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RSS S9770661a

Reward Points:1
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6 most recent arguments.
8 points

There are many benefits to following a vegan diet. One is that this type of diet can lower blood sugar levels which is beneficial to those with diabetes or those at risk of diabetes. Along with exercise, a vegan diet can help in weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. By increasing your fruit and vegetable intake you increase the good carbohydrates that you’re putting into your body. This will improve your energy levels to get you through the day without the crash you get by eating other carbs like bread or pasta. A vegan diet can also help prevent heart disease. Some also believe that a vegan diet is better for the environment because it doesn’t support mass livestock farming.

26 points

and for those that say you don't get enough protein this is not true.

dark greens, beans, nuts, and eggs are all packed with protein.

there are even vegan body builders.

how ever there are unhealthy vegetarians as well. these are the people who don't take necessary measure to get the nutrition they need. but meat eaters do this as well.

27 points

eating meat will make u grow fatter.In addition to this, those of us who have a special condition where meat upset their intestines and they cannot intake a lot of them, are forced to live on vegetables.

27 points

vegetarians can live longer than people who eat meat.Eating vegetables can also control your weight and by eating meat,you would grow fatter.There are also other food which include protein in meat like milk and eggs etc.So,meat can be replaced by other food which might not make you fatter.

29 points

Vegetables is often seen as more healthy than eating meat.

26 points



1. Eating vegetarian is healthier for you.

According to the China Studies,Meat and animal products are major contributors to obesity and heart disease, the former which increases risk of diabetes. More deaths are caused by heart disease – cholesterol does not exist in plant foods, only animal "food." Average diets on both sides would allow for a meaningful comparison to take place – more meat-eaters proportionately have high blood pressure and heart disease than vegetarians and vegans, and that is a fact.

2.Eating vegetarian food is better for the environment.

Contemporary agriculture – animal agriculture, that is, contributes more to greenhouse gases than all automobile pollution. Animal waste contaminates crops, leading to outbreaks of salmonella, e. coli, and other diseases that would not occur if we did not mass produce meat.

The same resources – money, feed and human work – that are used to raise these animals could be used to feed all hungry humans, more efficiently than by routing them through the raising and slaughter of animals.

Done by:

Yi Jun

Supporting Evidence: (vegetarian diet is healthier than a meat diet) (
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