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RSS Dmbp

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

Exactly! I am not really against gay marriage or gay rights. However, I am glad I finally found a post that I totally agree with. Some kids are born gay, but most are born straight. So unless the same-sex parents are raising gay children, I do believe it is a little selfish to put the kids in that environment. With that said, I didn't grow up in an orphanage, so it is tough to be entirely sure on a position without some doubt...

1 point

I personally believe some people do choose to become homosexuals, but I am also aware that many are born homosexual. So I particularly agree with your statement about women being born that way. It's not a choice in many cases to be homosexual.

4 points

You said it! How about women who sleep with their students and get house arrest, whereas men would be thrown in jail with no parole.

3 points

Periods suck. Giving birth hurts. Someone mentioned a higher percentage of getting raped, true. Self-esteem and weight. Got it.

Now, I understand women get paid a little less in some cases, but men have a lot more trouble finding work than women. Any retail store, smoothie place, restaurant, etc. Women can also never be hit. All laws are in favor of women. Did I mention custody of children? Let alone the decision of giving birth or not. You might say, "Well, the mother is the one giving birth." Well, I counter that with, what if the man doesn't want the child? He is still expected to provide for the child, is he not? Free drinks, dinner, movies, all for women. Always a man willing to sleep with you. Some might think that is more of a curse. Well, many individuals would want that curse.

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