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RSS SnowBunny10

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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

I honestly and torn in between. i believe that when it comes down to it parents are parents and friends are friends and thats how it should stay. but i believe that children should have an open relationship with parents and be able to talk to them about things they would with friends.

5 points

No. they just express themselves in their own ways that might come off as "scary"or "evil" to others. but they again the way you are is probably "scary" or maybe even "evil" to someone else. i think that just because someone looks a certain way doesn't determine that they are evil.

1 point

Yes, my mother is a HUGE hypocrite. here's why.

Fact 1: my mom expects everyone in the house (which is me, my older brother and my step dad) to clean up after themselves. now one day i was going to make some food and my mom told me "clean up after yourself" so i did as so. now just last night she got up to make herself and ice cream cone and after she was done she left all the stuff and went to bed. i saw it and went to get her to put her stuff away and her response to why she didn't clean "i'm tired, i work all day and i pay the bills"

Fact 2: ok so as you might be aware when women are on their period they are bitchy for no reason.sometimes it comes out of no where and we sometimes realize our faults later (or atleast i do). so occasionally i will get bitchy and yell but i do apologize after i have a chance to cool down. now yet again my mom tells me there is no reason for me to act that way when no one has done anything to me. now last time my mom was at that point i went to ask her a question and she yelled at me "what the fuck do you want ?" she has yet to apologize for that

Fact 3: my mom doesn't now how to manage her money all too well. over the summer she bought a new couch for the family room that no one goes in ever. after she bought it she tells us "we need to conserve money and manage it better." two days later she is on her computer ordering a love seat to match the couch. i asked her "why are you getting this when we need to save money" her response "i want the set to go with it" i ask her "do we need this really? no one is going to sit in it" she replies "i don't care i want it, it'll make the room look nice." to this day only 1 person has sat in that love seat.

so thats pretty much it as for as that goes.

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