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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I have witnessed police confronting a white woman and white man who was trying to break into their own car with her purse locked inside. They weren't approached because of race but because they were doing something that appeared suspicious, which is what police are expected to do. Without all of the facts though it is hard to tell anything else from here

3 points

Exactly. The only reason businesses want the laws changed so there is no minimum wage is because they want to put the wages below what is now the minimum, to boost their own profit margin. Seeing as most of the companies wanting the laws changed are large industry with already huge profit margins, and alot of people are already living on or below the povity line I cant see how this would be an improvement to the economy, especially local. I can see however how the local lifestyle would change dramatically for the worst.

1 point

Most women make decisions using their better judgement and weighing up the facts. Most women have a firm enough grip on their emotions to not let them totally rule their life and dont run around whilly nilly ranting like crazy fools. The last time I saw an incoherent woman, she was blind drunk. I'm sure if women are as you describe, there would be none in the workforce, or in marriages for that matter.

4 points

A man claims that he wants to please a woman and asks what she wants. She tells him clearly, once, of which goes ignored or unheard as he finds it hard to stay focused. The man claims to still not know what the woman wants, so she tells him again in detail, to which the man tries to do but gets it wrong, as he wasn't really listening to her, as she just goes on and on.So again he asks her what she wants, this time, trying to please her, he gets her something he thinks will be better as she doesn't really know what she wants and he obviously does. Then when she's screaming and yelling about how he never gives her what she asks for, he screams back that she's being irrational. So just who is the irrational one?

1 point

I stand corrected. Well clarified...blah blah blah filler

1 point

I believe the question is should gays have the right to MARRY, not do i think gays should have the same legal and moral rights and obligations as married heterosexuals. Gays, when choosing to live together can sign contracts protecting their rights, very similar to vows, and can hold their partner accountable if they dont abide by the contact, protecting themselves financially and morally and creating obligations. This is usually legally stronger than marriage vows as contracts are often added to marriages to clarify the terms.

I agree that a person doesn't Choose who they fall in love with, but they do choose to act on it. There are alot of gay people out there who have chosen to be in heterosexual relationships for reasons of their own, just as someone else has chosen to go with their desires and follow the path they feel is right for them. Living in a gay relationship is definitely a choice.

If a person buys his house knowing he is beside the airport, should he be listened to when he complains about the noise. If your answer to this is no, then why should a gay couple who enter a relationship KNOWING they cannot get married, whine about the fact later.

2 points

I believe the question is should gays have the right to MARRY, not do i think gays should have the same legal and moral rights and obligations as married heterosexuals. Gays, when choosing to live together can sign contracts protecting their rights, very similar to vows, and can hold their partner accountable if they dont abide by the contact, protecting themselves financially and morally and creating obligations. This is usually legally stronger than marriage vows as contracts are often added to marriages to clarify the terms.

I agree that a person doesn't Choose who they fall in love with, but they do choose to act on it. There are alot of gay people out there who have chosen to be in heterosexual relationships for reasons of their own, just as someone else has chosen to go with their desires and follow the path they feel is right for them. Living in a gay relationship is definitely a choice.

If a person buys his house knowing he is beside the airport, should he be listened to when he complains about the noise. If your answer to this is no, then why should a gay couple who enter a relationship KNOWING they cannot get married, whine about the fact later.

1 point

I think you might find that most if not all of these animals would be considered to have bisexual tendancies, not homosexual tendencies, as I am sure they are still drawn to mate with the opposite sex or are they all extinct.

4 points

As for did I ever CHOOSE to go the heterosexual path , the answer is YES I DID.

As for what are the perks. Many gay people would claim that their coming out has brought them great relief and as much, if not more, possitive attention than when they were choosing to portray themselves as heterosexual. Also many gays who choose a partner of their own sex claim that there are alot of advantages, such as the feelings of love are deeper and feel more real, their desire for sex with that person rather than with someone of the opposite sex is stronger and the sex more satisfying, and I could keep going on and on. Also in certain fields of work, such as fashion design or interior design, the gay guy is usually assumed as going to be good before even showing any other credentials. And how can someone really say they are BORN gay, when boys and girls don't really even know the difference between the sexes until they are at least 2-3.

1 point

Thankyou for your answer. I was unsure as to wether a TV had a computer on board and this answers my question. But does turning the TV off cause any harm to the TV or are we burning unneccessary energy to just save ourselves the 2-5 seconds that we'd have to wait to turn on our TV?

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Winning Position: No
Winning Position: keep it
Winning Position: change the light bulb

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