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RSS Rahiim

Reward Points:2
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1 point

Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Ann Coulter and Jordan Peterson just to name a few.

Thanks for that list of people most right wingers want to blow. But anywhoooooo those wankers really don't know how to be libertarian even if they wanted too, because they glorify capitalism which is inherently designed to consolidate all the land and resources into the hands of a privileged few and make the majority of the population work for them, and they support the state which means they are gay.

I don't see how that's any different to how the SJW's define themselves. You've got to prove that they're not actually socially liberal

because you have to agree with them or they will put you in a concentration camp.




They are, just in all the wrong ways.

Private property rights, freedom and individualism are fundamental to libertrians. All contradicted by egalitarianism and collectivism

Private property rights means that the government and corporations can use a social construct (Scientifically there is no such thing as property or rights, these things are literally like believing in the tooth fairy since they where made up by humans) to convince you that they have the right to control all the land and resources and you have to serve them. It seems like this great thing that allows you to have your own shit but in reality it allows you to rent shit from the arbiters of social constructs. Think about this: Can the government take your house away? Yes they can. Can the government take your rights away? Yes they can. Your "rights" are just privileges given to you by a piece of paper written 200 years ago.

True liberty and individualism is true egalitarianism and collectivism, because that means no one is lording over you and you live in a community of individuals who serve civilization and themselves rather than an upper class of individuals.

Right wing position is equality of opportunity. The left wing position is equality of outcome.

Wrong, the right wing position is neither. The (far) left wing position is that Kim Kardashian doesn't deserve access to better housing, food, education etc. than someone who is born into poverty just because she inherited wealth.

Rahiim(2) Clarified
1 point

Awesome. What is it. ?

You want me to summarily define everything that constitutes legitimate social justice? It's not that simple, I would have to go on a case by case basis and write you an entire essay.

1 point

Define legitimate left. Because from what I can see ALL mainstream figures on the left are generally in agreement with the far left.

When you say "far left" what you really mean is establishment left and/or alt left. There are no "mainstream figures" who are worth shit whether they are on the left or right because they are all authoritarian or insane. If you aren't authoritarian or insane or both then you are a threat to the establishment and therefor cannot be "mainstream" without changing the entire status quo for what mainstream is.

You have to give a clear definition of leftist

A leftist is a socially liberal egalitarian collectivist. In it's true and legitimate form, that means you are a libertarian, you are against classism, and you want a community where everyone has the same opportunities. In it's mainstream establishment form it means you want to make up new genders, maintain right wing classism and simply give a few more hand outs to the poor instead of fixing poverty at the root, and you want everyone to think and talk the same.

1 point

What definition of social justice are you using to conclude this?

The real one.

2 points

You really need to lay off the peyote there chief...perhaps you really are Native American after all.

1 point

The idea of Social Justice is a leftist notion.

Legitimate social justice and being a retard who doesn't know what male and female mean are two different things. But thanks for admitting that the right is socially unjust.

1 point

I am a brontoraptor alt account. I love Allah, I like to eat kaffir children and wear the hijab even though Allah gave me a two inch wily.

1 point

brontoraptor is replying to this post as we speakfghfgjhgfjdtyjrtjdtygj

2 points

brontoraptor is replying to this debate right now, his reply will be posted right around the time this one is.

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