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RSS MariliaSouza

Reward Points:9
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

The exhibition of a standard of people on media influences the concept people have of beauty. I really likes the video the moderators posted " what's beautiful?". We saw people saying that don't feel beautiful and it's always related to self-confidence. It's terrible because they compare themselves to other people that are considered beautiful by society and it makes them feel bad. This situation can has drastic results like eating desorders. People pay with their own health to become what they wanna be, what they think they need to be. Another point is plastic surgeries, some people seems another person after this process. I'm not aggainst plastic surgeries nor controled diets. I think you can change to feel better. But in this case the concept of "better" needs to be defined by yourself not by the others. In my opinion the beauty is inside the eyes of who is seeing. Feel beautiful in my opinion is feeling good with your own.

1 point

There is an advertising I really like that I think could help to clarify what internet is in my opinion.

Internet é o que você faz dela.
1 point

If the question is are you dependent of internet, my answer is off course. This important tool is part of my life and I can't imagine being without.

Internet is necessary for many professionals, it's a good way of intertainment, it facilitates bank transitions and helps in our studies.

I disagree that people are getting further from each other because of the internet. I live in Butantã now and I just go home on weekends and internet is the only way that i can talk with who i want. I keep in touch with my family and friends due to the internet. It's possible to do it by cell phone but by internet is cheaper.

Everything that is in excess is not good. Internet doesn't contributes to Sedentarism and Obesity, the problem is that some people just don't create time limits of the use. And even the "correct" time use of internet is something that is not a rule, everyone need to know what is enough for yourself.

And about Depression, people can become depressed reading, can be be depressed working the question again is not the internet but the excess.

Marília Souza 1M

1 point

I agree with Narayan1M when she said the question is controling the uses and how people get rid of plastic bags. If here in Brazil we had a policy of recycling things would be different. The problem is not using or not plastic bags but what will happen with them after it. Instead of creating this policy governmants decided that the consummers need to pay for the bags. The "idea it's interesting because when you're paying for something you think twice before just throwing something away. But I remember the first bag i needed to buy in a supermarket near usp coasts me R$ 1,50. It's a little expensive isn't it? In my case it works because always i'm going to the supermarket i don't forget my bag because i remember that it coasts the earth now. But it didn't happen with other people and this is one of the reasons some markets are given free plastic bags againg but rationally now. The use was reduced, but what is most important doesn't have a solution yet. The way people continue getting rid the plastic bags.

Marília Souza 1M

1 point


Being vegetarian is a choice that some people adopt to their lives, based on their convinction. As Milena said vegetarians have many reasons for make this choice, and even I don't share the same view I think it's an admirable position they have.


Considering easy as meaning practic. Not only vegetarian diet, but healthy diets in general are not easy to be prepared. For adquiring a great tasted and healthy food, is necessary to waist time. We can't generalize that vegeterians have a healthier life that non vegetarians. People in this debate had mentioned something it's really true, sometimes people just cut meat of their menu and don't replace it correctly and this is something that can has as result many kinds of diseases. Moreover the text said that going to a vegetarian diet you can add about 13 healthy years to your life, but if good eating habits wouldn't be associated associated to other good habits like exercising, drink socialy only and no smoking these years mentioned would reduce drastically. Meat is really expensive, but vegetarian products are also expensive. Healthy food is not cheap.


The text mentioned that People are drawn to vegetarianism by all sorts of motives. Some of us want to do our part to reduce pollution. Others have made the switch because we want to preserve Earth’s natural resources or because...

It's correctly to say that some of them are vegetarian because have as purppose preserve the nature. Enviromentalists people are concerned about preserving the nature, and not specifically vegetarians. Because as was mentioned a person can has a vegetarian diet and don't care about the planet.


I have nothing aggainst being vegetarian, but I have different convinction. To be honest watching the second Mercy for animals advertising I felt a little strange and started reflecting about the idea. The only reason that could change my idea about being vegetarian is cruelty with animals. But by now it's only a reflection.

In the text posted by the moderators there some points that I wanna comment.

WARD OF DISEASE - as mentioned before, it's not truth. I have a colegue that was vegetarian for 8 years. But he was a really sick person because he just eliminated the meat. And to substitute the "pleasure" of eating meat he started eating other "unhealthy" food in excess like chocolate, chips, egg, cheese, etc.

WEIGHT DOWN - it's not necessary avoid meat for being in good shape. If you have a balanced diet and exercise regularly you will loose weight. And LIVE LONGER is something that can be resulted of these same habits and there are studies that prove it.

MENOPAUSE - in bbc good food i found this information : crease you intake of phyto-oestrogens by eating more: soya milk and soya flour / linseeds /tofu / pumpkins seeds / sesame seeds/ sunflower seeds. It helps to a woman eating more these food, but it's necessary don't eat meat.

REDUCE POLLUTION- If you don't eat meat but don't have conscientious recycle and economy habits. You are not effectively reducing the pollution.

SAVE MONEY - It's not treu. Once I spent a month eating without meat and it coasts me almost the double of the price.

Marília Souza 1M

1 point

Belo belo belo

Tenho tudo quanto quero.

These verses of a Bandeira's poem called Belo Belo nowadays has a different interpretation.What by a view could mean the top of simplicity is the wish that moves the society, to have all you want.The consumist way of life is a reality in a captalism world and people's mind are being shaped into this thought earlier and earlier. As a result we can see teenagers and also "tweens" buying unecessary things only because it's fashion and everybody has. If I'm not everybody why i am supposed to wear, act and think like everybody? It's a question that need to be reflected by society, and after that we maybe find our identity. It's the parents' responsability to orientate their children and tweens when they'are constructing their character, but how is it possible if in general the parents has this same narrowed mind?

Marília Souza 1M

1 point

According to the Oxford Advanced Learner's dictionary Mass media is sources of information and news such as newspapers, magazines, radio, and television, that reach and influence large number of people. Talking with a friend that is a journalism student, she told me that is part of the media to sell and I agree with her. Advertisements, the explicit or implicit ones, has an enormous power of interference. And I think this is not exactly the point of our children's problem but what really is interfering in a bad way is being educated by the media. Consumerism is everywhere, and is something that we can't keep away but what needs to be prevalent is the family's values. If children aren't being oriented by the parents or the responsables by them the media will takes this responsability. It's interfering the children's development not only in their consumer thoughts but in their choices and their values consequently in their character.

Marília Souza 1M

1 point

It's an ilusion to confuse the facebook life with the real life. I liked the text you posted Gabriela because telling the truth I had never think about it before.It's really strange to know that people can feell sadder seeing the people's "happiness". The theme of the debate is Social Networks and Privacy and as Marcia said these sites are a free territory where everybody can access the informations you include. Everyone that has an account in social networks (reading or not) had agreed with the privacy terms and has the conscience that everyone that wants will see what you post. When we compose a discourse we have in mind who will be the receptor, and in facebook isn't different. People think what is in facebook is the truth but it's merely what people want to post, what to make seen as truth.

We care about our image, about our personal marketing(not people in general), so we select what we wanna show.

MaríliaSouza 1M

1 point

I really believe too that the cannabis use prohibition do not solve the problem in question, but I'm not so sure that the governants' hands are the right ones to put this money. It's a controversial situation because if marijuana used in medical ways gives to people health benefits, as the defensers say, it's a logical consequence that the pharmaceutical industry will fight to keep it forbidden.(answering the "question" Mariana did). But the amount of taxes that would be applyed in cannabis makes the legalisation poffitable to the governments. Things being prohibited or not by law wouldn't change the choice the marijuana's users did but it interfers in the choice that people who didn't try it yet will do.

Marília Souza 1M

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