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RSS Zahlanzi

Reward Points:14
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I will just ignore the obviously chauvinistic remark "the female is unable to think logically without emotions getting in the way because of the brain". unless you would like to reformulate it?

I will instead address the Y chromosome issue. Men and all things related to them (Hockey and beer) would not just magically disappear. you would still have sperm banks all over the place, not counting the probably world wide program to gather man juice set in place once men began to die, not get born, be abducted by aliens, whatever. So you whole argument that men are needed for their y chromosomes falls.

The last paragraph simply proves my point. Men will become gay, and try to impress other gay men. Therefore they will do things to impress others instead of what is best for society. Therefore, unless you believe women will develop this characteristic, women are better from this aspect.

1 point

Arguments? Are you in favor of banning alcohol and tobacco as well? How about violent movies?

1 point

I am in favor of legalizing marijuana, if we impose the same rules we do on tobacco. No smoking in public places, smokers should be strictly separated from non-smokers and the smoking region should be sealed and ventilated.

4 points

You make a point against gay marriage by claiming that it would inevitably lead to man-dog marriage or daughter-mother (gay AND incest) which is wrong. There is no logic behind this reasoning. The question is whether gay marriage should be allowed for the gays to benefit from exactly the reasons you claim you have no problem with(insurance and inheritance). The question is if a gay marriage hurts anyone in any way. Which you haven't addressed in the slightest.

2 points

very eloquent. why does it hurt you? 2 gay men are getting the same benefits a married couple would get, and the same benefits they would get if each of them would be married to a woman respectively

7 points

We are all humans(most of us). It is time to start thinking as a species instead of as nations. Otherwise, we shall never get off this rock and start colonizing other planets

1 point

People as a race are stupid. And we are kept stupid by the leaders so we can be better controlled. There is practically no achievement for the human race. We didn't stop pollution, wars, famine, genocides.

It is the individuals who make a difference. The individuals who are geniuses or not. The individuals who will get up and drag the rabble after them.

-1 points

I don't agree this is well written and thoughtful. In fact it is quite wrong, off point and misogynistic.

"Men are more logical than women". Is this a scientific fact? Is this true for all men? Shouldn't you consider an average? Shouldn't you consider the fact that women are still objectified and considered Barbie dolls? A female engineer with a mustache is considered ugly and mostly marginalized. Isn't that a reason for women to choose to conform to what is expected of them and therefore to choose jobs that are "less logical". There are cases where exceptional girls at math toned down their performance in order to not be considered math geeks.

"It's easier to rebuild women"

Shouldn't be easier to store sperm and give "pregnancy kits" to women once all the men are gone? Even if all the men would magically disappear there would still be enough man juice to go around and easier than to build Eve from scratch.

"The only actual stupid things men do is they are thinking with their schlong" (schlong is funnier than dick, my edit). I beg to differ. They also do stupid things out of greed, rage, competition, etc. Women are different, as future and potential mothers, they tend to be more empathic towards life, and will tend to take the decisions that benefit more people and not just themselves. \

"with no females around, males will be able to think completely logical"

I respond to this with the saying "Behind every great man, there is a woman, pushing and prodding". Since ancient times, males do great things to impress the ladies, prove their genetic worth and get some(true with other mammals as well). You say we have evolved and that is not the case anymore? I say i for one haven't.

1 point

This argument is about sex vs money. So it is quite obvious money could buy a lot of sex.

It would be more difficult to choose between love and money. (i am a cynic so i would say money buys a lot of love also)

0 points

Do not mistake fake guns with real guns. Fake guns are fun and as long as you are a normal balanced individual you will not apply the same behavior to real guns ie you will see the difference between shooting people in CounterStrike and shooting people in schools.

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"Just joined while at work, will have something written here when the boss lady is not watching"

Biographical Information
Name: Cristian Chincea
Gender: Male
Age: 39
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: Romania
Religion: Christian-other
Education: College Grad

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