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RSS Alexishannah

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

Um, Trump just did, so, what can I say? It is only from certain countries though. If you do not believe me.. countries-reasons-US-banning-Muslim-travellers

1 point

Many people want to get you to think the same things that they think. For example, if it is a religion, clearly they are going to press their beliefs onto you. This is because if they get you to join their church, they are recognized by their pastor. It would make them feel as if they did something good, especially in God's name. People will do this to make them more recognized, or just to make them look good. This goes for anything. Many people may do it (say at school) because if people can convince you to do something, it makes them look cooler, or more popular. People want friends or something (along those lines) that they can easily push around, or get what they want from you. In my opinion, people do this in more of self need. People want more attention, or whatever it is that they most desire. They will do anything they can too, to get just what they want

1 point

Yes, I do think that guns should be allowed in America. It is just that there is a lack of self control in the world. The guns didn't do anything wrong (if that makes sense) it is the people that you put behind the guns. Many people have them for hunting, or even self defense. If someone broke into your home, you cannot expect them not to do anything about it. They may fire outside or something to allow the intruder to realize that the people inside know about them. To be honest, I feel as if people just need to do more thorough background checks. Even then, some may say that they are still not safe. This is why I think that there should be tests done, or something done to prevent bad things from happening. Perhaps, say if you have a gun. There should be another background check before you buy more bullets. Say, you cannot have been arrested from the past six months to a year. It really depends on the circumstance, but guns should be allowed. We just have to figure out a way to decipher good intentions from bad intentions.

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"I want to be a lawyer. I love to argue my point. Plus, I love fashion and animals!!"

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Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States

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