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RSS Zacki

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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

the internet has made our life easier in a lot of ways and i think online dating is a part of that. the fact that it is becoming more and more popular means that people have accepted this way of meeting new people and that it often leads to success. before the internet there were parts in newspapers where people were looking for other people. it is just a natural thing that people want to connect with people and if they can't do it the most common way (traditional dating ;-) ) they try other methods. it will grow even more because we already adopted social media to our everyday life but it will never replace the traditional way.

1 point

No I don't think that the traditional way of shopping will ever totally disappear. Although e-commerce will grow even more in the next years , people will always like the way of actively going somewhere to buy something. It has a lot of advantages because often it is more convenient because you can try things out, it is a social activity and just a "thing" to do. Some articles might vanish from traditional stores but most of the things will always be available in traditional retail.

1 point

No if used correctly they are not too short at all and are a great method to influence the viewer in a short period of time. It is a fairly new method and gained a lot of popularity due to new possibilities to send a message within a few seconds.

1 point

I do think media has a huge influence but it is not necessarily a bad one. What is defined as a bad influence? I don't think if a character in a movie with tatoos is characterized as bad but they aren more projected as a powerful confident person. That is definitely influenced by the public's general perception of people with visible body art that has been around us over the last decades. It does have a lot of influence but I would not define it as a negative one.

1 point

Unfortunately there are always two sides of every questions. Ethically barely anyone would support the continuation of fracking in Pungesti because of the way it harms the people living there. However, from a business perspective it makes a lot of sense to continue the actions regardless of their consequences. From a students point of view I disagree but I am not sure if I would say the same as being the CEO of Chevron. Money talks ;)

1 point

I do think that these sustainable business are the most effective weapon in solving environmental crises however nowadays they still don't have enough impact to remarkably change our environmental situation. This is due to the fact of not strictly enough governmental regulations and the refusal of a lot of companies, SMEs as well as large enterprises to implement a sustainable business strategy. Only if they are willing to /forced to change their actions these sustainable business are an effective weapon in solving environmental issues. There are barely any other effectives weapons that could lead to change

1 point

Yes I do think that international studies generally give students a significant advantage in their future working environment. In my opinion there are no disadvantages and students always benefit from broadening their horizon.

1 point

couldn't agree more. often people think they are social if they use social media a lot but quite often the opposite happens. people befriend strangers and people they barely know on Facebook and if they see them in real life they are too shy to even look them in the eye. of course this it not always the case but excessive use of social media makes us less social. if we talk to person A we want to know what person B is up to, and vice versa because we're used to get all information 24/7

1 point

It should definitely be used for severe criminals but only in the case if it really helps and if it is 100% sure if the person actually committed the crime. Today we have a lot of misleading and false information on the internet and in case of social media manhunting this could lead to the opposite, us making the actual crime. But i think, if done correctly, it is usually very effective and should therefore be used.

1 point

No i think this idea of replacing teachers with technology and coaches is a horrible idea and can severely harm the development of a child's personality. Simply assisting them and only letting them use technology is not a suitable method to teach a school. The essence of a school is to guide and teach them, not to assist them. Especially in a young age children need to have a leading personality. I do not dislike the idea of using Ipads at school at general but they don't have to be adopted by all schools. Human teachers should still be the real teachers at school.

Winning Position: NSA - Protection or threat to the general public?

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