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RSS MCfan45

Reward Points:6
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10 most recent arguments.
-1 points

I'm so sorry for you. I'm done with this idiotic debate. Go out and buy a Bible. It will help everyone here.

0 points

Dude. Cannibalism is literally eating body parts. Atheists like you never want to believe anything that makes sense. I guess criticizing other people's religion makes you feel better or something. So sad.

1 point

Don't forget AWESOME cinematic decapitations and finishing power moves. Always makes a draugr dungeon raid worthwhile.

-1 points

First of all. Christianity is not a cult. It's a religion. There seemed to be some confusion. Second of all. The blood and body of Christ is symbolized by bread and wine. It's not cannibalism. Third of all. People don't automatically go to Hell if they don't believe in Him. They get second chances. God tries to guide them the best He can without forcing them into believing. On Judgement Day, if they aren't sent to Heaven, they get another chance to believe. When they choose not to, that is their choice. Fourth of all. Christians aren't TRYING to die and go to Heaven. They want to live their lives as fully as they can, doing good things on their way, which will earn them a spot in Heaven. Christianity isn't a cult. It's not dedicated to death. If you can't see that, then it's your problem.

-1 points

They downvoted and didn't comment because they know you're right and can't prove that their point makes sense at all. It's never happened to me but I get how that would be annoying.

1 point

This has to be without a doubt, the most retarded debate I have ever seen, let alone took part in. Zombie?......Really? What exactly were they thinking when they came up with this topic? "He was resurrected, so he must be a zombie! Duh!" So I guess my answer is no. Obviously not.

1 point

PS3 is better. I use both consoles, but the PS3 is definently leaning towards my favorite. Xbox has minecraft and halo. Those are pretty much the only reasons I play on It. The PS3 doesn't completely jack up your disc if you bump it accidentally. The red ring of death is a pain in the butt. I have had to replace my Xbox because of that ring. I've kept the same PS3 for a really long time now, never had to replace it. You don't have to take an air compressor to it when a little bit of dust completely blocks the laser for reading discs, like my Xbox 360. The PS3 also plays Blue Ray movies. One really annoying thing for me is that when I want to play online in Halo I can't because I would have to subscribe. Playstation Network is completely free. PS3 discs are way more durable too. They don't scratch as often and they don't get that extremely annoying ring around the outside.

2 points

Skyrim FTW! I've only had Skyrim for a week now and so far it's the best 50 bucks I've ever spent. I've heard of Dark Souls before. I think It was on a Two Friends Play on YouTube. Or it might have been demon souls, if that's a game at all, because my memory sucks. They both look very similar though. I don't know which one came out first but I don't really care

1 point

I agree with vandebater. I can't count how many times I have tried to launch a mongoose containing my friend into the sky with grenades and a gravity hammer. Also succeeding. But not as planned. Anyways, I play both games. I just take COD more seriously. Halo has awesome vehicles and ridiculous physics sometimes. I vote Halo

2 points

Lol I created an account just to get that off my chest. Some of these comments are freaking ridiculous, on both sides, not all though. Most make good points.

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