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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Ever go out for sunlight nom? No? You should leave your mom's dungeon from time to time.

1 point

Don't forget that the Natives had no countries.

1 point

George Washington was a full-time soldier before he became President.

George Washington being a soldier pre America doesn't equal the U.S. invading countries.


1 point

I do not mean the Bushes you insane idiot. Here is a complete map of all the countries America has invaded:- deployment-marines-7908611

The Axis Powers? Seriously? You are a sick, disgusting chimpanzee. Sorry to chimpanzees.

The Natives didn't have countries. Kuwait and Syria were to help nations under attack.

God you're a dumbass.

Now look at the link's definition of "invasion".

the US has a military presence in much of the world without being an occupying force (though some would dispute that definition).

This includes:

Deployment of the military to evacuate American citizens,

Covert military actions by US intelligence,

Providing military support to an internal opposition group,

Providing military support in one side of a conflict (e.g. aiding Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War 1988-89),

Use of the army in drug enforcement actions (e.g. Raids on the cocaine region in Bolvia in 1986)

1 point

Correct. It was 13 countries before 1776.

It wasn't any amount of countries before 1776. You are historically a reprobate.

1 point

Quote any sentence in the article where the name "Donald Trump" is mentioned.

The Trump administration's FCC chair, Ajit Pai, moved to overturn Obama-era rules enforcing net neutrality

This does not fulfill your opponent's request. Trump's administration isn't Trump himself. Secondly, Libs want the net censored. They do it all of the time happily. I guess when you said you hated hypocrisy, you lied once again. That's a lot of lying you have done today.

-1 points

We either had an INVASION force coming our way comprised of VERY BAD people including ISIS and gang members who just can't wait to KILL you, or we had a group of people seeking a safe place to live..

Or we had a group intentionally orchestrated by the Marxists behind Pueblo Sin Fronteras.

0 points

Let's continue into the article.

One might ask why conservatives have, or are perceived as having, too little empathy. Why do liberals have too much? A widely-credited explanation is in terms of competing world views.

The conservative world view

Confronted by a potentially hostile environment, the best course is to take precautions and to ensure your own well-being and that of your family.

This precautionary stance helps to explain many of the distinctive traits of conservative Americans as well as right-wing politicians the world over. These traits may reflect either a proactive element, such as fighting to be winners in a competitive world. Or they can be defensive, involving measures to neutralize specific threats.

They are pro-family because being surrounded by close relatives is the best defense against threats that surround them. Liberals are less interested in family ties.

They oppose unbridled welfare because this encourages dependence so that the failures of a society are parasites on the successes thereby inverting the proper incentive structure.

2 points

Let's continue into the article.

One might ask why conservatives have, or are perceived as having, too little empathy. Why do liberals have too much? A widely-credited explanation is in terms of competing world views.

The conservative world view

Confronted by a potentially hostile environment, the best course is to take precautions and to ensure your own well-being and that of your family.

This precautionary stance helps to explain many of the distinctive traits of conservative Americans as well as right-wing politicians the world over. These traits may reflect either a proactive element, such as fighting to be winners in a competitive world. Or they can be defensive, involving measures to neutralize specific threats.

They are pro-family because being surrounded by close relatives is the best defense against threats that surround them. Liberals are less interested in family ties.

They oppose unbridled welfare because this encourages dependence so that the failures of a society are parasites on the successes thereby inverting the proper incentive structure.

0 points

Let's continue into the article.

One might ask why conservatives have, or are perceived as having, too little empathy. Why do liberals have too much? A widely-credited explanation is in terms of competing world views.

The conservative world view

Confronted by a potentially hostile environment, the best course is to take precautions and to ensure your own well-being and that of your family.

This precautionary stance helps to explain many of the distinctive traits of conservative Americans as well as right-wing politicians the world over. These traits may reflect either a proactive element, such as fighting to be winners in a competitive world. Or they can be defensive, involving measures to neutralize specific threats.

They are pro-family because being surrounded by close relatives is the best defense against threats that surround them. Liberals are less interested in family ties.

They oppose unbridled welfare because this encourages dependence so that the failures of a society are parasites on the successes thereby inverting the proper incentive structure.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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