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RSS Spyguy35

Reward Points:25
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Apple is the world's most valuable brand, and the Apple devices are the easiest and most efficient.

1 point

I want to be famous for doing something good or being talented. I don't want to end up all fame crazy, but it would be cool having people look up to me.

2 points

It costs too much money for students who don't have a lot of belongings that they need for school to have lockers. People should have lockers if they need a larger area to store their required school supplies. These young kids do not need that many supplies, so no, younger kids do not need lockers.

2 points

If the person is fully surrendering, then the police SHOULD NOT shoot them. But if the person "surrenders" but is not following orders and directions, police may shoot them in an arm or leg. They must be FULLY cooperating and surrendering.

1 point

You should always wear a seatbelt. Seat belts have saved many lives and can save many more. It's not that hard to just buckle up.

1 point

Marvel has very interesting characters and storylines, as does DC Universe. But to me, Marvel is a bit more intriguing. Marvel has many exciting things, and there are always twists and turns you never expect, while with DC Universe, you can sometimes guess what's going to happen fairly easily. Marvel has many more movies out, and the characters in the comics and movies always have their very own personality. DC Universe is very interesting too, with unique things that make it somewhat interesting. But Marvel has always been my favorite.

2 points

Of course women contribute to society, maybe not as much as men, but what would we do without women?

1 point

I love both, but honestly the Marvel characters and plots are more interesting and have many twists while DC does entertain, but the overall DC universe does not win in comparison to Marvel.

1 point

I think that if parents allow their young kids to watch these movies, sure, why not? This PG-13 rating for movies is just a suggestion, and many kids these days are not affected by some content. Let's just hope the movie was rated correctly!

1 point

i dont spend much time on the computer. I like using my phone lol. BUt on the computer, Minecraft.

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Sure, why not?

About Me

"I'm a person who loves debates, especially about soccer. I like doing debates for the fun of it."

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States

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