.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder

There is no scientific definition of when life begins. I can see no reason to pick conception as the start of life, nor can I make an argument for birth. You could very easily make an argument that mastrubation is murder, because there goes potential life. Or, if you're a woman and you have your period, that's murder because you chose not to get pregnant in the past month. I honestly don't see how that logic is separate from saying that once the baby is growing in the womb, it's a human life.

And with that gray area, I think it is far more important to take care of the humans who are already functioning in our society and let them have control of their own lives.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
Brendan1095(29) Disputed
1 point

So you'd condone the ending of a potential new Einstein or a new person that could find the cures to various diseases or potentially revolutionize the world? For all we know the world could be such a better place today due to someone significant but they were killed in the womb.

Side: Abortion Is Murder
1 point

For all we know the world could be such a better place today due to someone significant but they were killed in the womb.

Two things:

1) My point is that while that is true post conception, it's also true pre-conception. Seriously. If a woman gets her period, that means that she now has one fewer egg. That egg could have contained the genetic material for the next Einstein. Has she just killed someone by choosing to not get pregnant? What about the use of condoms? Why is conception the only point where that argument applies?

2) Do you know what actually defines the people who are the 'Einstein's and scientists of the future instead of genetics? People who go to school. Do you know what happens to women who get pregnant when they're in college? Usually, they drop out.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
0 points

I believe that every American citizen has a right to life liberty and happiness. Now most pro-life people would say I am denying the unborn it's right to life. I argue that a person becomes a American citizen by A: being born in America. or B: going through the proper legal channels of immigration. seeing as the unborn has done none of these I believe the child is not a citizen thus does not have the right to life. I also do not consider the unborn fetus to be a human life until said fetus is no longer connected to the mother. Until the fetus is living on its own and note I said living on its own not capable of living on its own it is still a part of the mother. The mother should be able to choose what she does with her body. Abortion doesn't kill a human it stops the potential for a new human.

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder
0 points

Apparently, when I'm eating an egg I'm also eating a real live chicken. No wonder I'm putting on weight! They don't call it the "breath of life" for nothing!

Conservatives believe in proclaiming themselves "pro-life" until you pass through the birth canal, at which point they become "pro-Go screw yourself" and couldn't care less if you don't have health insurance, can't feed your family, go bankrupt paying off the hospital and your family (including said baby) is out on the street, or if you were raped to get to this point! At that point you become a lazy liberal and ALL of you deserve to die (including said baby). Aren't religious conservatives EVIL!??

Side: Abortion Is NOT Murder