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Debate Score:113
Total Votes:127
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Animegirl300(26) pic

Are the Majority of Atheists as jerkish as they are stereotyped?

Having met, befriended, argued with, and loved atheists before I am coming to the conclusion that it is TRUE that the MAJORITY of Atheists out there are ass-holes. I've had MANY friends that are atheists, I've had a boyfriend who's an atheists, and I have had enemies who are atheists as well. And so far, the more I explore into the community, the more I'm getting the immpression that the vast majority are jerks.

Is this occurance strange or common to other people.


Side Score: 43


Side Score: 70
5 points

Yes, they are not only jerkiness, but they are assholes, they have imperious attributed that they are so much better and smarter than religious folks.

Side: yes
wolverinetre(238) Disputed Banned
0 points

smarter than religious folks.

We ARE smarter than religious people. Religious people love living in a delusional world with their god because it's just so damn reassuring to them.

Fuck off.

Side: No
Animegirl300(26) Disputed
1 point

? That SO didn't help to refute the statement...

First of all: believing in something for reassurance isn't a question of intelligence more than a question of either how courageous they are, or how self-encouraging.

Second: It's hard to measure intelligence really. It's based too much on how much on many things.

Third: Intelligence however can include the ability to think abstractly Christians certainly are thinking abstractedly if your ides of God not existing are correct, AND emotional intelligence is also a part of it, and religion also has a bit part int he emotional attachment.

Forth: there is such a thing as an idiot atheist... I've met em.

Just sayin.

Side: yes
4 points

Of course they are jerks, smug in a belief where they can belittle those who have the courage to act on faith. They have no faith in themselves and act accordingly.

Side: yes

Your wrong here .......many are smug, but so are some people of faith. You say they have no faith in themselves.....I say thats all they have faith in......themselves. They make up their own rules and morals....which are relative. Oh they have a lot of faith but its in themselves.

Side: yes
catticus90(360) Disputed
2 points

I won't dispute your first sentence as I agree that Atheists and people of religion can be equally as smug. It seems there are jerks on both sides of the debate. However just because Atheists and Agnostics (throwing that in because I see myself as Agnostic) aren't religious does not mean they only have faith in themselves. We have faith in family, friends, the good of society and the world. We're not narcissists who only believe and care for ourselves. My loyalty lies with my family. In fact I have little faith in myself and what I can accomplish.

Side: No
Peekaboo(704) Disputed
1 point

The one who sounds the smuggest in this whole debate is you.

You know, I can't even tell if you're posting your genuine opinions, or if you treat CD as one massive trollfest. Your accusations apply so well to yourself that I often wonder if your hypocrisy is intentional.

I'm sort of expecting you to roll out a "lulz trolled" anytime now.

Side: No
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

I've noticed time and time again that one is deemed a troll when one has no intelligent defense. Is this all you have?

Side: yes
churchmouse(325) Disputed
1 point

So is it your style always to dispute but then never give examples?

Give me some examples. I am sharing my opinion the same as anyone else.

Side: yes
2 points

Just ask an atheist if they are the only ones capable of doing critical thinking.

Side: yes
imrigone(758) Disputed
2 points

Its not that we are the only ones who are capable. Indeed, one thing that gets many atheists panties in a bunch is when we see people who ARE capable completely refusing to do so. The capacity is there, but the willingness is not.

Side: No
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

"The capacity is there, but the willingness is not."

Now atheist know whether someone is willing to be open-mind, is there no end to their power. All hail the atheist.

Side: yes
8 points

I'm not so surprised that you came to such a conclusion. I see you're from America, a country with a pretty low atheist population. When you have a comparatively small population to base a judgement on, naturally the most vocal people within that population gets all your attention, and then you'd use them as a standard. And the most vocal atheists do tend to be the most asshole-ish of atheists. The most vocal people for any idea are usually the most asshole-ish, because they believe so strongly in their cause that they can't comprehend why other people would disagree with them. So you hear the really vocal atheists, and a lot of them sound like assholes, and you form the conclusion that a lot of atheists are assholes.

But if you went to a country where most people (or at least a large minority of people) are non-religious, it'll be easier to get away from the vocal subgroup and look at atheists as a whole. And then you'll see all sorts of atheists, including plenty who are just normal friendly people.

Another thing is that non-asshole atheists are more likely to keep quiet about their religious stance unless you deliberately ask them about it, so you don't even realise that they're atheist. They don't go around trying to force their beliefs down everyone's throat. You've probably met a lot of nice atheists and never knew it.

Side: No
4 points

It really just depends on how you see a jerk.

Atheists can be really into themselves. Hell, some of them think they're enlightened just by being an Atheist (see Bill Maher).

To me, Atheism is about not believing in something just because a bunch of people tell you it's true. Basically, we look for credibility and evidence. As well, we're seekers of knowledge and information.

The problem here, though, is that as Atheism becomes more accepted, the dumb majority is going to start infecting it (see Bill Maher). It's sort of like when teengirls from Gaia discovered 4chan... the problem isn't 4chan, it's the exposure.

But unlike the Newfags, I don't mind more people being Atheist (even though that means more dumb atheists). I just hope that people will look to the great Philosophers and Scientists who are Atheist, and see it's about the seeking of truth, and not just the bashing of others for their personal beliefs.

Side: No

Hmm... I actually agree with this, and I understand the want to think of religion and decide on ones own standards. o__o

Side: No
3 points

The irony in this debate is that there has been no name calling from Atheists, look at the opposition arguments from the Christians. I think that answers your question.

Some people perceive Atheists to be 'jerks' because they argue the rationality of religion. But I see a mass affair of double standards in this debate. Atheists that voice their opinion are merely stating their beliefs. Isn't that what Christians do on a daily basis? The majority of Christians I know have in some way tried to 'preach' or 'convert me' without any ammunition. Atheists that I know will debate religion when brought up for discussion but in no way just start hurling reasoning at people of religion.

Side: No
Animegirl300(26) Disputed
3 points

Although it is very true that Christians can be from bad to worse sometimes, I actually perceive atheists as jerks when they call me a christfag for arguing against something even without even mentioning my religious beliefs. Although, it goes further than that: a lot of atheists I argue with automatically tell me that anything I say is invalid simply for believing in something they do not, and being ganged up on by a bunch of them several times in debates having nothing to do with religion is not exactly a peaceful look.

I'm all for thinking critically about something so important like religion. But if I'm going to be deemed a Bible-thumper or a Jesus-dicker for saying "I disagree because ___" then it's a problem of not being able to share my own opinion due to the oppression so many of them claim to be against.

But while I will agree it's not all of them: I'm just trying to if it's as much a majority as I think it is.

Side: yes
3 points

That's fair enough, I'm not sure they're jerks because they're Atheists though. They're obviously jerks because they're ignorant and dumb. All the Atheists I know would never tell a religious person their religion is outright wrong or bull shit. They just hold the opinion that God might not exist and therefore they don't believe. On the contrary I'm fully aware that God might exist however I have chosen not follow a religion because even if proven true I could no way bring myself to agree with most of what they value or idolize.

You won't find many of these insulting people here, most of us are respectful if religion and debate it intelligently.

I'm not actually Atheist I'm Agnostic, I neither believe or disbelieve. I just don't agree with some of the values and teachings of the Christian faith which is why I choose to eliminate it from life and hence I come across as an Atheist. Basically even if it was proven true, I would still not follow it.

Side: yes
1 point

By the way I'm only using Christians for my argument here as I've never had a negative experience with people of other faiths. Just though I'd clarify before someone jumped in saying 'We're not the only ones who preach!'.

Side: No
2 points

I agree with this actually:

as many friends as I've had that are non-christian, I only ever have had arguments with atheists ^^;

My Hindu, Muslim and Buddhist friends never seemed to care about my faith as long as I wasn't pushing it down their throat :o

Side: No
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

There is a reason why I do name calling, I've been called just everything since I've been on this site by atheist. I'm just returning a good deed with a good deed.

Check out all my down-votes. They were not done by religious people, but atheist.

Supporting Evidence: Proof that atheist are what say they are (
Side: yes
catticus90(360) Disputed
3 points

But you're name calling a majority based on a bad experience with a minority. I've been called names and badgered by Christians here but I wouldn't say the majority are jerks. It would just seem that there are dicks on both sides. Around 90% of my down votes are from the exact same Christian follower. Not once have I ever told them what they believe is definitely wrong or completely false, I wish I could say the same for the other way round.

Side: No
1 point

How about looking at it from a different angle?

The three biggest groups of jerks I can think of in America would probably be: gang members, racists, and right-wing extremists. And these groups are largely Christian, whereas atheists are underrepresented in each category.

Now I'm not saying that there aren't jerky atheists out there. There certainly are. But behavioral patterns are more discernible within groups that have more of a structured set of beliefs. Atheists only really have one belief, and so it is more difficult to find broad commonality amongst them.

Besides, lots of people are jerks, regardless of their approach to religion.

Side: No
1 point

I'd say Left-Wing extremists are also major jerks.

And the Black Panthers.

Side: No
1 point

Well, I just did my top three, a top 10 would have had a bit more variety. I place rw extremos higher than lw ones because they are more likely to call for war, be racist and be homophobic.

Also, many Black Panthers are already covered in the racist heading.

Again, many people are jerks.

Side: No

I would also agree with this. I think the jerks when it comes to beliefs are the people who try to disrepute the people who believe in something different. This can be for any category; I more just started with this one.

Side: Yes
churchmouse(325) Disputed
1 point

The three biggest jerks I can think of are liberals Democrats, extremists at both ends and the majority of Hollywood.

I can't agree with you that these groups are mainly Christian.

A Christian mirrors their life with Jesus as the example. They walk the walk.....sitting in church does not make one a Christian. It is living a clean life and following the scriptures. I believe the majority of people who call themselves Christian are not ones at all. They go to church for holidays...own a bible but never read it....they dont take care of the poor, dont take the Great Commission seriously and basically live according to their rules. They are people who mouth the words, that only have a basic head knowledge of what its like....they lack the heart knowledge and commitment. Being a Christian is a lives where ever they go and at all times. They are proud to be singled out even if they are bashed for their beliefs. Its all about defending Christ and who He said He was. George Barna did an interesting book on this, I read it just the other day.

He said that survey after survery has shown that Americans-including a huge majority of born again Christians and evangelicals not only do not know the bible, read the Bible but lack a biblical worldview. By Biblical worldview he means thinking like Jesus. Making our faith practical to EVERY SITUATION we face each day. That we act like Jesus 24 hours a day because we think like Jesus and not just part time.

Here is a quote from the book.

“Among those who say they rely on biblical standards as their compass for moral decision making, only half believe that all moral truth is absolute. The rest either believe that moral decisions must be made on the basis of the individuals perceptions and the specific situation, or they haven’t really thought about whether truth is relative or absolute.”

He says, “As of 2003, the United States has about 210 million adults. About 175 million CLAIM to be Christian. About 80 million are born again Christians. Roughly 7 million have a biblical worldview. This is just one of every adults in this nation.”

“It seems that Christians are more affected by society than society is affected by Christians. Why? Perhaps because more than 9 out of every 10 born again Christians fail to think like Jesus, they think like the rest of the world, so they naturally behave like citizens of the world, too. They are not the salt and light that Jesus COMMANDS us to be because they lack the personal commitment and depth of faith that makes them truly changed, God-driven beings.”

I gave you these because I am trying to show that...many of those who claim to be Christs are not. How many of the Christians in the groups you place them are truly Christian and not just using the label? To blame all the evils of the world on Christians is wrong. The people who are not mirroring Christ are the ones who are doing the evil...and that includes atheists as well. Christ said LOVE YOUR ENEMY. ARE the Westboro Baptists doing this? NO. They are a hateful group on every level who are not following Christ. But everyone classifies them as Christian.

Side: yes
1 point

While I admire your fervor and your strength in what you stated throughout your dispute, I do see one flaw in it and am saddened by it. You said, and the Bible says (The original Bible) to love your enemy. How can you say to love your enemy though turn around and say that any who are not mirroring Christ are the ones committing evil in the world. . . including atheists. How can your belief cause you to emit evil? Simply because I do not believe I am evil and create evil just by living; If you do not believe this it is the message your are sending. The choice to be evil and or act in such a manner does not stem from your belief or how closely you follow it, it stems from you and no one and nothing but you.

Side: No
1 point

I have a different experience. The atheists I have known have respected the religious believes and preferred not to have faith. And I have also met Atheists who take pleasure in insulting one's faith considering one's own ideas superior.

I think the former have the right to be cynical. But have no right to mock. Some of them forget that excess faith when questioned in the form of abuses is hurtful.

But, I do know the other half of those who are respectful and nice. I'm going to conclude that not all are jerks for the sake of the better half who know how exactly to propagate or at least to let be.

Side: No

Personally I would say that no Atheists are NOT as "jerkish" as they are stereotyped to be, I myself am an atheist by my own beliefs. I do not feel that how I act toward others religious or not has to do with my beliefs on the subject of religion. My choice to not believe in any God monotheistic or polytheistic in nature has nothing to do with my choice of how to interact with people.

However, if someone tries to cram ANY idea down my throat because they believe deeply in it, I would react to such vocally and not in actions. I believe that if you have people around you who turn out to be "jerks" this is not influenced by their beliefs; Ones disposition or mannerisms are specific to that person, not their religious status.

Side: No
1 point

No, not at all. Most of my friends are atheists. Some are though.It depends on WHY they're an atheist I suppose.

Side: No
1 point

Really it depends upon the person. A person of faith can be equally as much a punk as the stereotypical atheist.

I am a Christian and I a friend who is an atheist. We both respect each others positions as both are based on something more than a simple "that's just what I believe".

This is poor topic because there is really no definitive answer as it is dependent upon each individual's personality.

Side: Depends upon the person
1 point

From an atheists standpoint, Christians are the ones who are 'jerkish'. Jerkish in the sense that they're almost always unaccepting of an opposing view. And of course the same can be said of atheists. Because atheists have decided to give up their faith in that particular belief, whatever it was. But almost always for good reason, or at least some reason, which can again, be said of Christians and Christianity. It usually is picked up for certain reasons. So both both sides are guilty of being 'jerkish' in my opinion. The culprit is stubbornness. Let's be more accepting and more open and willing to converse on these kinds of things.

Side: Depends upon the person
1 point

There are jerks in every group. Jerks are not limited to one ideology. :D

Stereotypes do not determine how all individuals act. Also, the non-jerk type of Atheist are likely to be less vocal about their Atheism that those people are underrepresented.

At a personal level, I'm an Atheist, but you don't see me going around and acting all superior to others just because I think differently than my religious counterparts.

Side: No

No, they aren't. Perhaps I come from a very different background, being from South-east Asia, but the majority of the atheists I know personally (i.e. excluding the ones I've read about) are perfectly happy to not interfere with the lives and faith of religious people. Personally, I think that it is only right to allow people to practice their faith as long as they do not attempt to impose their views on others.

I think I can see how those who think that atheists are "jerkish" get their impression from. Perhaps, those who stereotype atheists as such have met too many outspoken atheists like Christopher Hitchens in their communities. However, it is such stereotypes and hasty generalisations that cause people to not understand and respect the different views of people in society, leading to the lack of tolerance and empathy towards theists by atheists and vice versa. I think that whether or not atheists are "jerkish" stems not from their philosophical viewpoint or world view, but from each person's character. Thus, the first and most important step towards more tolerance and understanding between the theists and atheists is first to understand the character of the person and then to understand their viewpoint.

Side: No