
DrChamberlin's Waterfall RSS

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DrChamberlin(145) Clarified
1 point

Not to burst your bubble, but that wasn't your point. All you did was state that marijuana was being voted on in four states, not that Republicans were leading the drug war. So you're sort of jumping to an ill-defined conclusion on that part.

DrChamberlin(145) Clarified
1 point

Then you're simply looking to expel groups like Excon's. Because they are, by a majority, the ones who seem to be so adverse to having some form of integrated culture.

As I cannot speak for the rest of my race. I'd like it if the inner city areas, and those who feel so inclined could ditch the whole "thug" mentality, and total gang apparatus that keeps them down in the gutter. Doing so would allow them to not only improve themselves, but to help improve their communities as well. And I'm not going to act like whites are immune to this same thing. Because we've all seen those guys who do their best to emulate the gang/thug subculture, and it usually just comes off as being sad, or at the very least, irritating.

As it sits, I've got to side with Israel on this one. While they've had their own issues with keeping up with the demand of maintaining the region, and Palestine has apparently been doing their best to make it a difficult task.

It's just that we've seen Palestine commit so many horrible acts in all of this, and just how their media has turned anything, no matter how base, or even extreme Israel's people do. Into what appears to be some sort of world wrenching war-crime. But they've continued to do so, even after being caught in the act several times.

I've wondered just when they'll tempt fate and force Israel to start actually fighting an all out war with Palestine, because it didn't exactly go in their favor last time, and I doubt Israel will be so forgiving this time around.

The main issue here, is that you can't really take anything that Don says legitimately. He's one of the same far left sociopaths that been fine with people being dragged from their cars, and beaten in the streets. As well as being wholly racist on live TV, so he's nothing more than the exact same thing that he pretends to stand against.

This is the same man who stated that Donald Trump was a racist, claiming that it was fact and not opinion.

However when Biden made an obvious racist statement against blacks, one that drew him an intense amount of criticism from both parties. Lemon instead went to bat for Biden, much like he does now, and stated that he Understood what Joe was trying to say.. apparently gearing up for his daily defense of the man, in the years to come.

Don is nothing but a pretender at this point. He's racist, bigoted, corrupt, and more than willing to thumb his own morals so long as it keeps him in the good graces of those around him.

DrChamberlin(145) Clarified
1 point

This is excon you're talking to. So long as the big government mommy is willing to step on them, they seem rather submissive to the fact.

DrChamberlin(145) Clarified
1 point

Once again, nothing but projection at this point. One reason being that none of these people own plantations. So you're just doing nothing but biting your own tongue in the usual method. You're also just calling them racist, despite nothing they've said that actually qualifies as being a "racist" statement.

So once again, you're just screwing yourself over in all of this.

DrChamberlin(145) Clarified
1 point

That's a whole hell of a lot of projection in one single post.

This is nothing new, though I don't actually think the term white supremacist is a complete fit for them. Seeing as the term racist, just slides much more snuggly into place when concerning them.

I agree to the celebration, but this topic could actually use a body instead of just a title.

DrChamberlin(145) Clarified
2 points

Actually this is one of the last places that I've been able to find the image. I've seen it put up on twitter a few times, but it keeps getting taken down by twitter. So I was forced to look for a new source for the image in general.

DrChamberlin(145) Clarified
1 point

Still pushing lies I see.

Thanks for doing the same song and dance though. It's not like we haven't seen this story taken so widely out of context before, so you're doing nothing new at this point.

Supporting Evidence: Donald Trump's remarks on possible means to treat covid-19 (

Can people just put actual views to support here as a choice, instead of something like this whole "I like the 1930s Klan". Because this is nothing but detrimental to the conversation.


As for the topic of critical race theory, it is a pretty disgusting aspect of the lefts ideology. They not only use it as a springboad to show just how racist that they actually are, but they use it as a means to espouse just how other races should be treated differently just for simply being a different race.

The same people who push such a morally bankrupt system are the same ones who believe that the very concept of keeping time, is a system of white supremacy. So that should be one of your larger red flags in that instance.

It's so much more worse when you see the mainstream media doing their best to run damage control for the man.


But we all got to see Macron scold the old man, if only for a little bit.

DrChamberlin(145) Clarified
1 point

Go figure, excon still can't go several minutes without crying about Trump. On a topic that doesn't even concern the man.

Then again, Trump appearing to shove a prime minister still shows much of the same that we knew about the man. He's bombastic, and out there with how he presents himself. IN fact, Biden is much the polar opposite of everything that Trump appeared to be. He's weak, nearly senile, pathetic, and apparently unable to stand up to even the slightest opposition. While being completely incapable of projecting any strength whatsoever.

Hell, Biden has more issues falling out for him due to what happened at G7. And more keeps coming down the pipe as time goes on. So if all you can really be upset about is Trump appearing to shove someone, while letting Biden have a pass on actually fucking up. Is no real surprise to the rest of us.

And just for some eye candy, here. The president of the united states, being scolded by a frenchman. Their president no less.

Supporting Evidence: Biden being scolded by Macron (

I'd have to agree with this stance here. It's not like we haven't seen Excon completely disconnect with reality in the past, because several of us can just pull up multiple post where Excon does just what he being mentioned. Hell, at this point I believe that Excon has more than one account here, simply so they can act as racist as possible on one, and then act all morally bankrupt about it on another.

DrChamberlin(145) Clarified
1 point

So like every other time before this, you're just going to tuck your tail and hide from the topic at hand...

Nothing surprising there.

DrChamberlin(145) Clarified
1 point

You do realize that regurgitating such a lie, only works as a detriment to yourself and no one else, correct?

The concept is still that slavery is still practiced for us, as well as places like in china. Something that we would all participate in, and build production off of at that point.

As it pertains to today however, we're stuck standing there and pointing our fingers, telling these people to stop these practices. Something that we actually can't enforce, or even expect them to listen to us on the matter.

This wouldn't be a surprise if it turned out to be true. Though for the time being we don't actually know what race Excon is, nor can we really take anything they say for granted. However the same can be said of you in this exact case.

As for slavery today, that's somethin that one can easy site statistics for.

-As of 2018, the countries with the most slaves were: India (8 million), China (3.86 million), Pakistan (3.19 million), North Korea (2.64 million), Nigeria (1.39 million), Indonesia (1.22 million), Democratic Republic of the Congo (1 million), Russia (794,000) and the Philippines (784,000)- Garnered from Wikipedia.

To be honest, I don't really like getting statistics from Wikipedia. I was an editor for nearly seven years, and most of the people who run the site now are of questionable morals.

It wouldn't be the first time they've done as such. Hell, I remember when their members still openly called republicans like Condoleezza Rice, uncle tom, or even a coon. So them telling blacks how to think would be the least of what I've seen.

Well given the fact that in this hypothetical reality, slavery is legal. It would also mean that it's still widely accepted by the populace.

DrChamberlin(145) Clarified
1 point

I don't really watch Tucker and I haven't seen anything from Hannity in possibly over a decade. So there's another direct lie of yours shot down once again.

-As for the ACLED's study. There are more than a few issues any critical thinking person could come up with here.

1. Being the spotty nature of their findings. Seeing as it's also ignoring other violent acts, or even just their repercussion.

2. Which was what turned me off from the study the first time around, is the fact that not only the media turned to using this study as propaganda. Before the study was even completely finalized and when other credited individuals were still putting holes in it's findings. If you can actually call them findings.

3. The file reads more in tone with being pro-demonstration and anti-law enforcement. In fact it reads like it was written by someone on CNN, attempting to clear BLM members of blame. And doing their best to lay blame for the violence on police and right-wing militias. Despite the fact that such militias were not present in these circumstances.

Hell, the ACLED accounts for the CHOP in Seattle. Made up of both BLM and Antifa members. There were two murders, three attempted murders, an attempted rape, near mass vandalism, and physical assaults daily. And despite riots still going on at the time. The ACLED calls the CHOP a success, and only has "peaceful protest" recorded at that period.

That seems like a rather large hole in their "findings" already, don't you agree?

That is pretty much as far from the truth as you can get on the subject. BLM is nothing in any way comparable to begging for acceptance. If anything, it's a demand for recognition, and probably one being done in one of, if not the worst ways that one could go about it.

They've spent several years now building the base of their movement up upon a select set of lies, and notions that don't actually hold up to the slightest amount of scrutiny. Yet if you openly try to question them, or their actions. You're quickly lobbed into the same pit as those who they claim to be some form of monster. For which we've already told the world that we will not abide by.

I've been alive long enough, and see far more than enough to know that most of what they've built this movement on. Is a verifiable lie, or at the very least a mischaracterization of a small factoid.

As it pertains to the ex-prime minister, or whoever he is. He's doing nothing more than trying to bade points, or at the very least take a stand on his own personal soap box.

-As to the issue with developing countries like these. It's more compounded by a multitude of factors. They need to take responsibility for their own people, their own issues, and their own relations. Instead of counting on larger countries to come in and fix things for them.

-They need to move their own people out of such horrible conditions, as well as being constantly victimized by lawless groups, or even state funded militia groups, and everything else in between. Because this is exactly how we have a thing such as the blood diamond trade, or otherwise known as "conflict diamonds".

-Many of these people simply need to be uplifted, and brought into the 21 century. Along with everything that could benefit them in that same run.

These are just small references to a larger list of things that could be done to better these countries.

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