
Animegirl300's Waterfall RSS

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2 points

Although I'm tired of all the people COMPLAINING about America's cultural problems without DOING A DAMNED THING, yes it is a big problem. Are children are wasting away without futures becasue our culture has lost all motivation to keep going, keep moving, get smarter, prove itself. All we do is watch TV play on the computer and do other worthless crap. Then our morals are deteriorating. People take NO responsibility for their own lives and they don't work towards any future nor think about consequences or rewards for action. It's really depressing :/

I wasn't shocked. Thing is, they just couldn't PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt she was guilty. It's too bad though. We all know she did it.

It's also good for the child to maybe stick with the church becasue of the benefits. I know that I have been blessed becasue of Church involvement: they've given me a job for three years (that pays well), I have opportunities to join activities that not many others in the country get to, as well as simply having a supportive family for when you need it. I love my church XD

I would think so: I think that making sure their child actually had knowledge of ALL the religions would be TOO important, INCLUDING the christian one. (Get as much as they can in)

it's also that religion is something parents will base their standards of their house on. So as long as the child is living under their roof, they will sorta have to abide by the rules of the house; this includes religion. If they don't like it, then the child will either have to wait it out and make their own decisions, or they move out before adulthood.

Then either way I would be going to hell for not being a Jew period :o

But at least I could say I tried instead of just sitting back and doing nothing.

2 points

People will understand your meaning anyway. Even if they don't believe in the same God you do they will simply just think to their own deity and make thoughts about it there.

Yeah. Something like a taser would be nice for them to have :) as long as it doesn't kill the child. It's just that a complete GUN is too dangerous. What happens if another student is around?? THEY might get hurt simply for going to SCHOOL.

Do you guys realize how frustrating being a teacher is?? Those kids would all be DEAD in the next 30 minutes.

What I want to know is: WHY do homosexuals want to get married anyway??

Haven't heteros already shown that marriage isn't that... great anymore?? It's not sacred even by OUR standards.

Why don't they make their own type of ceremony and Both sides will be happy?

That would include the same rights as marriage, it just wouldn't be called marriage I guess.... and it would be something they created as a community, and they could decide to make it a ceremony even more sacred than what the heteros had.

Just saying.

How about this: If God DOES exist, then he does and all these happy Christians can go to heaven and live with Jesus in peace and happiness forever, while those who don't believe in him will be sad.

And if he doesn't then at least we Christians died happily thinking we were going to heaven, while those who don't believe will also be happy. --> if there is nothing else after our death then ah well for both.

And now that I think about it, I think that Christians today might be quieter about it. The only real church doing that really crazy stuff is Westboro, and as I've said on other sites, those guys are not Godly at all. They're nothing more than hypocrites abusing the Bible. Because it IS true that Jesus said to love others, and they ONLY show hatred. You need to love other people instead of judge them.

Most Christians are afraid that God will do another Sodom and Gamora. In christian history, no gay civilization is left standing so... they're sorta afraid they'll get caught in the crossfire if they start to accept it and get God angry.

I know I'd be scared poop-less if I thought God WOULD do that again...

But I go more by what Jesus said about loving other people. Hatred is the exact OPPOSITE of what Jesus wants, although I don't think I agree with homosexuality as my OWN lifestyle:

Therefore I actually DO go by live and let live becasue I think hate is more of a sin than what? Staying away from it personally and praying for whatever outcome God really wants? (Cuz I sure as heck don't know what HE wants. and I'm in no position to judge for God.)

I believe he exists :)

I started to believe becasue of personal experiences in my life. At one point you really hit a certain rock bottom point when you're really forced to look at life, and think about it. Anyway, I DO believe in God, and nothing can really shake my belief in that. (Beliefs on other stuff like biblical interpretation of morals and stuff I'm still developing opinions of)

Only if they prove qualified. Because there are SOME celebrities that NOBODY would vote for no matter how popular they are (Lindsey Lohan?)

I certainly HOPE people are smarter than voting for an idiot just becasue he's famous...

Anything that ISN'T drama, fighting, ignorance, mainstream, average (settling for being so), rap, sceneness.

2 points

Arts, Creativity, Effort, Intelligence, Simplicity, QUALITYY, Having personalitiy.

Can I say the Bermuda Triangle?

If not I'm getting a one-way ticket to the Space Station.

3 points

... True. I don't think anybody ever really thinks of it that way. We DO sorta just group it all up together becasue the terms are all thrown around too much. Isn't the correct term for those who are against it Anti-theist? So yes. I think that a lot of us are ignorant sometimes >___<

2 points

I don't think it's THE most important, but it really does have a heavy pull. I guess that visual simply helps the brain to guard to prepare itself for whatever is coming, so we may THINK on the way of visual first impression.

I would also agree with this. I think the jerks when it comes to beliefs are the people who try to disrepute the people who believe in something different. This can be for any category; I more just started with this one.

Hmm... I actually agree with this, and I understand the want to think of religion and decide on ones own standards. o__o

2 points

I would think Country. There simply are more people: more opportunity for there being something good resulting.

Wonderful I suppose. If he is being welcomed into a family, it should be celebrated.

I'd say North America. I think that we have more areas that would be rather well protected against Natural Disaster.

2 points

You're comparing the creation of life to the belief in Santa Clause. Get a grip.

Your beliefs in sciences are just as imaginary whether you like it or not. (Science has been proven to be subjective. Just sayin)

2 points

Interesting. But then, this could go for ANYTHING really. Even in science, the 'evidence' used to support a claim is actually more subjective than people usually believe it is. Science has proven in the past to be just as fickle when supported as Faith has. Therefore, while faith can be dismissed without evidence, so can science, and therefore it leaves everything for speculation by the individual.

4 points

While there is not evidence of God existing, there is also no evidence of him NOT existing. The truth of the world is too subjective to give a definite answer based on evidence. Even science is not the full answer as it is very subjective itself: it gives clues depending on the person who is making the observations, just like in the Bible. Science is not fact, while neither is faith. This in itself should already tell you that pitting the two against each other is rather pointless.

To be truthful, it is not religion itself that has actually caused much of anything. It is the people who commit the acts of hatred, using the Bible as something to validate themselves. It is nothign more than abuse of a system of belief. Nothing more, nothing less. What is the root of evil? the fact that people are too closed-minded and foolish to deal with anybody having a difference of opinion.

But to dispute your claim:

By your logic Religion is the root of evil. This would mean that Religion is the only cause of evil (IE it's root). If this were true, would it NOT also be true that since Religion only causes evil, those who are not religious would not be evil themselves?

Therefore, this logic is found to be incorrect as there are plenty of evil non-religious people. Stalin and Pol Pot for example. Chairman Mao for another.

I am not saying that all atheists are evil or something (since I'm SURE someone would try saying it) but there HAVE been evil atheists in the past.

Therefore, becasue of this, the entire logic is thrown off.

Please stop trying to tag conspiracy to an argument that has nothing to do with it :)

4 points

I love all the people who voted down on here, although you are RIGHT that the question isn't whether or not eh Bible is true. Just shows how peopel will be ignorant when they see something they don't want to hear.

4 points

I personally believe in God becasue of personal experience in my life. I really believe that he is there, whether other people do or not.

I DO support that homophobic people need to get over it, because it IS a choice, and a personal choice that anyone has a RIGHT to make without being criticized or bothered for it.

<__< I've asked before, and some WILL say that they chose it.

As a person who encounters racism more than problems with homophobia, I am inclined to say racism is worse, but I DO realize that both are horrible and atrocious.

I WILL say that, as a Christian, I AM in disagreement with homosexuality as a lifestyle. However there is a very STRONG line between disagreeing with something and actually causing harm to another person for having a difference in opinion.

I DO however believe that homosexuality can be a choice. I have good friends who are gay, and even they can admit that they made a choice at some point in their lives. I think that it will depend on the person. [I STILL don't think it's genetic though. I think it's more of a mindset that one builds over time.]

I also think racism MIGHT be worse due to how much more it effects the world we live in. Racism has caused so many problems to a WIDER population that homophobia, and it dictates so many things in our daily lives, like how we treat and see people before we get personal with them.

Racism is an INITIAL response, but homophobia seems to be(form what I've seen) a gradual response.

Either way, I DO believe that racism is worse than homophobia.

2 points

Ummm... Really though XDD

1.) I could barley make out what you were saying, so I HOPE that I understood you correctly.

Amy has actually proven to be very UNCLINGY after her initial responses to Sonic. Like in Sonci Adventure 2: She was obviously joking with the marriage thing as she let Sonic out even when he said 'No way'.

In Sonic Adventure 1, she even protected Gamma from Sonic, and went on her own to defend birdy (Lily in Sonic X)

In Sonic Unleashed especially: she was focuses more on helping to save the planet than just being with Sonic.

So it's hardly fair to say Amy only 'bugs' Sonic.

Sally doesn't have a perfect tract record either: she is actually A LOT more clingy and needy to Sonic in Archie than even Amy is in the same comic.

For example: Even when they weren't dating and she saw Mina and Sonic hanging out together so much, she started to get very jealous and possessive. Amy on the other hand, despite Sally and Sonic actually DATING and almost getting MARRIED, she kept her distance from Sonic and respected them both.

Also: Amy being so girly? Oh really?! AND Not as cool?!

1.) Amy runs around in a little red dress fighting bad-guys and having FUN. She is also rather violent XD. How is THAT girly?

Sally on the other hand actually started focusing a lot on looks in realtivley recent comic issues XD

2.) How is a childish and fun girl with a GIANT HAMMER than can pop out of NOWHERE and replace itself multiple times, less cool than a common smart-girl-"tactical genius"-"beautiful princess"?


I find it hard to take THAT seriously XD

0 points

Personally, my IDEAL is for Sonic to be single xD, BUT if I would have to pick one I would choose Amy based on how compatible their personalities are.[Depending on media as some media portray her differently out of the writer's own opinion of her character]

On the basic levels of personality, I think that Sonic and Amy simply have a better chance of lasting.

Sonic, after all, is all about freedom, adventure, and having fun, as well as protecting the people he cares about. He is rash, and short tempered, loyal, and he HATES oppression. He also dislikes tears.

Amy Rose is also all about having fun, and having adventure. She is also about as short tempered as Sonic, and like her blue counterpart will go out of her way to protect those being tyrannized. However, Amy is more on the innocent and childish side, and is very spontaneous in her actions which makes her a big ball of fun. She is whimsical. She is also known to be insightful, supportive, kind and understanding when a person really needs it. Sonic is actually more likely to need someone's support than Amy is.

[It is a common misconception that Amy is obsessive, but in actually there is evidence that she is actually not quite as clingy as she has appeared.

Examples: Sonic Adventure 1, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Universe, Sonic and The Black Knight.]

Sally is considered logical, focused and organized. She prefers to plan ahead, take the lead, and compromise.

She is passionate and brave, but can also be insecure and "Her personal emotions are sometimes less well-controlled, and under some extreme situations she's fallen into turmoil concerning her relationships with others, especially with her father, King Acorn, and Sonic."+

She has before fostered feelings of betrayal and jealousy, and she has had the tendency to rely much on the support of her friends (Sonic included)

Both girls have proven they cold hold their own in battle, and both have proven to be good character in their own rights.

However, in conclusion I believe that Sonic and Amy can work better together as Sonic is the type of character who needs freedom, and would completely dislike being smothered. Sonic wouldn't want a person who would always need him for emotional support. Unlike Sally, Amy is the type to support SOMEONE ELSE and rather than let herself feel down she uplifts herself and others.

Sonic would also need a girl who would be fun as he could get bored very easily. Amy's spontaneous behavior AND their common needs for adventure and fun make a perfect situation for these two to always be able to have fun with each other in most situations.

Amy has also shown that she is less likely to get jealous of another woman. In Archie itself, she actually kept her distance even though she would admit to loving him. However, Sally actually ended up holding a grudge even when she and Sonic weren't dating.

Another thing that I like better about Sonamy is, how with these two they can interact with each other, and HINT at a relationship without even needing to make it official, which is good for ALL the fans: the ones who DO like the couple, and DON'T like the couple, as this give the fan the option of choosing instead of the pairing being forced in their face, unlike Sonally, where the couple is ALWAYS forced in the fan's face without giving the fan the chance to decide if they like it.

As for the standing now in their relationships:

I LIKE how Sonamy's relationship is so flexible, but I HATE how Sonally is so rigid. I at first was okay with Sonally in SATAM, but when they got to Archie I felt that they were trying to force everyone to like the couple by demonizing other rivals for Sonic's affections, and with the writer making story plots that make the couple "word of god". For example: Mobius ___ Years later, Sonic Issue #222, and others.

I will say that SEGA has a good chemistry with the two, as they are hinted at but never made official: this actually makes the fan like it more by letting them CHOOSE it themselves.

That is my Answer.

Please note that I am NOT a general Sonamy fan: I PREFER another couple with Amy in it AND I prefer Sonci being single. However if the need aroused I WOULD choose Sonamy over Sonally.

+From Mobius Encyclopedia:


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