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RSS Robertafern

Reward Points:15
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

It´s not a solution, but it´s a first step. I totally agree.

And yes, companies might be using this to create a fake green image, but its better than nothing.

Marisa showed us very impressive numbers about the plastic bags. So, if we can al least reduce it, why not?

One person is not gonna chance anything, but if everybody makes an effort we can do something to change the way that people deal with environmental issues.

One step at a time.

Roberta 1M

1 point

I agree with Mariana, sometimes even if you eat fruits or soy or whatever, your body needs protein that only meat can offer.

Vegan food is becoming cheaper, but it´s insane to think that everybody would be able to buy this kind of food in a thrid world country like Brazil, where many people don´t have enough money (sometimes not even to buy meat).

Another very radical movement is the one about raw food. Have you ever heard about it?

Check it out:

I think they are very extreme opinions between vegans and meat eaters. Like I´ve said, it´s a very personal choice and you´re the one who decides how much you care about the world, the animals and your own health.

Being a vegetarian doesn´t mean you´re the greenest person in the world. Not being a vegetarian doesn´t mean you´re selfish and doensn´t care about the nature and the animals.

Roberta 1M

1 point

Yeah, I agree. We´re all dependant on internet, the problem is when this dependency becomes an addiction!

I think establishing rules and trying to control the time you spend online might help...but disconnecting is really difficult in a world where we can acess the internet all the time using our cellphones.

I do believe that internet is amazing, but in excess is extremely bad, bringing problems such as low productivity and waste of time, money and energy.


1 point

I agree with Wanderley - Kids, teenagers,adults...everybody can be influenced by the media. But kids are more vulnerable.

The difference is that, like Isabela said, Kids do not know what is right or wrong. Despite of what some people say, it is the parent´s role to control that.

About advertising...

I don´t think the government is really worried about kids being influenced. If you watch TV in the mornings (when there are lots of cartoon and kids´ TV shows) the biggest part of the advertisings are about toys or products for kids. Obviously big companies don´t care about how the media is affecting your child´s development.

Roberta 1M

1 point

Too much of anything is not good.

Obviously we can live, study and work without the Internet but it would be very difficult.

I remember when I was younger I used to go to the library and photocopy pictures when I wanted to illustrate my homework. There was no Google to save time.

I don´t know if you guys work but have you ever seen what happens in an office when the internet is not working? Nobody works. Nobody does anything. It´s impossible. We are used to all the practicality that internet has to offer and why not? It makes everything easier and faster!

Problems such as depression are part of the human being´s history since the beginning.

Internet is just a part of it. It has good things and bad things, especially when used in excess. That way, when it comes to children, parents have a crucial role in establishing boundaries.

Roberta 1M

1 point

Caique is right, the government should invest more in eco-friendly materials.

And the population should at least try to get used to this. I´ve already forgotten my eco bag at home when going to the supermarket with my mom and we had to ask for some empty boxes. I´s not the end of the world! We just have to get used to it.

I know we still use plastic for fruits, etc. But the thing about the plastic bag is the quantity. Think about the amount of plastic bags that you used to accumulate. Imagine this number multiplied by a billion people!

It´s insane!

So yes, we still use plastic bags for a few things but if we can reduce the use of this bags I think it´s worth trying.

Roberta 1M

1 point

I agree with Milena:

"I am not a vegetarian, but I also care and practice actions to help the planet, I think it is a choice but it is sad when you put those that eat meat as the blamed for the situation of the planet, as the villains"

I´m not a vegetarian but I do care about the planet. And I believe that there are other ways to think green besides becoming vegetarian.

I don´t think vegetarianism can make you healthier...You can have a healthy lifestyle being a vegetarian or no. Depends on a lot of other things such as exercising, avoid drinking too much, avoid junk food, etc.

Being a vegetarian is a very personal choice...the fact that you eat meat doesn´t mean that you don´t care about the planet or the animals. You just have a different point of view.

Roberta 1M

1 point

Anny, I think you´re using a very good strategy with your boy.

If we show our kids how to shop wisely there´s a bigger chance that these kids become wiser consumers when they grow up.


1 point

Isabela is right asking "Are we ready to have legalize marijuana?"

That´s the point. I think that what is working in another countries is not the answer for us...we have to consider our reality, our society.

At the same time that the Cannabis legalization would solve some problems, new problems would appear and are we ready to solve them?

And we know that is not about what the people want...there´s the government, the big and powerful industries involved...

1 point

Gabi mentioned about the beauty standards in movies and tv´s interesting to notice that it happens especially when teenagers are the target audience.

The highschool students on Tv don´t look like real highschool students!

The consequence is obvious: teenagers more and more worried about their appearance and developing psychological issues and eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia.

Some companies try to show us the other side, but they´re still a minority.

Meanwhile we can see that part of the adults are becoming obese...

Isn´t it all part of only one big problem involving media, information and a complete reversal of values?

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