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RSS Pito

Reward Points:27
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

If Christianity were true (which I don't believe it is), it wouldn't matter what the consequences of believing it were. I'd have to be willing to accept the truth, wherever the available evidence would lead me.

1 point

Indeed; arguing on purely logical grounds as well, why would God select some to be assumed to heaven and leave others behind when (assuming the rapture to be physical), transporting all humankind there would serve as definitive, absolute proof of God's existence; isn't the selective nature of the rapture a kind of penalty for disbelief in the first place?

1 point

There are the widely-known phenomena of out-of-body and near-death experiences, both of which long having been shown to be biochemical in origin, thereby mitigating against the then-apparent evidentiary strength of religious experiences for theism. In other words, how will anyone claiming to be raptured know that it isn't all in their heads?

Pito(27) Clarified
1 point

I think you mean ''amoral'' and ''neutrality'', my friend.

1 point

It's right there in the OT. In Isaiah 45:7 God says, ''I form the light, and create the darkness,

I make weal and create woe;*

I, the LORD, do all these things''.

Footnote to this verse in the New American Bible:

Create woe: God created and controls all aspects of creation (light and darkness, order and chaos).

Supporting Evidence: The Word Translated ''Woe'' In This Verse, And Its Meaning (
1 point

Yes, all EXISTING religions have ethics common to each other. But it's become a kind of polite fiction to say that this is all that matters; this clearly isn't the case in the eyes of their adherents. To them, each religion's distinctive rituals, rules and gods (depending on the faith to which one subscribes) are equal in import to its' moral teachings, and in most cases, each owes its' very being to the belief that the other is wrong, whereas it and ONLY it possesses the full truth concerning reality and our place within it. It would be naive to deny this.

1 point

It wouldn't actually be an issue for me. I'd try my best to live in accordance with the facts as I'll have seen them, but not before asking myself whether this is a mass hallucination and having adequate evidence to the contrary.

1 point

Oh, that's great; except I think he means ''nonrational''.

2 points

I've noticed that responses like the above from theists always allow them never to concede the presence of flaws in their texts or doctrines, which makes me wonder whether the believer is playing an intentional game with the nontheist/skeptic, or whether their faith has brainwashed them to such an extent that they are genuinely incapable of seeing them. Either way, there's a problem.

1 point

Truer words were never spoken; love this statement from you!

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