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RSS KafkaTamura

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

Yes, but they don't have the right to do anything about. Be offended all you like, it doesn't mean shit. After all, there are stamps that commemorate christmas. Its not like the muslims are being given preferential treatment.

1 point

Equal rights are the basis of a free society. I'd rather live in a country where individuals were allowed to live as they see fit, according to the principle of harm, than live in a country where everything was decided by the majority. It doesn't matter if its brought about by one person or half the population, if a law discriminates against a person or a group of people without a reasonable basis then that law is a form of facism.

1 point

The Xbox has alot more playable games, and thus a lot more longeivity. The Wii is a gamecube with a poorly implemented gimic (i.e. the wii controller that's about as accurate as a pie catapult). The majority of games on the Wii are shovelwarez aimed at people that don't know anything about computer games. Furthermore the Wii doesn't even have a hard drive capable of storing downloadable content. Xbox is a real console, the wii is a like really expensive family board game, for the most part.

1 point

All atheism means is that you lack a belief in a God. Whilst it is true that some atheists do positively deny the existence of God (strong atheism), this is not necessary for one to be an atheist. Lacking a belief cannot be a matter of faith, since faith is a form of belief. As such, being an atheist does not require faith, but it may in certain instances be a matter of faith.

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