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1 point

Yes. I like it. It is only a form of art. I like every beautiful images.

0 points

North Korea. Because it's leader looks pure tyrant. Have you seen Kim Jong Un smiling. He looks pure Evil and about to become next Hitler.

In Iran, Ahmedinejad still looks like a Man who has certain values, compared to Kim Jong Un.

1 point

'Christianity' is a religion like all other religions.

And I believe, that all the religions are there in our society, to make peace.

We feel peaceful and relaxed, when we sit inside a Church, under it's Silence.

Our Hypertensions, anxieties, depressions and angers are oozed away for a while, when we feel the silence inside any Holy Place.

But in 'Extremity' in the religion, is definitely not correct.

During Italian Renaissance. scientists like Galileo and had face Roman Inquisition, by the order of Pope.

One of Galileo's friend and follower, was burned by the Church, because he proposed new theory about the Universe.

Galileo himself had to remain in a house arrest, due to Church's order and was banned from publishing and distributing his work.

So I think, any Religion should be there to spread Love and Peace, not 'Extremism.'

So there is nothing wrong if a man loves another man, or a woman loves another woman. It is afterall a form of love.

And crimes happen due to Homosexuality also. There are cases where a man has raped another man, or a woman has raped another woman, just to satisfy their sexual urges.

But, then it become the issue of 'rape' in general (without considering any gender) and not 'Homosexuality'.

And 'Homosexuality' is only not limited to 'Sex'. People have a paranoid misconception that 'Homosexual' are ugly and diseased because they keep having only 'Sex' and cannot do anything else.

'Sex' in-fact, is a part of 'Homosexuality' , like it is of any other relationship. It is not the 'Heart' of 'Homosexuality'.

And excessive 'Sex' is a personal choice, which is also a choice for any 'heterosexual' couple.

0 points

Hip-Hop can also be a freedom of expression for the people who make it. But when it is a freedom of expression, they are not enforcing our generation to see and hear it.

It depends on us, what we see and hear, and how it influences us.

There are a variety of drugs in front of me, but I will only choose to try that drug, if I want to try it.

So let them make all 'Hip-Hop' they want, but we should decide what we should see and hear.

1 point

I am saying NO because first we have to understand who really are the people who beg.

First we have to complete our knowledge about 'Poverty' and 'Beggars'

As you mentioned most of those peoples are 'Alcoholics' OR 'Drug Addicts'. But these two are not the only reasons for 'Begging'

We cannot see a person lying helpless on the streets. We want to help them. But still we cannot. And even when we do, we feel guilty for ourselves when we find that our trust was broken.

So I think, we should give them money, only after 'knowing completely about them.'

And more, the question is not limited to only money. As I said above there can be various reasons why people fall down to the extent of begging.

Educated people don['t beg. They ask for help sometimes, but not everytime.

So I think we should be more 'serious' about the issue of 'poverty' itself, then just giving money to the beggars.

We should know the situations of poor class of the society in our countries.

What benefits are they getting by our Government.

We should ask ourselves that are only Rich people allowed to enjoy everything in every country?

And we should also ask ourselves that is being Poor a terrible crime?

0 points

Your question is incomplete. By Harsh Punishments, you must be saying about the Bullies who are really Evil, and only wants to harm others.

In a Democratic World, only Harsh Punishments are not an option to make justice.

The issue of being 'Bullied' happens right from the kindergarten, to the level of Colleges, and even in other day-to-day places.

I agree, that there should be 'Bully Laws' in schools and colleges.

Because no one has a right to insult or harass someone to such an extent that it harms their feelings.

But, many times the person who is bullying is not mature enough, to understand the consequences of his/her actions. Because every Mind doesn't works the same way.

So a right amount of awareness about 'Bullies' is as much necessary as it is to make 'Laws' about it.

For example, consider a Kindergarten or a primary grade school where there are six boys.

Of these six boys five are fat, huge, brash and outspeaking, and the sixth one is shy, thin and not much socially accommodated.

So it is quite natural that when these two kind of social mindset clash, those five boys will start to harass this boy.

But that doesn't mean those five boys are Evil and they should be banned from school.

What should be done under those situations, is the right amount of knowledge be given to those five boys, and in a very careful and researched manner.

This is the duty of Teachers or some school-guardian (and parents also). When people hire teacher, their duty is not just to speak something and write something on the chalk-board and walk away.

It is also a duty of teacher to look whether someone is being hurt by someone. And if is not the duty of teacher, than a school should have a different staff about it.

And also a school's administrative system should be such that no one is being harmed by no one.

So in brief, punishments depends on the degree of harm done. Only Harsh punishments are not an option.

1 point

The question should not be whether 'First Impressions Matter or not' , but should be 'Do First Impressions Matter eventhough we are honest?'

I think your argument is as much about the issue of 'change' and 'honesty'.

Change is fundamental and constant. So we should always be with the 'change.'

When people say that 'We should be ourselves' , they are saying it incompletely.

'People should be themselves, but only if they are humble and truthful.'

I mean, You cannot say that 'I'm a monster so Let me be myself, and accept that I'm a monster.'

Being yourself should be non-violent and honest. When it is non-violent and honest then it is okay to Be yourself.

So considering the case I mentioned above, First Impressions Really Matters.

0 points

I also believe that all religious Gods are false, because Religions were created by humans. But a creator would not tell that he is Zeus, or Allah, or Yahweh, or Krishna. He would also not print long religious scriptures and the extremist laws written in it, which religious people have to follow.

A Creator just created everything .But since humans are mortal and became diverse in languages and cultures with time, they started creating religions. Competitions and Wars arise in the name of Religions. Every person would say that his or her religion is the best, and a strong believer would never accept any negativity about his / her religion.

I also don't believe in miraculous God who brings thunderstorms from the skies, or casts hurricanes and droughts. I believe that there is something / someone who just created everything. And since then that something / someone has remained sedentary in some reality. I can be possible whether or not he knows that he created everything. But it just happened.

And as Einstein said 'He is looking for someone to find for him.' - This is where science comes. Einstein was about to solve everything but he died. So I do love science, but I also believe in HIM.

And the right which makes me speaks - is the right of expressing myself. I can be wrong, but I am perfectly allowed to express my views.

0 points

What makes feel that there is someone / something in between us is the sense of morality in me. Never I do something wrong a thought sparkles in my mind and it cautions me everytime to tell that what I am doing is morally wrong. Now an atheist would say that it happens due to religion, but I have observed that it does not requires a religion to be human and experience the spiritual energy of righteousness.

1 point

Even Stephan Hawking has said that - 'Some questions will remain unanswered.' Why would he say that?

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