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Debate Score:163
Total Votes:203
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jessald(1915) pic

Should we move toward one world government?

The current top article on is:

Writing the Rules for a New World

Today's problems ignore national boundaries. The world needs smart management that does the same.


The article advocates for better global regulation.  A single global government seems like the logical conclusion of this idea.  What do you think?


Side Score: 88


Side Score: 75
7 points

We are all humans(most of us). It is time to start thinking as a species instead of as nations. Otherwise, we shall never get off this rock and start colonizing other planets

Side: yes
mekody(12) Disputed
1 point

We do think as a species and what the human species wants most is power and as long as humans want power there will never be a world government.

Side: No
1 point

I really like this thought. If we stop focusing our attention on attacking each other and actually work together. I think all the Continent's, Countries, and even States would benefit in such a greater way.

Side: Yes
0 points

I couldn't agree more

Side: yes
4 points

I think that one government would be the best idea, but it'd have to be carefully made. I think that there should be one person in charge of the world at large, then one person in charge of each "region," and subdivide it further. Having one government is the only way to achieve anything resembling world peace because it would make the feeling of "patriotism" irrelevant because there's only one government to be patriotic to. Sure, there would be problems, but there are problems in every government.

Side: yes
TastyWheat(8) Disputed
2 points

Your notion of regions and subdivisions holds absolutely no water. Just look at the United States. The division between states and the nation as a whole is almost non-existent. If world government says so we all obey and there's no appealing, no complaining, no escaping.

Side: No
E223(193) Disputed
3 points

Sure, there's federal law, but there's also state law and local law, that's why we have state and local government, to make laws that appeal to a certain culture.

"The division between states and the nation as a whole is almost non-existent."

I'm just wondering, do you live in the US? The differences in culture between the North and South are HUGE (I would know, I've lived in both), the differences in culture between the East and West are HUGE, even a country as patriotic as the US has many, many different cultures, and while the division between individual states might not be significant, the divisions between regions of the country are.

"If world government says so we all obey and there's no appealing, no complaining, no escaping."

That's only correct of the world government is a dictatorship. I'm talking about a democratic world government.

Side: yes
2 points

You are right that today we identify first with our country, and second with our state, but that attitude has evolved over our nations history. Originally people considered themselves "Virginians" or "Pennsylvanians" as opposed to Americans. In fact, when using the United States of America, people would say: "The United States of America are..." as opposed to "The United States is..." which is what most people use today.

I assume the same would happen with a world government. Groups would still associate with their own nation first. Differences in culture would probably slow any type of homogenation, however.

Side: yes
3 points

Given many of the responses here, I think the question is slightly mis-worded. I doubt any of us prefer a unitary state, "one world" government to a government would respect regional, national and local distinctions and cultures. However, one can have a well-governed global political system by delegating authority on issues to the appropriate level.

Over 40% of the world's citizens live in federal systems of this nature, in which multiple levels of governments check each other in their exercise of power. In the vast majority, there are local, provincial and national governments with direct ties and responsibility to the citizenry.

Some have identified climate change, war and terrorism as issues for which borders are quite porous. i would also add infectious diseases as another. Each of these require government bureaucracies in each of the 192 nations on Earth today, through these issues could easily be delegated to empowered and democratically-checkes federal global system, reducing the burden on national taxpayers and infrastructures and allowing, as H.G. Wells suggested, "such a release and increase of human energy as to open a new phase in human history."

If you want to learn more, visit,, or

Side: federalism
3 points

I'd like to add the following arguments for a democratically elected and well-governed global system, in contrast to the present treaty-based system of solving global problems:

"There is nothing absurd or impracticable in the idea of a league or alliance between independent nations for certain defined purposes precisely stated in a treaty regulating all the details of time, place, circumstance, and quantity; leaving nothing to future discretion; and depending for its execution on the good faith of the parties. Compacts of this kind exist among all civilized nations, subject to the usual vicissitudes of peace and war, of observance and non-observance, as the interests or passions of the contracting powers dictate.

In the early part of the present century there was an epidemical rage in Europe for this species of compacts, from which the politicians of the times fondly hoped for benefits which were never realized. With a view to establishing the equilibrium of power and the peace of that part of the world, all the resources of negotiation were exhausted, and triple and quadruple alliances were formed; but they were scarcely formed before they were broken, giving an instructive but afflicting lesson to mankind, how little dependence is to be placed on treaties which have no other sanction than the obligations of good faith, and which oppose general considerations of peace and justice to the impulse of any immediate interest or passion.


But if we are unwilling to be placed in this perilous situation; if we still will adhere to the design of a national government, or, which is the same thing, of a superintending power, under the direction of a common council, we must resolve to incorporate into our plan those ingredients which may be considered as forming the characteristic difference between a league and a government; we must extend the authority of the Union to the persons of the citizens, -- the only proper objects of government."

-- Federalist #15

Side: yes
3 points

I wonder why opponents of a world government describe it with all negative characteristics they can imagine (eliminating diversity, all controlling, inescapable, in the hands of a very few). Of course, if we do that, a world government results in an awful concept. We humans (and non humans) face global challenges that put our very way of life (perhaps some day our lives) in peril, and it is difficult to see how we can overcome them without a new layer of global governance. But global governance can be democratic, federalist and according the the subsidiarity principle, transparent, and embodied with only those competencies that need global action and can't be solved at lower governance levels.

Supporting Evidence: Human Union Movement (
Side: yes
2 points

I think we should. The article has convinced me.

Globalization means that trouble in one place means trouble everywhere. Countries working together in an organized way will benefit us all. Countries operating autonomously will cause big problems, such as the recent financial crisis.

Side: yes
1 point

It's sad that one article has convinced you so quickly. Your statement has no point. You haven't said anything that revolves around one world government. Countries currently work together in "organized" manners. Trying to blame autonomy for the recent financial crisis is ludicrous. The financial crisis is due, in a large part, to a loss of respect towards what money is and its representation. It all started when we assigned worth by replacement of items of "actual" worth to those of "said" worth. If you took all of which we consider of "monetary value" (eg. diamonds, gold, silver, etc) and put it together it wouldn't even come close to the world currencies that are flying around today. How is globalization/one world government going to solve that so called crisis?

Side: No
1 point

Ok, so maybe the financial crisis was a bad example.

Andsoccer had some better examples of why global regulation of some things would be good:

" have nations like China who pollute incredible amounts and answer to no one, or like Zimbabwe where the government has allowed thousands of it's citizens to starve to death."

Side: yes
frenchieak(1132) Disputed
0 points

This sounds good, but it sounds good in the way that Socialism sounds good. When actually put into action, the idea wouldn't turn out as well as it was supposed to. Just because an area on the other side of the world is having economic trouble, I really wouldn't like to share in their problems. Sure, people should help them, but the way to get people to help isn't to throw them into the trouble as well. On the other hand, I am not selfish enough to think that just because my area is having trouble, the rest of the world should suffer, too.

Side: No
jessald(1915) Disputed
2 points

Like I said, globalization means problems in one part of the world affect everybody. We've already been "thrown into their trouble" and they've been thrown into ours. The question is do we try and manage this entanglement intelligently or do we just turn a blind eye?

Side: yes
1 point

Your right frenchieak(1121) but the only reason Socialism fails (or any other government for that matter) is corruption and corruption cant be entirely avoided because people are power hungry and we are flawed so every government for every hypothetical situation will have flaws and the bigger the scale the more loopholes and problems. every theoretical government sounds perfect but none are and none ever will be.

Side: No
2 points

If we had one world government, we would put the breaks on conflicts and wars, since the government doesn't have other nations getting in the way. The government would also control all nuclear warheads, and I'm guessing it doesn't want to blow itself up, so that would eliminate the chance of a nuclear holocaust. I would rather be alive and angry than dead and covered in radiation.

Side: yes
2 points

A one world government does sound like a good idea. However, it needs to be scrutinized carefully, so there is no corruption, no greed, no coup d'etat and no misuse of power.

It would need hundreds of different people to help run it. There must not be one leader. I reiterate, nobody should be the "President of the World". It is a meaningless job and that one leader would have too much power. This government must also be democratically elected, and there should also be a system of universal suffrage (where everyone has the right to vote).

To govern the world, I think the best way would be to have regional leaders (one leader governing a cluster of countries). This ensures a balance of power among different people. These regional leaders would have their own vice leaders.

There will be a global parliament, where these regional leaders attend meeting or send representatives. The laws passed in that parliament maybe either be region specific or a worldwide law. All the leaders should also choose regional representatives to be part of: The Global Treasury and Global Energy Initiatives. In the event of a nationwide conflict, ambassadors from each region should discuss the conflict, greatly reducing the chance of civil war.

The poverty and hungry would have more aid sent to them, because if we live in a one world government, this poverty and hunger would be addressed as a national problem that needs to be dealt with.

If there is a structured, solid plan like this, a global government can be a positive change, because it nearly eliminates the possibility of war, there is more democracy, Racism should be greatly reduced (as we would live in one country) and there would be more aid to the needy.

Side: It needs careful planning
1 point

Sounds like what the UN is attempting to do. Such things as the codex alimentarius are examples of what one world power can do. They look great at first but then you begin to dig and realize that corruption will always exist.

Side: No
joeyf327(11) Disputed
1 point

That could never happen. If you have candidates then have an election the world would go into chaos because there is no way that all 7 billion people would vote for the same person, there will be trouble when a certain region doesn't get the candidate they chose for and the world like I say would go into chaos or they would become independent and the whole geopolitical issue starts over again and we'd back in the same place we were in years ago.

Side: Yes
2 points

every sane person has to agree,

humans can only live in comfort while being apart of societies /communities

we are not going to live for very long if we live separated over stupid issues such as land possession of a country.

and with the rising threat of world wars? we don't stand a chance. come on people get your act together its time to wake up.

we need a unitary government without it our safety is always at constant risk.

and the chance of human genocide is always present but more greatly present with multiple governments and ideologies.

Side: Yes
1 point

Exactly what I am saying! I could be the Monarch of the world...

Side: Yes

That would probably be inconvenient, given the size of the world, but would definitely mean less war and decisions we all agree on

Side: yes
1 point

yes we should. the world is full of inequalties. is it fair that people are born into abject poverty in parts of africa while other enjoy wealt and prosperity in the western world, and there is very little people can do themselves to improve their situation. a world government should be set up redistrubute wealth and resources, reduce the riduclous differnece betwenn rich and poor it should be put in place to protect the everyone's basic rights for life, food, health, shelter, education to stop governments like zimbabwe basically killing many of its citizens.

Side: yes
1 point

So what you're saying is that one world government will suddenly have the power to redistribute wealth and resources... I highly doubt that one world government would solve this issue just as easily as many governments would.

You sound very passionate about this subject and because you do, I'm providing you with 2 sources to bring to your local library and that should start you on your journey to find the truth to this argument.

something else to look into:

And if not, well at least I tried!


Side: No
1 point

Yes we should. We should adopt the Ancient Roman way. Put borders aside. Each country can still be called a country but instead of prime-ministers, or presidents, we can have a group of world leaders that can represent each country under one democratic government. Any leader who displays unruly or oppressive behaviours will be kicked out, by the other leaders and a new leader will be elected in place. This will work out with everyone. The capital(s) will be located in a neutral zone...(undecided)

Side: yes
1 point

WE need ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT inorder to create peaceful world.

1,All the countries should arrest all the waepons and the money spend for arms should be spend to eradicate poverty.

2,Children should be brought up together and right from the childhood we should teach them VALUE BASED EDUCATION along with YOGA and MEDITATION inorder to have healthy mind and body.

3,Paper money should be dissoulted and all the transcation should be done via electronic devices inorder to avoid corruption.

4,People should be allowed to move aroung the world freely and it is easliy possible when the population is reduced to 3 billion.

5,Science will be allowed to use only in creative ways.

Side: yes
JKYLEJ(1) Disputed
1 point

I feel the ideals of this posting are good but unfeasible.

#1 Firstly, try and take away everyone's weapons. I understand the concept of "No weapons, No war". Yet, I am sure, if you take eveyone's weapons away, they will still beat you with their fists if they want.

#2 I like number 2. Yet, before a "value based" education could even be concieved, we need to atleast have A BASIC EDUCATION for everyone. Sounds to close to "every child held behind" for my tastes.

#3 Eradicating paper money would not help reduce the corruption. Computer hacking is easier than counterfiting bills. Someone could just find a way. If someone wants to find a way to corrupt something, they will.

#4 3 (three) billion? genocide anyone? I am against mass death for any reason. The only way to reduce the population to that level would be for people to plan for parenthood instead of just having litters. It's either that or the "one world government" would have to control the population growth forcefully. No one has the right to say who can and cannot become a parent.

#5 Trying to limit scientific progress like that is just like a scientist saying "religion should only be allowed to be exercised quietly and in your own home" Which is inappropriate to begin with. Stopping scientific reseach into our world will only slow our growth as a species. We have to learn acceptance, not closed minded rejection. Plus when it comes down to it this isn't even a valuable arguement.

Great ideals...but never goning to happen like that.

I feel there should be one world government, but i feel the nature of humans' makes this impossiable. Until greed can be controlled there will always be war. And greed will never be controlled as long as education is not on the forefront of every humans minds when it comes to (Including science).

Side: No
1 point

İt is pretty simple why we should because it will bring peace and opportunities to the world and it is kind of silly that the human race is so divided i mean i don't think anyone here thinks of himself as a bad person so why shouldn't we all help each other out.

This wouldn't have been possible hundreds of years ago but now it is. Almost everyone in the world know English which can be used as a common language and thanks to the Internet and globalization people in the world have never been closer. To progress further as a quicker pace as the human race we must do this, İt would be our greatest achievement and i don't care if it requires a war because that would be the war to end all wars.

İ think at first the leaders of various governments should come together and form a council and that council should pick a leader who governs the world but is monitored and limited by the council. Later on when everyone is mixed up and the loyalty of people to their own country is dispersed we can return to regular voting

Side: yes
1 point

For world government, people need to review their current belief system based on human slavery and killing. Cities won't be an option; wider population spread will be required. No, war doesn't bring peace-it brings just another war. We should be smarter than "lower" animals, but it seems we're dumber... Think about it, your life as human is the most important, as well as the lives of all others. We're interdependent, so slavery is not for the good of mankind.

Someone said world government is the key to colonize other planets. This could be the world government's "religion".

Side: yes
1 point

We should, but first something will have to make people realize that there is more to life than money and petty interests. It would be incredibly dangerous to form a world government without fixing that problem. But it is needed, so we can unite our talents and focus on the issues at hand that really matter

Side: yes
1 point

I personally think that it would work in the long run once the people of the whole work together as one, but we'll never be moving toward progress until the day we lay down our egos and think of the countless others that we affect. I think a republic would be a marvelous idea, having elected two representatives of the majority ruling party of each respected current country to vote on whatever is needed. Think of every one working together think of everything improving such as; education, the sciences, lack of wars due to petty issues. I'm sure it will be a hassle to every one who has this idea stuck in their head that their the best, but we all need to work together towards a peaceful future.

Side: yes
1 point

In my opinion a one world government is the way to go but it'll never happen or even be considered by a large enough majority of our Planets inhabitants until all else collapses.

Before people can unite under one power such as a one world government the world would first have to destroy with the most likely scenario; Nuclear war.

Perhaps once the worlds resources start to become scarce and even the most powerful nations can't afford fuel or simple resources the smaller nations will separate as fuel consumption becomes first come first serve, the smaller nations will rely on the more powerful nations to support them.

Eventually the small nations will start to take the resources by force as the powerful nations start to ration it, eventually they'll get their hands on nuclear warheads and then bang nukes will be launched in retaliation all hell breaks loose, governments collapse and become armies, armies eventually lose control, the population crashes and then from such a reckage if the survivers are sensible logical people, only then will a one world government be accepted and formed.

And that's alot to risk for such a outcome.

Side: Yes
Thetheorist(5) Disputed
0 points

Well i believe it would not resort to nuclear war right away,no i believe that the smaller nations well become a sort of vassal to that country..but you are right after that period passes a resources necessary to live in this era become more scarce war will happen what one knows..but yes out of the ashes will possibly be a new world order that is if people become more knowledgeable.

Side: No
1 point

Well if we were in a "New World Order" as it may would that be one were there is a Democracy , and any ethic group could be elected , it would be a good thing. But how would this fair with currency ? Governments can easily be corrupt in this fashion, and whats stopping them ? They are in power and nobody can change one can threaten him/her and his/her madness. Markets will and have to adapt in a extreme way. People also do not change their nationality or ethnicity easily. In this day and age i would say no we should not move toward one world government, not at-least we have figured a more reasonable way of government, but hopefully in the end we will overcome those obstacles and lead into a golden age of humanity.

Side: Yes
1 point

Americans already have taken the position of moving toward one world government in that it is a member of the G-8, and directions are made with respect to other governments and their policies. It just isn't done formally, or through the UN, nor should it be, since the UN is a research and mediator model, designed for cultural unity, not for international dictatorship.

To confer such powers on the UN would undermine every nation and its electoral system to produce democratic elections and administrative functions; too many governments and too many different styles for the UN to become the government of the world. Collective chaos is no cure for clarity and cooperation.

Side: Yes
1 point

Moving towards one world government is the only way the human race can survive as a species, we will most likely kill ourselves otherwise. Doing so is going to be a difficult task, we will have to switch all forms of currency over to one form, which would prove very difficult and could take a great deal of years. Setting up the form of government would be difficult, I say we just give complete power to one trustworthy person who we vote for to set it up, so we won't waste a good many years arguing over what to do. Religion will also prove difficult, i myself say it should be free religion, or no religion at all, all religion does is create war. to get this whole process started though, we would need to get the people to agree on it first, since the governments will just throw the idea aside.

Side: Yes
1 point

It's the only way the world can move forward! Together as one onwards and upwards! Unity :)

Side: Yes
1 point

I agree that the world needs to move to a world government. Think about it what the US the sole super-power in the world at the moment has gone through: Civil War, 2 World Wars, Great Depression, Cold War, the current recession and we've only been around 270 years! So much instability and think about it with one world government there would be no wars (unless we are invaded by aliens), no debt issues (no other countries to have debt to) and if something needs to be done it will be done by the world (global warming could be fixed in no time).

It only seems logical for us as a species to unite instead of divide, divide, divide. Look at the crisis in Syria every time the UN tries to intervene China and Russia block it while innocent people die, its sicking. Also the Democrat and Republican war is nothing short of destructive, politics have become so much about power that Republicans will block anything good that a Democratic President tries to do and then there is the fear about Iran and how everyone in political America wants war.

I truly believe that world gov would work. Sure there are the different cultures and religions and nationalism but it can still work. What we need in a global Congress that is unicameral (one house not 2) to discourage any power grabs like in the House of Representatives and Senate. This Congress would have to have representatives for every group that wants to be represented. Also the world should be divided into Districts with district governments to address regional issues so the central gov can focus on bigger issues.

Furthermore I believe there should be a world president, chief executive, chancellor etc... While some may say that that person would have way too much power I think a leader would give the world someone to rally behind. The leader would be have elected by the population of earth of course. Also there should be a system of checks and balances as well as a World Court to try criminals and act like a supreme court.

The world gov would have to also put laws and legislation in place that would protect human rights and would apply to everyone. The world government would also have to put in place a Capitalist economy (Communism and Socialism are shown to not work) that also tries to protect the environment.

Finally the World Government must have a symbolic capital city that everyone could see. There are only a few possibilities such as New York, London and Tokyo.

Side: Yes
1 point

The world today is new the time we live in is special for the human race because we have tech we have never had before and there are three foreseeable endings by me anyway that can come of this 1 the best outcome someone teaches us or we realize the responsibility over tech that we need and we glide happily into the future. 2 we begin to rely too heavily on tech and this creates a great weakness which soon sends us spiraling into death and anarchy. And 3 we destroy each other in a bath of nuclear fire along with most other life on the planet. We need come together now more than ever people need to see that all petty squabbles are meaningless because we are about too be tested by God or gods or fate or life or death it doesn't matter anymore our time is almost up we need to flip the hour glass before time runs out and history repeats. Now more than ever we need each other

Side: Yes
1 point

No we should not form a world Government. As Americans, we love our freedom of speech, religion and the press. We will not have those freedoms under a socialist/capitalist United nation or world government. We would simply be slaves of the state.

Supporting Evidence: America's Future by dan mason (
Side: Yes
1 point

Someone does not have to be the only leader of a world government. There can be many government bodies that can check, and balance all of the powers, while including such radical views as Democracy, and communism, democracy, and Absolute monarchies all together. Yes, we should move to a one world government

Side: Yes
1 point

The only way mankind will ever see the kind of advancements we all want to see is through cooperating as a species. The setting up of a world government would be very difficult though. I believe it would take centuries. First there would need to be a move toward the unification of the continents and then after a few decades of solid continental government a handful of elected leaders would meet to iron out plans for a world government. However there would need to be an oligarchy at the head of the executive branch not just one man and the system would have to be a Republic. There would be a surge of scientific developments, war would be minimal, the world's economy would be fantastic, poverty would be nearly non-existent, and mankind would thrive. Eventually there will be an attempt at world government but it needs to be thoroughly planned out taking every possible problem into consideration.

Side: Yes
1 point

One world government is going to happen no matter what. There will be a lot of sacrificing, destruction, death and so forth. We will always disagree among ourselves because thats who we are. This will not happen within the next few years but it will happen in the future. When it does happen the biggest thought to a one world government would need to have more than one person in power. I would say minimum of 3 a maximum or 21 but cannot have an even number. The reason for not having an even number is because the last decision will be the final decision. Everybody can disagree with me but my thoughts are final and i believe it will be true but probably not as accurate. We need to work as one and become one so we can finally colonize other planets (but of course when we colonize other planets we will probably fight each other because we always seem to repeat history in some way) to move forward and advance our technology.

Side: Yes
1 point

One world government will not come about anytime soon but it is the direction humans have been going ever since the first tribes amalgamated and became a bigger tribe. Every country existing today is an amalgamation of different peoples that were either forced together or saw common ground to unite under. We are just in the long process of coming together. It might seem impossible today that Russia and America may someday be governed under the same body but unless the environmental world has a cataclysmic collapse or a world war kills us all we will get there some day. And of course we will have "growing pains" ie: wars, breakups of states. However the common trend since the beginning of human history is uniting. It makes sense if we want to reach our fullest potential as a species.

Note: I am in favour of peaceful unification not forced unification :)

Side: Yes
1 point

I am for a One-World Government, but I am against to it if it is run by corrupt and greedy Elitists! this One-world government should be formed based on democratic and humane principles and should act as a unifying entity of humanity. I am tired of the endless wars and terrorism we face today, there are many nations who are opposed to each other due to their government's (though not all are like this) intense nationalistic propaganda and also due to religious bigotry. We are all Humans, it doesn't matter if you're Black, White, Asian or a Pacific Islander, we all share the same home and the same race, which is the Human race, just because we have different cultures doesn't mean we can't work together and unite for the betterment of the world and for the unification of humanity. UNITY THROUGH DIVERSITY! I am a Human and I oppose nationalism and religious backwardness and bigotry!

Side: Yes
1 point

I agree with E223, if we have one person in charge and subdivide it that way it could happen. I think of it as an Absolute Monarchy, since we all know a democracy wouldn't happen just look at our country of the USA. Obama can't even get any legislation passed due to the Republicans, yet if Obama was an Absolute Monarch the country would be drastically better or worse... Dictatorship wouldn't work but people getting behind the Monarch and believing in their ideology and beliefs and plans for the future I could see it happening. However we'd have to get rid of money and capitalism since that is always the problem, money, money and more money. Without money corruption wouldn't happen, if you already have the power as an Monarch you can't really get any more. Our population is too great for a evil monarch or dictator they'd get killed probably by his own people but a good fair true monarch could save us all. That Monarch could be me... Just saying....

Side: Yes

A One World Government would end war and peace would prevail on Earth.

Side: Yes
0 points

The only way mankind will ever see the kind of advancements we all want to see is through cooperating as a species. The setting up of a world government would be very difficult though. I believe it would take centuries. First there would need to be a move toward the unification of the continents and then after a few decades of solid continental government a handful of elected leaders would meet to iron out plans for a world government. However there would need to be an oligarchy at the head of the executive branch not just one man and the system would have to be a Republic. There would be a surge of scientific developments, war would be minimal, the world's economy would be fantastic, poverty would be nearly non-existent, and mankind would thrive. Eventually there will be an attempt at world government but it needs to be thoroughly planned out taking every possible problem into consideration.

Side: Yes
-1 points

changing a goverment is not agood idea .

Side: yes
joeyf327(11) Disputed
1 point

Our government is going to hell, our elected officials can't even agree with each other.. Democracy in the US is a failure, period. We have separation of powers and that is the problem, the President has power over his branch but can't get done what he wants done without serious compromise. Legislative branch does absolutely nothing except make a nice 175K a year for doing the absolute opposite of what they promised to do until elections come around, that is corruption in mind and things need to change that is why a world government wouldn't be a democracy or any kind of government where you need to have elections, it would fail. But the fact remains we do need one and fast before this climate change or any other number of issues causes a serious catastrophe.

Side: No
-2 points
-4 points

I have read this article three times and am bewildered at how, exactly, something like this could be set up and work for ALL the people of the world. This is not something which can be accomplished with a trial run. If it didn't work, and I am very wary of something like this happening, how would we go about reversing it?

This speaks of countries like India, China, Russia, France, the USA and Euro nations all ceding power to someone or something. The article states "The United Nations is becoming increasingly irrelevant and antiquated, unable to adapt its structure to accommodate rising powers." If we cannot work toward getting The United Nations back to being a relevant entity, how shall we begin a 'New World Order', as it were, and have that be a success?

I really don't know if this kind of global government could ever work between countries so very different from one another. What recourse will the people have under such an extreme way of governing? Yes, where will the people go if the horizon gives them nothing more and is no different than the very place they stand on? I don't know Jess, I really don't.

Side: There must be a better way
2 points

Exactly what I am saying. Nobody knows how to manage any specific culture more than that culture itself. I wouldn't want somebody who has only read about my culture to have the responsibility of governing it, and I know anybody in any other culture would say the same.

Side: No
ismail123(2) Disputed
1 point

kuklapolitan, honestly id expect more from someone who wants prosperity and happiness. The one world government does not need to be reversed and "This speaks of countries like India, China, Russia, France, the USA and Euro nations" - it does not need to be reversed because all these countries will be one powerful union under which they will support each other. This one world government is our only hope of becoming a planetary empire and maybe even solar+.

if we were to hand power to someone we ain't going to hand it to some nut job.

most likely it would go to a world council and the head of that council will have

power.We are not going to be a military dictatorship, but a democracy.Wars will no longer exist as there will be no need. Human science and technology development on a globally supported scale will be exponentially increased we will have technology we can only dream of.

Furthermore, countries all want to be prosperous and develop together even north Korea and south Korea, Israel and Palestine, all these nations will settle for excellent technology, food, peace and a harmonious relationship for ages to come.

Who wouldn't? you'd be insane not to.

additionally, your point "Yes, where will the people go if the horizon gives them nothing more and is no different than the very place they stand on? " - on travel and holidays. To be honest, the society will still be normal on that, e.g Africa there will still be dark people, just with mobile phones and electricity. I think its selfish of you to suggest that these people who have suffered for years and years without food and electricity to never have it. And if you say oh they should have it, then why not now? why not under a one world government. they ain't going to get it otherwise because they will just keep getting attacked killed and having civil wars.

Remember, we are humans and we find strength not just in numbers not just in technology or development but through unity we find strength.

and with that unity we can conquer our world and others.

it seems a bit far fetched. of course it does in a multi-Govt. world.

think of the possibilities don't be a pile of baggage for the rest of the world who is realising we need a one world government. Join the union.

the choice is up to you, multiple government multiple wars between humans, humans killing humans, mass genocides and terrorism in abundance.

or one world government, cultural happiness, acceptance of all societies, solar empire and peace.(+ we have cookies )

Side: Yes
orion(7) Disputed
1 point

You're too optimistic. Open your eyes and see how humans governed themselves in the past! Think about it.. a one world government would detain too much power not to abuse it. A one world government would be dictatorial because that's what happens when all forms of opposition are destroyed. That's what the nazi party did, they became the all-powerful government of Germany and guess what? People lost their civil rights as they were slowly becoming slaves. Read about USSR, and you'll see that when your government tells you he will lead alone, "uniting" the country into a one government state, all the nice promises and expectations vanish as people turn into servants with no rights. I used to think like you back then, and I realised that this kind of government isn't possible.. 15,000 years of civilization have told us that leaders with too much power abuse from it, no matter how advanced our technology is. In fact, technology only makes it easier for a dictatorial state to control their people, look at North Korea; a perfect exemple of modern slave-state, and the entire world will become one if we allow our current world leaders to "unite" and seize control of everyone and everything.

Side: No
5 points

No, because one worldwide government would ignore the diversity and the differences in cultures throughout the world. The reason that governments are separated into countries is mainly due to the differences in people and what they expect from their government.

Even if a government was to try and incorporate the diversity of the world into their system, it would be a massive bureaucratic behemoth. Even governments of countries today cannot meet the needs of the different people that make up their country.

Side: No
4 points

what if we allowed nations freedom to govern how they wished but had a world organization that dealt only with universal issues? I think we can all agree that human rights and environmental policy are two areas where an international government would be useful, but at the same time not be imposing on other cultures. Allow the nations to keep doing what their doing except in a select few areas that affect the world as a whole. Otherwise you have nations like China who pollute incredible amounts and answer to no one, or like zimbabwe where the government has allowed thousands of it's citizens to starve to death.

Side: yes
G00dEgg(3) Disputed
1 point

If you get your facts like America is the world most polluting country. Advocate so much about Amercian's so call peace and harmony it boils down to one thing. Self Interest. What is it so difficult to ink and ratify the koyoto protocol.

Side: It needs careful planning
4 points

Are you kidding? Have you never paid attention to any movie ever made that revolves around that theory of a one world government? Equilibrium is a great example of that. There is an underground resistance that must go against this supreme ruer's beliefs and take him down. And they succeed. The problem with a one world governemnt is that not everyone under this government's jurisdiction may agree with their laws but there would be no other place for them to go. With a multiple amount of different governemnts it gives people the choice to choose to live where they agree with government laws and so-forth.

Side: No
jessald(1915) Disputed
2 points

"World government" doesn't have to mean global fascism like in Equilibrium. Those are just movies; they portray a scrappy rebellion fighting against a powerful empire. It appeals to people and sells tickets. But that's not the way government works in the real world. Modern governments are based on ideas like majority rule and minority rights. They have systems of checks and balances. The complex needs of the governed can be taken into account.

Global management could lie anywhere on the spectrum from an all powerful dictator to a loose organization based mainly on cooperation like what we have now. I'm saying we should move in the more powerful direction, but my question is, "How much?"

Side: yes
orion(7) Disputed
1 point

If we allow a one world government to take place, this "powerful" direction you talk about would be very strong indeed for humanity, but only the leading class would benefit from it. A state with too much power inevitably abuse from it, a state with only one party without opposition always become totalitarian. Learn history, and you'll see how naive it is to perceive this one world government as a friendly pal that actually cares about your civil rights. That's why martial law exists in every developped countries in the world, to strip you out of your rights whenever they want.

Side: No
E223(193) Disputed
1 point

You're making the assumption that the government would be oppressive, which is unfair because there's more than just that option.

Side: yes
2 points

No we should not the other side needs to think. Who would govern the government? How would you decide who is running it? There are many other reason's that I could list. This just would not work because of the different governments and the different ties to different people. I don't think this is possible at all.

Side: No
2 points

it is natural for human beings to search for power. if only one person is ruling the entire world, soon there will be civil wars.

Side: No
2 points

We already have a world goverment, its called money.

It is something to be surpassed, by world wide anarchy.

Side: No

One word: Balance. One world government isn't the solution but just the end result of our obession with "bettering" the world. Do you know how peace results? From war. With no war comes no peace. It's dual natured. It's human natured. It is a never ending rollercoaster and we're all on it for the ride. One world government would just lead to more chaos. What happens when you hold all the power and control? That's all a "world government" would become. One giant agenda, and what would that be? Who's to say you'd have a say? And finally, how do you find a balance if there is nothing to balance on?

Side: No
jessald(1915) Disputed
1 point

"With no war comes no peace."

What? No war is the definition of peace.

As has been said in other arguments, it doesn't have to be an all powerful government. It can simply regulate certain things. It can have checks and balances, minority rights, etc. It can have all the features history has taught us make for effective governments.

Side: yes
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

Well, a dictator killing off anyone he likes without confrontation (the confrontation being war) I would not consider peace.

"Let he who wants peace prepare for war."

the second paragraph is, as you said, another argument. but just remember the whole thing on peace. The holocaust wasn't a war... but the people fighting against it made a war.

Side: No
1 point

Regulate certain things? I'm confused by this. I get what you're trying to get at but you haven't convinced me. I'm going to assume that you are looking at this from a western perspective. Now take this into account when trying to mix you're perspective, western, with an eastern perspective.... you're view of the world is different than the rest. And how is one world government going to bring about something "better"? What is better? What are our problems now that a one world government entity would solve or be more efficient at? What do you consider an effective government? I would like to hear of some examples.

Side: No
1 point

I agree, very bad wording on my part. I wanted to say Without war there is no concept of peace.

Look at the first definition. Regulate certain things? Then what the hell is the point of one world government? Aren't you guys just reinforcing the concept of the UN?

Side: No
orion(7) Disputed
1 point

Effective governments don't have to let their working class citizens benefit from it. Read about nazi Germany, it was an effective government; they had a strong economy with impressive manufacturing abilities that were bolstered with innovative technologies. The people, however, had absolutely no rights, because their party was unchallenged, it was unique, all-powerful. A one world government would detain so much power that it would slowly turn everyone into slaves, and guess what? The world government would still be "effective".

Side: No
1 point

What helps an economy: A desire to get ahead of others or an understanding of work as a community resource? As demonstrated by the poverty of many former Communist countries immediately after the collapse fo the Soviet Union, a desire to get ahead helps an economy for all members. Therefore, International competition in the long run helps all countries.

Side: No
1 point

A world goverment will take away the power from all countries and give it all to China. A world government will most likely be a democracy so the country with the biggest population will have all the power. What we have now keeps the power spread around among Nation States and is working fine.

Side: No
1 point

I am all in favor for a one nation world with no countries. a world where the real problems of today are already dealt with. where politicians aren't split on the important issues. once a world power can lead the way in a great country, then we can start moving into a one world country with no real active government that makes laws to bind us. but instead, a government that helps it's people and leads the way and keeps balance

Side: No
1 point

While I would love to see that happen (I think as I need to be careful what I wish for), I am afraid we are all too diverse and this will never happen.

Sad, but likely true.

Side: No
1 point

We would be creating a global elite, a group of the super rich and super powerful people. These "politicians, central bankers, chief executives and lesser mortals". Would answer to no one. These "elite" would be a power unto themselves. A group of millionaires and billionaires. These global elite are insular and benefit from unregulated capitalism. These global elite are causing violence throughout the world. They will force judges to enforce their laws which are placed by their elitist politicians. Because they will and are funding the Congressmen and U.S. Senators, the global elite will threaten and imprison those who do not agree with their exploitation of the world's economy.

America's Future by Dan Mason
Side: No
1 point

No. Humanity as a species, and as a population is too large, and too diverse for a single government to effectively govern.

Side: No
1 point

The most prevelant argument for world government is this touchy feely deal of uniting the human species. Well humans have differing opinions on how to live and how to view the world.

It would be extremely oppressive to have a one world government as it would be difficult to accommodate all the different views people have of the role of government in their lives.

You could attempt to use mass education and propaganda to attempt to sway people to want one world government but everyone would have their own idea of how that government would be like.

My view of world government and your view of world government can differ and if my form of world government became reality it would be oppressive to you and it may call for your eradication and the eradication of any who disagree with it in order to preserve the state.

Hitler and stalin attempted this utopia by propaganda and when that was not enough to get everyone with the program they began to kill those who opposed in an attempt to evolve humanity and civilization.

In both those instances people either did not fit the planned utopia or simply did not want it and led to violence against those with differing thoughts.

Think of your version of the perfect world government. Now picture that world government to be the polar opposite of what you want it to be..

Do you still want world government?

Regardless of what you think many would be persecuted no matter what form of government you attempted to put in.

We do not need world government. There would be peace if the people did not allow their government to wage war. People do not wage wargovernments and people who crave power wage war.

All these governments who wage war and crave power have aspirations of world domination via world government.

I as a person do not want it but it is a notion put in peoples mind to make you believe that the answer to achieve peace and prosperity is government. When the reality is that government is responsible for all war and oppression.

If all you people want peace dominate your government. Do not allow it wage a war based on what governments/special interests want but what the people want.

Attempting a one world government will bring death and destruction. The suppression of ideas cultures and the genocide of people.

World government has been attempted by many empires. All have ended in nothing but carnage.

Are you all aware of what the price is for world government? Are you willing to pay the price? If you life family and lineage everything you are was on the chopping block would you still want it?

Side: No
1 point

For this to happen.we would have to get rid of the U.S.A.

Side: No
1 point

If there was a one world government, it wouldn't be able to take care of the 6 billion+ people. To many different geographical issues, language varieties, lifestyle situations, etc. It's that simple, no matter how much you try and decorate it.

Side: No
1 point

There are two flaws that come to my mind when it deals with a one world government. It is too much to run. Secondly, when people don't agree, it is never good and it will be one Civil War.

Side: No
0 points

hitler and the ussr tried it; both failed. some forms are right for some, some arent. the thing is if you dont like your worl government, it's alot harder to leave.

Side: No
E223(193) Disputed
3 points

Pfft, the reason that hitler and the USSR failed is because they were bat fk insane. What would work is a world government that is led by people that aren't power hungry (although it'd be hard to find someone that'll run the government that isn't power hungry).

The thing about a world government is that it would have to respect the wants and needs of people from different cultures, that's the biggest problem, assimilating everyone. This could be made easier by subdividing the leadership positions and having more than one set of laws (think states on a global scale.)

Side: yes
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

states on a global scale would seem a lot like Nations.

Side: No
0 points

No we should not have a world government. That is like choosing to have a human god to control our life. The reason we have diversity, cultures, foods, styles, art, music, etc. is because people are given room to experiment with our creativity. When we have separate nations, we are testing different models to see which prospers and which fails, or which is favored and which isn't. One nation may allow certain things while others don't, one nation believe certain things and others don't. This way we can calculate which nation is the wealthiest, strongest, healthiest, etc. If we got rid of all that and have only one world government essentially creativity goes out the door. Government will have to indirectly make people live and think certain ways. Allowing one thing will conflict when a massive group of people who will have to accept it. Not allowing certain things will conflict with another group who will have to accept it. How can anyone be ok with everyone in the world giving all the power to a small number of people at the top controlling everything? Imagine having camera systems installed in your home by the government to monitor everything you do to 'ensure' safety to the people. Hey everyone has to do it so it's 'fair.' Or a world where you aren't forced to have camera systems spy on you but that may increase crime rates. (This is just an example) Freedom/openess is much better than Slavery/order. Most people choose order over chaos (bad assumption about 'chaos') and are indirectly choosing slavery over freedom.

Side: No




Side: No
0 points

No we should move tawards world freedom.-------------------------------------------------

Side: No
steve789(205) Clarified
1 point

We should move towards a world that is free, democratic and/or independent. Anarchy is a better idea then most think though I might favor a more virtual anarchy like Libertarian Fundamentalism. Such anarchy or virtual anarchy is probably not possible. But the world should move to be more democratic atleast. Political freedom is a good thing because it puts the law in everyone's hands. But a consolidated world Government is a bad thing because independent states can succeed and fail on their own and those that fail can learn from those that succeed. Plus states that are better at Governing themselves and maintaining their freedoms should remain independent so that they are not caught in the errors of a global Government.

Side: Yes