
Cicero's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cicero's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Just because they have a monopoly doesn't mean we have to buy from them.

If Walmart had a monopoly on food, I can still grow some at home. Also wouldn't the economy of scale benefit the consumer as the goods would be cheaper?

1 point

If we lived in a truly Laissez-faire society, I highly doubt Wal-Mart would have no competitors. The people would just stop buying their products. And Wal-Mart would have to abdicate.

1 point

The Church tried making paganism look like Christianity, in order to get the gentiles to join. For example: St. Brigid might never have existed, she may have been a Christian adaptation of a Celtic goddess.

1 point

RON PAUL REVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

It is technically their right to do so. It niether picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.

1 point

Did I say buying them makes them feral? I said if we don't keep them domesticated and in their place in the pet store, they will become feral.

What would a pet store sell if the sale of animals is banned?

1 point

Would you rather have them run wild, and become feral, and possibly attack humans? Animals are supposed to be companions not hostile to man.

2 points

There is so much oil that is untapped. It would really be a waste to move onto a different source when there is so much left.

1 point

If the government tries to take my arms, they will try to take everything else. When the government wants my arms I will give them to them, by that I mean I will give them the bullets by discharging them in their bodies.

2 points

Why would blacks leave America if it became a third world country? Wouldn't they be right at home?

0 points

Please stop the religious debates, especially including Holy Books. No one ever has good points and it eventually devolves into monkeys throwing feces at each other.

1 point

You have to first ask for forgiveness, and show sorrow. So yes we are responsible.

1 point

When in Rome, do as the Romans. But there are no dictators in Rome so the law providing for dictatorial amnesty does not apply to anyone.

It is also like a murderer expecting to get off for turning himself in.

1 point

"My neighbor has the right to do anything that niether picks my pocket nor breaks my leg." -Thomas Jefferson.

So no.

1 point

How do you plan to increase wealth by taking it from the creators of wealth? This decreases incentive and harsh enough tax policies will cause stagnation which is detrimental to everyone.

1 point

Have you ever actually met the average white American Qymosabi? You are the only racist person I've ever met online, ever actually.

1 point

they happen when loopholes exist

Who creates the loopholes?

But when so many nations increase tariffs international trade stalls horribly. Which is what happened.

What more do you want computers to do?

Oil is the cheapest form of energy we have which is why we aren't switching immediately.

Bland is very subjective.

1 point

In America we have a republic where the majority rules if it doesn't violate the rights of the minority. If the minority is destroyed we have the evils of ochlocracy where the majority can do whatever they want to the others.

1 point

Ok then bubbles happen no matter what. Also the government increased tariffs after the crash, which is pretty anti freetrade and the economy went up in flames.

How many monopolies were actually bad for people?

3 points

If we do how will Qymosabi rage against the white machine if he gets all of their points that they earned on their own?

1 point

I've never gotten an answer to this question either. How austere.

1 point

Offering incentives is a regulation. Offering incentives causes bubbles. The free market can fix the bubbles if it's allowed to, unless there is some reason why it keeps getting bigger.

1 point

The government took over their company and had them fired. That's a pretty unfair punishment.

2 points

In addition it's a major violation of human rights. The first right that every man was created with is life.

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