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RSS Vanessa1M

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

The Anorexia is just one of the problems. The Brazilian Association of Plastic Surgery says that, only in 2009, 130 000 teenagers underwent plastic surgery. That is serious. Do a plastic surgery in an adult its already risky, do it in a teenager then ...

The teens are still growing. Stir in the structure of the skin, can cause all sorts of problems, such as infection, rejection of the transaction.

This data, just shows us, how serious the problem is. Indeed, we have to question ourselves: Worth it? Change their own bodies to be "fashion"? Fashion for who?

1 point

I agree with the marianalf1M's position about the time to stop. For me, this is the center of the question. Know the time to stop the Internet use and do other thing is the key to make the difference between a useful tool and a n addiction. Yes, Internet provides a source of entertainment, but the secret is make the balance with other entertainments.

1 point

I agree with the BiUrata's vision about the children's behavior. The children's consumerism is a serious problem, arising with the "Internet age". Obviously is easier to the children want to buy things when the advertisings are around them, with the Tv, the internet... Some people, here in Brazil, are considering the problem and trying to solve it. The Alana Project is an Ong with projects to reduce consumerism by children. Among them we can mention education campaigns (for parents) and enforcement of companies (use of pictures for children). In the following links you can see what the organization's founder talks about the project and defining child for consumerism. Do you think the problem is being evaluated as well? Agree with the initiative?

The founder:

The children and consumerism:

1 point

I believe that the question now is: How we gonna solve the problem? Because the prohibition is the tip of the iceberg. In fact, it seems to contain a measure of damage unthinking, unplanned. The markets were prohibited from distributing plastic bags, but no way forward was shown. The adjustment period has been confusing and could be avoided with the ascription of a unified measure. Ask consumers to buy reusable bags is absurd, since there is no price adjustment in the products. The BBC Brazil article illustrates the issue of future paths, since we can observe a wide variety of options for comparing bags. All has its positives and negatives. It is then observed that the reusable bags are not fully "environmental". Can cause even more damage than plastic bags, if we consider the production cost and lifetime. Ireland found a different way of dealing with the situation: a set fee for the bags (decreasing the amount per buyer) and at the same time, research new ways of recycling. Could we do something similar?


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