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Do international aspects in studies give students significant business advantage

There has been a growing number of international studies in universities and ICM is one of them. Within ICM, the number of students is growing every year. Both are likely to be a reaction on the ever more globalizing/international business environment. Students are obviously drawn to the international aspect, but why? Because of a perceived benefit. Furthermore, ever more companies are doing business both national ánd international, especially in the Netherlands. So is this international aspect just nice, or actually significantly beneficial and advantageous? Therefore my question: Does an international aspect in studies give students a significant advantage in current business?

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2 points

It definitely brings a lot of advantages in having an international background experience. Speaking from experience, I have learned to see the world from different points of view, thus this enhanced my ability to see a problem from different perspectives. Secondly, there is a lot to learn from other cultures. Companies often like to assign a team for a specific project. Being able to work in an international team becomes easier when prior experience in school has been added to it.

Diversity in the workplace may sometimes also be difficult in some cases (culture shock, misunderstandings or no empathy for the other cultures), yet there are more advantages to it. When you are put in the middle of an international environment one is likely to become more tolerant, thus a good listener and a good decision-maker (considering the different opinions one takes into account).

Moreover, globalization is growing and I strongly believe it is important to have experience beforehand.

1 point

I am pretty sure that an international perspective can only be a benefit. In our global society companies need people who know how to deal with different cultures and can speak many languages.

I agree. The international aspect is a bonus since it can enhance your CV and therefor give you an advantage in business. Global business are growing due to the internet and therefor having knowledge of languages and cultural aspects will help you.

1 point

Very good. But is it just a bonus as you say it, or actually a significant advantage?

1 point

I think too thatb it is rather a bonus and will enhance your CV. Nowadays everyhting is more globalized.

However, I am from Vienna, Austria, and when I am thinking of going back, I am not sure if the companies in my country prefer people with knowledge in the internatioal fields, or rather have someone who is more specialized in e.g. Austrian matters.

I think it depends very much on where you want to work in the future

1 point

Having lived in the USA for 8 yrs, i concur with this statement. It has broadened my horizons significantly, living there. Granted, my English is American English, but that's how i was raised, seeming i am half an American.

1 point

I particularly like the international aspect for one main reason - learning what make certain cultures tick, how to work with which culture and that prepares you for any future career.

1 point

I'm an international student. When I was applying for the ICM I thought that in case if I don't succeed in staying in the Netherlands I will find a job at home for sure because of my international experience and education. I think international experience gives you more chances and opportunities to find a job but also to develop yourself in a better way. From the business point of view, my employer will know that I know how to develop the business relationships with Dutch because I've lived here for 4 years but at the same time I know how everything works back home so he\she doesn't need to train me or search for another person to be responsible for internal and external relations of the company.

1 point

I believe the international factor can give students an advantage: aside from the fact that it's good for English skills, it will also gain understanding towards other cultures. This can also be beneficial when working together in different teams later on in their carriere.

1 point

I think it absolutely does. Whenever people ask me why I decided to study in an international environment, my number 1 answer always is : ''because then I am not limited to the Dutch job market'' . People underestimate the power of an international degree.

As with most courses, it depends on what field the student ultimately ends up in.

But, this is an increasingly globalized world, and it can't hurt to be more educated about foreign cultures and international relations.

1 point

I would not say significant advantage because it also depends on the knowledge of current businesses. I would say though that with the current globalised world, it does give you a slight edge due to the fact that organisations will prefer that more to someone who doesnt have international aspects.

1 point

Yes, but probably not as big of an advantage as we would like. The fact that the material is all in English helps, as well as the experience abroad during your internship or minor. But I wouldn't call us experts of the international market and everyone seems to study abroad these days..

1 point

In my opinion, it does. Studying in an international environment goes beyond having fun with people from many nationalities. The most advantages of such studies are that students can actually experience the cultural differences and learn how to interpret them and adapt to new places. Being culturally aware in a global business society is a highly beneficial quality, and so is the agility in adapting to new environments. Most companies today value diversity, so I really think the international experience is a significant advantage for the future professionals.

1 point

Another reason why i would support studying abroad is to get away from what you know. Stepping out of safety zones and expanding as a human being. Plus the network that you might build can be of great help later when looking for work.

1 point

I think it is an advantage in today's business world. With the globalization, being exposed to different cultures in a study environment is very beneficial because you get to know the people in professional but also in personal situations.

1 point

I think it certainly gives students an advantage. Especially in the Netherlands where most companies are also involved in business in other countries. Having knowledge of other cultures and languages is beneficial in both the personal and the working life. As an ICM student I believe the internal aspect gives me an advantage over other communication students.

1 point

Yes I do think that international studies generally give students a significant advantage in their future working environment. In my opinion there are no disadvantages and students always benefit from broadening their horizon.

I agree on the fact that an international aspect in studies has an advantage. It is important to know how to deal with different cultures and to be able to speak several languages. This smoothens business relationships as both parties are then able to see things from a different point of perspective.

Yes! I definitely think that by adding the international aspect (if done right!) can be a huge benefit to future job prospects. Even just teaching how to write and speak in proper English can broaden the scope of job opportunities, because it is not just limited to local businesses or companies. Language is very, very powerful so next to all the internationally oriented courses, just giving class in English can give a significant advantage.

I think from an internal perspective it would definitely influence finding a better job. I think that's far more important than the employer perspective of potentially hiring you. The international experiences takes one out of his/her comfort zone which allows for much deeper reflection on one's aspirations, likes, and dislikes by broadening his/her world view. In doing so, one will be influenced by this impactful experience, allowing him/her to choose a better job. In that aspect I find a significant advantage.

1 point

International experience or studies are beneficiary for the person, since the labour field would entail much more areas than just your own country (many countries have a very high unemployment rate so international experience for those people is very much an advantage). However, the international aspect is decreasing in being a competitive advantage, as more and more people have experience in an international working field nowadays. The significance of this advantage is therefore decreasing as well.

1 point

I am pretty sure an international aspect in studies is beneficial for the student's personality since it broadens your horizon and learns you to see things from another perspective. However, it doesn't guarantee you to get an job since more and more students are gaining international experience by going broad so you really have to stand out to make that experience make you get the job.

1 point

Yes. Sometimes I get invited to job interviews mostly due to my international experience in Sweden and Japan. They literally say they like it. Also, due to globalization there is a good change you have to put your international experience to use. Tourism is rising, international trade is rising, the number of multinationals is rising, etc.

1 point

An international study always offers a wider range of options on the job market. The more internationally-oriented you are, the higher your chances of finding a job which suits you. It shows that you are open-minded and able to understand and be a professional in different cultures. Foreign languages are also always a plus.

1 point

I think it does, beside that is good for your CV and great that you are allowed to work for several International companies it also gives a good perspective in doing business with different cultures.

1 point

I think international aspects attained can only be beneficial and give an advantage indeed. It is getting more and more common, and perhaps in future prospects it might even be a demand to have international aspects and/or experiences on your CV. The people who did not attain such international aspects may be in the minority and therefore even be less assured in future business applications due to the growing necessity of international knowledge caused by globalisation.

1 point

If I had to answer this question directly, I would've said no. Due to the globalization, more and more studies are internationally orientated. The international aspect in most studies is not wide enough to call students experts on international business. It became to common to be a USP.

However, indirect, I believe that the international aspects can give students a lot of advantages. They learn to look at cases from different points of view and to empathise and adapt to situations. The language skills they get from an English study and the extra languages they are able to learn, gives them benefits that not-international orientated students don't have. So because of these 'side-effects', the students will in the end benefit of the international aspect of their study.

1 point

You point out globalization and the growing numbers of internationally orientated students you describe. Do you think the international aspect can ever be left out of studies anymore? Would you go so far as to say it has grown from an additional advantage to a necessity?

Koek(2) Clarified
1 point

To my opinion, the international aspect is more and more a necessity in stead of a additional advantage. Business nowadays, even local businesses, are based on theories all over the world and for that reason international aspects will become a necessity in the near future. I think this is where we are going to.

1 point

YES! The world is getting smaller and businesses are going all over the world more and more. Not only speaking a language is extremely important but also (and perhaps even more) understanding the culture and regional habits of your business-partner makes the way to your target more easy!

1 point

I definitely think an international study is beneficial for your chances on the job market. Like Paul said, you're not only limited to the Dutch market, which is very convenient in times like these where there are just not a lot of jobs. Secondly, the experience you have had during your time abroad has for sure made you a more open minded and mature person, which is what companies want. You have proven to to be fearless (in a way) and step out of your comfort zone. That says a lot about your personality and ambitions.

1 point

I don't think an international study really fully prepares you for work abroad, but it gets you thinking about the differences there are between countries and that is important. When you go work abroad you will always have a difficult time to adept to the ruling culture and it will always ask a lot from you. An international study prepares you by teaching you a language that many can understand and that there are other cultures then yours and that you will have to change your work style.

1 point

To add on that I do believe that a study that focuses on an international environment especially when everything is taught in English that it is a disadvantage in the local environment like Dutch working in a Dutch environment. This is mainly because all my writing skills are in English and I noticed that during my internship that I did in Dutch that when I had to write an article for example my writing was terrible (could also just be me).

1 point

Due to globalization I believe that it could give significant business advantages. It is more interesting and valuable to have an 'international' in the company because of the way businesses work in this day and age.

In my opinion it is at least not harmful to have international business subjects in the university program. In my experience most of the things however are pretty common sense and it is not something a curious and interested person cannot learn by reading a few books and talk to people who are actively involved in the business world. Of course, today it is a necessity to have a diploma from an international degree in order to find a decent job in a globalizing world.

1 point

As an Operations Manager working in an international environment, i find that an international aspects helps but it is not a significant advantage. It's more the experience you gain as a student during the free time activities that is more important.

1 point

When I think about the international aspect of studies like ours, I think of subjects like International Law, International culture, Globalisation etc. But on top of that we were also thought about things like economics, marketing and management all on a global level. So in that way I do believe we were prepared primarily for the international market. Speaking for myself, I know I'd rather work abroad or in an international environment, and I think having done the study ICM supports this.

1 point

i believe, and have experienced, that choosing for an international study certainly gives you an advantage when you actually decide/get the chance to work in an international environment. you are most likely better able to communicate in other languages (for me the extra languages are english and spanish) than your colleagues which gives you a heads up. i believe the internationalization will not decrease in the coming years; in contrast. however there is one problem i foresee, namely when you don't apply for an international position but for a dutch one in a very dutch company, i think you will have disadvantage because people do not like change or "new". but it is of course for you to decide which job you apply for except that it makes it harder that most international companies are the multinational ones which are hard to enter.

international students also learn how to deal with intercultural differences. not only by means of theory, exams, international classmates and teachers, but also because we are obliged to go abroad for at least 5 months. i believe this is a good preparation not only for your future career but also for personal development which makes you stronger in and more confident when you are going to look for/apply for a job.

yes, i believe that international students will cope much better in the changing and growing international working environment than others who have not experienced an international study.