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RSS Rlinehan

Reward Points:38
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

Who wants to see the end if the toilet paper and u say it is more convonient but what about the fact that some other people like me think it under is more convinient

1 point

so what r u is fair or not?????????????????? cause im confused

1 point

yes...100% definitly what about a free life of a kid? hmm what teacher thought of that

3 points

exactly is that our solution to know i dont like this so let me hit it or kill it or bring a gun to its head and say darn u should have thought about it when ur life wasnt about to be taken away for getting a F on a far does it go and why this as a solution

1 point

can someone tell me how long a kid can go without like moving.... well not moving but like playing around... does anyone know what im saying?

4 points

ya those kids look like they are porcelain dolls... i mean really what is the point of that

3 points

but really we are making kids overcome stage fright by putting them on a stage and saying look your best honey so you can win because of outer beauty... whatever happened to you know you should have confidence in yourself just because you are you and you are special and your inner beauty should give you a confidence!

2 points

ya but what about kids who dont like pe who are scared to be good because while preforming they might make a mistake and people will laugh also people get hurt...just a while ago i heard about a boy who broke his arm in soccer...i mean come on soccer of all sports

2 points

he is doing his best to get us out of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is working on the economy. our hole is so deep in america that to dig us out it might take some more time than a year... he isnt superman

Displaying 6 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Good
Winning Position: PE shouldn't be mandatory

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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