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RSS Sarawally

Reward Points:16
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

The whole point if the book is disputing the idea that it "could just happen".

As I said in my last post, I recommend the book to be read, not to be judged without being read.

1 point

I am a Christian. I believe this is a fine book to recommend. I did not recommend it for someone to look at the cover or read reviews of. I recommended it for someone to read. You have already passed judgment on the contents of the book. Judging a book by its cover, if you will. (The book SEEMS to be...)

If you are not a Christian but wish to learn about Christianity and why people believe it, then you would be willing to read a book that has God's name in the title and also is sort of a science book. You would be willing to read it without getting angry and being unhappy about the fact that it is defending Christianity.

If you do not wish to learn about Christianity and why people believe it, then why are you even in this forum?

I don't wish to make Christians look dumb and uneducated. This is a high school level book, so it is written in a slightly easier-to-read way (I'm not sure why you say it would make Christians look dumb and uneducated, but this is the only thing I could come up with).

I have actually read the book so I think I have more right to talk about what is in it.

I recommend this book because when I was in 7th grade I read and it helped me understand what I believe and why.

4 points

If you are a person who is really interested in studying this subject ( and if you aren't then why are you even reading this debate?) then you should read "It Couldn't Just Happen." It helped me understand how incredible our world is and how it must be a product of intricate design.

sarawally(16) Clarified
1 point

I'm sorry. I must have been misinformed. But do you believe drafting is right or wrong?

0 points

The only reason they would need a cell phone is if they were without someone who had one (for this argument I'm pretending that only 8th grade and up have cell phones). I believe that children who are in elementary school shouldn't be without someone who has a phone anyway. They should be at a friend's house (where there is a house phone, or parent with cell phone) or at the movies with family, or friends with adult supervision. Or anywhere, but they should be with someone responsible (like 8th grade and up). How often do you see a bunch of 10 and 11 year olds walking through the mall alone? If you do, I believe they shouldn't be out alone anyway, with or without cell phones. I'm in 9th grade and I only just got a phone. Although I've always know younger kids who had phones, I always wondered why they needed them. Now I know, they don't.

2 points

I had to argue that women should not be allowed in combat for a class and this was my main article. It is really informative actually, y'all should all look at it. I don't believe everything said in it, but it is still really good :)

Supporting Evidence: Why Women should Not be Allowed in Combat (
1 point

Not drafting women doesn't mean taking away their right to defend their country, just not making it mandatory.

1 point

Is life in prison really a future?

Plus, this isn't math. The 2 deaths don't cancel out, retribution is just another word for revenge, which is wrong.

2 wrongs don't make a right.

Why sink to the level of the murderers?

Why show people killing is wrong by killing them?

1 point

It actually depends on wether or not the prosecutors were seeking death, or seeking life w/out parole. The court process to get to the deth penalty is the part that makes the DP more expensive than LWOP.

1 point

There is actually no evidence that Capital punishment deters crime. I'm not saying it doesn't, bit there has been no noticeable change in crime rate since the institution of Capital punishment.

Winning Position: Wrong

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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