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RSS TastyWheat

Reward Points:8
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

Send me some money. I really want to sit on my ass for a living.

1 point

WTF does the National Treasurer have to do with this? He doesn't write or sign any legislation. He may give plenty of advice to the President, but when it's election season and the special interests need their just deserts you can kiss any chance of a balanced budget goodbye.

1 point

No, shortly thereafter.

1 point

The fact that millions of people believe in God doesn't prove his existence. The fact that the government has blamed Al Qaeda a million times doesn't prove their involvement.

There's really only one video, one piece of evidence, that links Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden to 9/11. Despite having this irrefutable evidence the government has yet to indict Osama Bin Laden for the 9/11 attacks.

2 points

Your notion of regions and subdivisions holds absolutely no water. Just look at the United States. The division between states and the nation as a whole is almost non-existent. If world government says so we all obey and there's no appealing, no complaining, no escaping.

2 points

Neither are very patriotic. I consider patriotism to be not only an undying love of one's country, but an unwavering adherence to its traditions. Higher taxes, more regulation, more government control are not tradition and they're not patriotic. However, on the Conservative side, warmongering, abuse of power, abrasion of civil liberties, and corporate backroom dealing is not patriotic either.

Both sides have a lot to learn about who we are as a country and as a people. Both sides have strayed in different ways but both are of the opinion that government knows best and that is decidedly un-American.

0 points

He should shut it down, but he won't.

2 points

Isolationism is not the answer. Isolationism gave us the likes of Hitler, not because we didn't stop him early, but because we sanctioned Germany post-WWI and otherwise gave them the cold shoulder. However, interventionism is not the answer either. Interventionism gave us the likes of Osama Bin Laden. We gave him the weapons and the training to help defeat the Soviet Union and now he has turned against us.

Our foreign policy should be one of openness, communication, and commerce, not secrecy, silence, and sanctions.

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