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RSS Rebel

Reward Points:7
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

Sodahead certainly not was a conservative. Never was. It was always a balanced site. The problem is you people consider your oppisition enemies and considered those people to be in control of the site. When a conservative asked who controlled the site it was liberals. When a liberal asked who controlled the was conservatives. When a libertarian asked who controlled the site it was whoever they we're feeling against that paticular week. Sodahead had two set standards and that was a lack of moderation and leadership. Who really controlled SodaHead? Swagbucks LLC and in doing so no one controlled Sodahead. As for young liberals that's kind of a misnomer as my generation is moving away from liberalism...that's what the last 8 yaers have done. It's not Sodahead that's literally a political trend in America right now. So you can hardly blame the site for that.

Either way this site is not the same. Tried it. Didn't like it. I'm still searching for somewhere to go. There's no sites like SodaHead. There's nothing interesting to me out there. I've lookever everywhere including some of the sites set up by people. It's just crappy all around.

Rebel(7) Clarified
1 point

Perhaps that's all I intend to do? Debating isn't leading other people to their opinions either. On a topic like this it's hard for me. I feel like the question is similar to "what color is the sky" and I'm basically just telling you guys to look up. I threw out a few reasons. It wasn't good enough. I gave up. If you have to goad somebody to respond then there might be a flag that they didn't want your debate in the first place. Just saying.

1 point

You have a lot of faith in Andy. That's good. Unfortunately as this site grows he will quickly be overwhelmed. Already from talking to him I can see he worries about this site and issues with it. I can't ban a person. That is an administrative permission. Therefore no system exists to combat harrassment and stalking (which unfortuantely I have a user doing). Igoring a person only goes so far and only works if you cannot SEE what they are posting otherwise it is impossible to ignore. Your faith in the current system is well meaning, I'm sure, but clearly misplaced. There needs to be protections for the user and there should be options on how people can protect themselves here. If that can't be fulfilled...people will look for safer sites. Pretending we have systems in place and then commenting on a permissive based power held by few (if not one) staff member is a mute point.

1 point

Sounds better than what there is currently. The current system has a lot of room to be manipulated and abused.

1 point

No, you asked for a manufactured opinion. Do your own research. I didn't join this site to babysit you.

3 points

Marriage is between a man and a woman. I have no problem with Civil Unions; literally couldn't care less. However Marriage is a sacred institution and rite and no group has the right to erase it in favor of their own branding. More importantly get the government out of marriage.

2 points

His actions, policies, words, and and how he handles himself. He's divided the nation. We're in more conflict than ever. The scandals from the administration are out of control and they never see any resolution. It just goes on and on and on. I remember showing up to vote for a President...not a King.

3 points

Bullshit on your claim of bullshit. I was there for the past 5 years. I've seen the liberals trolls the living hell out of people, call peope rapist and pedofiles, and all sorts. I've seen liberals bully and I sure the heck have seen them come back as sock puppets. Some just through up the same avatar. So I don't know what your personal issue was...but the conservatives we're not the problem. Not even close. You can be whatever you want be...but I think you're judging a site on the opinions of like one or two people. You want bullies...look no further from the left wing. Sorry to break the ice on that one.

1 point

I expect them to be charged but I expect the court case to be thrown out. There is no doubt that Rawlings-Blake and Mosby fanned the flames of this event and caused more problems than they should have. More troubling was the lack of time and discretion given before they released an unbelievable amount of charges; like they took a law book and randomly picked crimes to list on their sheet. Furthermore the personal connections, bias, and actions of both Rawlings-Blake and Mosby show they are not neutral parties and despite their tenacity to take on their case have perjured beyond reason. It'll be thrown out because of their actions rather than the actions of the police officers themselves: who I believe cannot and will not get a fair trial at this point. As for the officers themselves I'm not sure what to thing but I do know one thing...Freddy ran from the law and law won. Should we be propping up criminals to the status of Civil Rights leaders as we did with Michael Brown? The answer is no.

Rebel(7) Clarified
4 points

I administrate a small political forum and I can tell you first that political communties are not very active. It's the same bunch of people with the same usernames. I've literally been on your site for 5 minutes and have already found someone here I know. People come to these sites for the fight. They love to talk the talk about civility and socialble views but in reality...they want to argue and bicker. That's why Sodahead succeeded (of course being owned by a millionaire who designed Myspace and was one of the men at the forefront of the dot com bubble didn't hurt). SodaHead gave some rules, told it's moderators to silently enforce them, and let the factions go to work against each other. It gained very strong following as you can see - there's a lot of us on the web connecting and searching for each other like we're actual real life friends. I debated with many of the folks, even the ones I disagreed with, for over 5 years and had a understanding of many of them. The best advice I can give you is don't shun the drama but embrace it. Let people work things out on their own - but have a good eye against bullying and harrassment. There is a red line and it should be watched out for. You have a nice site otherwise. I think I'll stay and be on it for a while. It's the best alternative other than my forum (which is still young and inactive) since Sodahead died off.

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About Me

"Conservative Patriot. US Air Force 2011-2015. EMT, NREMT, CPR Instructor, and Surgical Technologist."

Biographical Information
Name: Cal Sullivan
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Postal Code: 23665
Religion: Catholic
Education: Some College

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