
PeterJoseph's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of PeterJoseph's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

10. Some Cro-Magnon ( the average Cro Magnon was arguably more intelligent than the average person today, as they would have had to figure out how to survive in near impossible conditions during the ice age.)

9. Someone who isn't famous.

8.Charles Darwin

7. Leonardo Da Vinci

6. Galileo

5.Isaac Newton

4. Max Planck

3. Albert Einstein

2. Jacque Fresco

1. Nicola Tesla

1 point

(A) Anti science people are anti science, which means they are more ignorant and poorly endowed in the ways of technology than those who are pro science. Anti science cannot defeat science because science and technology gives you power over those who do not have it.

(B) The problem is that the knowledge is already arcane and crucial decisions are already made by the very few. The threat of technology being used to control and increase the laziness of the masses is much more likely to come to fruition than some scientifically illiterate group of troglodyte cave brutes managing to bring us back to the stone ages.

(C) We need a massive cultural shift on a global scale because our current civilization is unsustainable. At the current rate, we will wreck the environment, see the collapse of the entire global economy, and along the way we will see the human race transform into subhuman artificial creatures who are disconnected from reality. And then if we don't go extinct the wealthy who can afford the gene therapies and biotech and non-contaminated organic food and the technology to survive the environmental collapse will inherit the earth and become transhuman cyborgs and create an even more of a dystopic nightmare. They will probably kill each other before they reach type 1 status.

1 point

This is where Harry Potter removed snake-man-baby from his forehead.

PeterJoseph(74) Clarified
1 point

Halt die Klappe du dreckige Judenratte. Ich werde dich in meinem Ofen backen, nachdem ich dich mit deinem eigenen abgetrennten Schwanz gefickt habe.

PeterJoseph(74) Clarified
1 point

I'm too drunk on the piss of russian hookers and disoriented from grabbing omnidirectional pussies in a simultaneously fashion like playing twister in a calabai yau manifold to find my own sources.

PeterJoseph(74) Clarified
1 point

Sources please.


1 point

Albert Einstein was a zionist shill.

Go back to Israel and suck Jacob de Rothschild's little jalepenis poppers.

2 points

How far into the future?

I didn't have a specific time in mind, but I would say in 50-100 years we could start to do this at a more rudimentary level. By the time we are a type one civilization (roughly 200-300 years from now would be my estimate) we should be mass producing buildings using nanotech and various "memory" materials and be able to customize these designs if necessary.

I was not familiar with Eric Drexler but now I am, thank you for informing me of his existence. I read his wiki page and watched him on youtube.

11 points

The article is somewhat correct but also somewhat biased. Did you write or edit that one? It seems like your kind of propaganda.

You are a democratic socialist, democratic socialists tend to still want a monetary system and many of them are semi-capitalist. Just as a right wing government can have social programs, a left wing government can be semi-capitalist.

But yes, capitalism is a right wing system, and american politics is more right wing than in europe and much of the left is actually center right, center, or center left. None of this changes the fact that every politician in both america and europe is under the thumbnail of multinational banks and corporations no matter how left or right wing they are. It's also not wise to conflate either side with being more authoritarian or libertarian because as I've explained politics is not at all two dimensional as you seem to think it is.

It's true that if you go far enough left capitalism disappears entirely but that is besides the point, my point was that any given party in any given country is the bitch of large multinational corporations.

Also just because a system is not capitalist does not make it inherently better. You could have an all the way left and authoritarian system and it would be a hell hole or you could have an all the way left and 100% libertarian system and it would be at least somewhat functional. The same exact thing can be said for the right.

7 points

You are just so far left that anything short of socialism looks right wing to you. Peter Joseph himself used to be on the right path (not meaning right wing, I mean right as in correct) and used to be above the simple minded left right paradigm. But he has started to identify more with communism than RBE. This is because he is becoming lazy and lacks the scientific inclination to fully understand the RBE. If Jacque where here he would tell you that there is no use for a political spectrum once you become truly civilized because politics itself is the manifestation of a type 0 civilization.

3 points

You obviously haven’t thought this through retard. If you determined the kind of person you are, that choice would rely on what kind of being is making the choice. And if you determined the choices you made that would require that you to determine what kind of person you are.

3 points

You are unbelievably stupid.

The kind of person I am determines the kinds of choices I make, including the choice to change the kind of person I am.

It's not really your choice though is it? You can't determine any of the factors that lead to the choice, you can't determine your intelligence or environment or temperament or pretty much anything that leads to the "decision"

I can’t choose to be other than who I am, but who I am chooses a number of things.

In other words you are not actually making choices, you are only doing what you will do based on what kind of person you are. You can't choose what those things are, you can only do them because that's what you are wired to do.

Who I am is who is accountable for the choices made by who I am.

You can't address the root cause of anti-social behaviour and abate the conditions that lead to it unless you address the causal factors that lead to it instead of saying "you did this because you chose to be evil". If the kind of person you are is not determined by who you are then you can't be responsible for the kind of things you do. Instead we need to look at what makes people certain ways, not unscientifically assume they do things due to free will. Otherwise you will never address the root cause of behaviour and improve behaviour and society will stay just as barbaric.

You think you are smart, you think I am stupid, this is just your arrogance speaking. You have no idea what either of us are talking about.

1 point

If you can't control what kind of person you are then you can't determine what kind of decisions you make you fucking idiot.

1 point


It's true that jews tend to be high IQ individuals, it's also true that jews are hyper-tribalistic snakes who use money as a weapon to enslave the goyim. Why can't you simply admit this as well? Because it's easy for you to be racist when the racism is in your favour, you just can't admit the facts.

Do jews have high IQs on average? Yes.

Do jews tend to think they are superior because they are jews? Yes.

Are jews people like everyone else who can be good or bad? yes.

Are jews genetically prone to certain diseases? yes.

Do you see how this works? You can't just call me racist for saying negative things and then imply that your race has positive traits that others don't have and not be called a racist zionist hypocrite.

You have to take the good with the bad. Not just call me racist then proclaim that jews are more intelligent than goyim.

PeterJoseph(74) Clarified
1 point


I have had some bad experiences with BLM as well as "black israelite" and "melanin theory" type people. So I know exactly what you mean. It made me look into all their claims, and then look into the claims of white supremacists who where responding to the black racists. In the end I have reached the astonishing conclusion that they are all fundamentally full of shit, but a less intelligent person could easily be driven to racism and bigotry when constantly faced with racism and bigotry. This is the reason many blacks have developed racist beliefs about whites.

1 point

Who cares

he is probably applauding different things at different times. I bet he has applauded himself, and the attendees, and things completely different at other times. Maybe he has applauded america itself, maybe he has applauded some dead person or some ideal or concept. At the end of the day it is a completely meaningless and idiotic question.

4 points

Evil isn't real. All humans are the product of naturalistic causes such as genes and environment. In a fucking technical reality of cause and effect physics where we accept that humans are just bioelectrical machines we can clearly see that good and evil are primitive unscientific concepts. They are based on the assumption that humans are responsible for their own thoughts and behaviour and that there is an objective standard for morality. Morality doesn't exist in nature accept in the minds of humans.

2 points

Number one some of your alts pretend to agree with me sometimes

Number two I am a prick and I don't care

Number three everyone knows that we both have alts and that you have at least twice as many as me.

1 point

You are never going to understand a damn thing are you? You are going to keep spewing the same narrow minded drivel all of your life, it really is sad to watch someone twice my age stuck in a perpetual cycle of stupid misconceptions that he will probably die still believing. How long have you been spewing the same abject rhetoric? When will you learn the meaning of nuance and stop conflating the left with this image of an ideal society you have in your mind and realize it's more complicated than that?

1 point

You don't understand the difference between social equality and collectivism do you?

You can have socialist programs but not have an egalitarian society, the nazis had collectivist programs, they had an AUTHORITARIAN SOCIALIST REGIME which means they had a LEFT-DOWN regime. What you think socialism is inherently is a LEFT-UP apparatus, which means LIBERTARIAN SOCIALISM.

What you also don't realize is that YOU are a left-down nazi type of person because you want to ban free speech and make self defense illegal.



1 point

You are confusing left and right for up and down.No intelligent or educated person does that. On the political spectrum, left means collectivism and right means privatism, up means libertarianism and down means authoritarianism. That being said you can be a far left OR a far right fascist. Or even a centrist fascist. Socialism isn't inherently egalitarian or good, and it isn't inherently bad either, because all it means is collectivism. If you are far left enough to be called a "socialist" you can still be far down enough to be called a "fascist"

Nazis didn't want equality, but they DID practice a fair degree of collectivism, which is the TRUE definition of left wing, not necessarily equality.

Equality is a liberal value, but only when you are Left and up from center. Left in and of itself is just collectivism. And that can be a good or bad thing in certain degrees of extremity and in certain contexts.

1 point

Is national socialism right wing or left wing?


1 point

Potatosalad is a nomenclature alt it used to be a far left antifa alt that wanted white genocide and a one world communist government, now he is doing right-wing trolling with it.

1 point

I learned that at 4


1 point

Life is neither inherently good or inherently shit. If you view life as either that is only a reflection of subjectivity.

1 point

@Nomenclature antifa

you are an ass shit fuck

Your insults are duller than the visible light emitted from a black hole. Which means they are so stupid they don't exist.

inner truth

Fuck you idiot, there is only THE objective truth, there is no personal truth or inner truth, that's just subjective stupidity.

conspiracy theorist

Conspiracy denialist.

You mean racAIST propagenda

No, YOU mean RACIST propaganda, not RAFDHGXGFHFGHGJHCIST propaganda

White propaganda is truthful or semi truthful propaganda.

PeterJoseph(74) Clarified
0 points

I would say that a transsexual man is a man, while a transgender "man" isn't

It depends how transexual you are. Unless you can biologically transform into a woman you are still a man or at least a male. As you said, feelings don't determine sex.

I know nothing about a Jewish conspiracy

There isn't a jewish conspiracy per se, but there is a conspiracy in which SOME jews are highly involved and at the centre of. These are the hereditary rich jews like the rothschilds and rockefellers who have a tradition of scamming the lower and upper classes alike and playing both sides in elections and wars. This is not something inherently jewish but the jews seem to be the best at it.

I'm sure Hitler did something nice in his life.

He spread white propaganda against tobacco smoking and advocated for environmentalism and animal rights. Everything else was bad.

2 points

What can I say, they are hypocrites virtue signaling and spewing empty words because they are just witless spoiled trash who are rewarded by society for being gay and stupid enough to appeal to the masses who are even more gay and stupid than the celebrities.

1 point

This debate is boring and generic, football is for normies.

2 points

"Hey, all Jews are evil, let's kill the Jews"

"Wow, I never heard that before so it must be true!!!! Let's kill em' all."

There is something fundamentally wrong with you if you believe in nazism, it doesn't matter how much propaganda is involved because at the end of the day it is fundamentally evil and you are fundamentally a piece of shit if you believe it. You seem to take the word "nazi" and the name of Hitler so lightly that you will call anyone a nazi or say they are like Hitler. Someone who takes it seriously would not do this. Especially if you are saying it because they think nazis are bad people.

Racism and genocide have existed for a long time, no amount of propaganda can excuse you from being a piece of shit if you support it. Even if Hitler was the first person to ever commit genocide or use propaganda it wouldn't matter, nazism goes against all common sense and decency, by taking the stance you are taking you are excusing the most egregious levels of evil and/or gullibility.

You are psychologically weak and pathetic and intellectually dishonest, you forgive actual nazis and call everyone who isn't a socialist a nazi even though nazis are socialists.

2 points

I find your hyper oversimplification fallacies tedious.

When you really think about it, (or at least just think for once in your life in the first place) You are actually supporting my argument. The businesses which do not not raise costs because of environmental concerns will be EXACTLY the businesses customers use because the structure of society allows you to be rewarded for doing this. The businesses are no more to blame for taking advantage of this than the consumers are for letting it be this way. If society didn't reward environmental destruction by making everything that is sustainable either more expensive or not profitable (My favorite example, Tesla for instance) then these natural responses to the given environment and social condition would not take place.

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