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RSS Singasong

Reward Points:4
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

I believe the person herself should be given a free will to decide whether to abort or not, banning abortion does not give her an option.

2 points

It'll only make terrorists feel superior to the governments, it'll further boost their egos, and make their demands more unreasonable.

2 points

Infringement of human rights.

And who should be given the authority to hit the children?

it isn't guaranteed that a child will learn best from physical punishment. He/she may become more rebellious and start to retaliate instead.

1 point

I agree that it very much depends on the country itself. In areas where it is densely populated, one-child policy would definitely do good. However, in areas where there is ageing population, one-child policy would bring nothing but harm to the country.

All in all, it is important to keep the country's population stable. This can only be done in two ways - through the influx of foreigners or the citizens themselves.

It all depends on the attitudes of the country and how they view foreigners.

2 points

Definitely not.

I view the word 'forced' as something very negative, that there is no other alternative.

There is no point in forcing anyone to be educated if they do not want to. They would be better off earning an income in a job which they enjoy, rather than staying in school and only hating the studious environment more.

Rather than having no alternatives, why not let people make their own decisions? What's right for the majority may not necessarily mean that it's right for some individuals.

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