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RSS Danzi94

Reward Points:10
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

I Believe everyone should have the same rights, sexual orientation, gender, race etc should not effect anything.

Adoption - If there are so many poor children put up for adoption by no fault of there own, then why should gay or lesbian couples not be able to care for them. People claim that it must be horrible for the child being adopted due to being bullied, but i have read stamens from these children, saying its mad that anyone would prefer them to be moving from care home to foster home when there are gay couples willing to adopt.

Marriage - When two people in love, have a lawfully recognised bond, gay people should have the option to that, as a human right i my opinion!!!

4 points

100% i think its wrong! I am not religious, but who has the right to take a life? Isn't that the very reason Murderer's are punished?

If a person really can't have a child because they aren't ready, or any other reason, then surly it is fairer to still give that life a chance and put the baby up for adoption to a family who is desperate for a baby and can't have one for themselves?

3 points

its disgusting anyone would consider others with disbilities to be sub-human! This makes me feel sick, its the very people who think that they are not humans, that are inhuman themselves!

1 point

The idea, that in a universe SO BIG that this planet is the only one with life and this is it in the way of life, is just the most ridiculous claim i have ever heard to be honest!

Even if life is uncommon, it will almost certainly be out there.

I believe Microbial life may be around and about, and then similar planets to Earth with thriving life and possibly intelligence are dotted about.

1 point

Well seeming as Saturn is mostly gas, and hardly any rocky part to actually stand on, i will go for Mars. Although, if it was one of Saturns rocky moons i may say there!

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Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United Kingdom

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