
Sasuke's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Sasuke's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Note: I joined a few months ago actually but just started posting there again.

1 point

Plan B: Round them all up and put them in gulags. .

1 point

Have you ever heard of tax evasion you incessant Jew? .

1 point

If you take more from the rich, they leave your country. Our position isn't based on feelings and fairytales. It's based on reality and common sense.

I guess we'll just have to kill them then, lol.

1 point

I have no idea why anyone would give a single, solitary shit about this.

2 points

For pay to be equal, you have to have equal work- a missing part of this equation.

Then why was Donald Trump handed a million dollars by his rich daddy without working for it? Is that equal pay for equal work you lazy, entitled, privileged little good for nothing cunt?

3 points

You’re not

I do not give a flying nigger on a stick about anyone's opinion, if any genius in history had listened to people like you they would have never achieved the ingenious things that they did.

you’ve never won a debate here

There is no system in place on this site to determine who wins or loses a debate, making your statement meaningless and based on nothing but your own opinion.

Anytime you say something remotely intelligible it’s a total shock but then one finds that it’s merely something you plagarised

You're too stupid to spell plagiarised and I bet you can't provide a single example of me plagiarising.

Yes I know , you’re doing that by opening several different accounts daily and rarely being off site , your life really counts buddy

Your life consists of lying to people on the internet. You are a toilet-dwelling turd who has done nothing of note in your entire existence.

Your closing statement makes no sense but nothing unusual in that

See you're too stupid to comprehend basic concepts now kindly fuck off and masturbate to Donald Trump or whatever it is you do.

1 point

So you won’t be adopting then if one is to use your “criteria”

I am a border-line genius. When I look at you I see a mindless robot that can barely be considered human. You are nothing but a worthless blowjob machine sucking the establishment's dick and repeating the right wing version of a politically correct narrative. For example you are willing to believe literally anything said about Marx or Communism from any source as long as it is negative but if you are exposed to anything resembling nuance or a positive statement about it your mind immediately snaps shut.

Either way though, I will not be adopting or having children because I would rather focus on making my own life count instead of being responsible for someone else's if you know what I mean (which I'm sure you don't because you don't know anything).

1 point

Take a good look at all the reasons you just gave, they are all caused by a socially constructed stigma about it rather than anything inherent to gay people raising children in and of itself. It is clearly not gay couples who should have society's ignorance forced upon them, but society that should shut the fuck up and stop perceiving things in the retarded way that they do.

1 point

Honestly who gives a flying rats ass titties, this is the stupidest "debate" I have ever seen, and this coming from a guy who spams debates titled "nigger pussy penis jew".

2 points

I believe that christians should be aborted, and a fetus cannot even be a christian.

2 points

No, but stupid people should. .

1 point

What do you mean "required"? Students shouldn't be forced to drink milk but schools should probably have it as an option. Also it should be organic milk which is not from a factory farm.

0 points

It's kind of like asking your mom to dump your step-dad that abuses you. If she cared she would have already done it. Since mommy state loves corporations more than you, you will have to take matters into your own hands.

0 points

Fuck the government. If there is a wage gap, the people need to force businesses to not be sexist with boycotts and harassment of the fat, sexist beorgiosie pigs instead of running to Mommy State and begging her to fix the mean capitalists she is in bed with.

1 point

Religion is such an emotional issue

Yes, and that is a huge problem. The truth is not personal to you, it is not a belief system or an opinion, it is the fucking truth. This is why religion is retarded, it makes people think that their personal feelings, beliefs and opinions are worth shit when it comes to actual truth and makes it so that you are incapable of being objective.

1 point

omigod ur like discriminating against my religion because like we should be able to force people to read the bible in school. leik wat iz rung wit uuuuuuuu?????????????

1 point

It's so sad that people like you continue to hate and attack a God you don't believe in. Perhaps you should take a break and attack the Easter Bunny.

The Easter Bunny doesn't inspire retardation in people to the extent that it effects the world in any meaningful way. Christianity is a legitimate threat to the future of humanity because it keeps people trapped in a primitive and retarded way of thinking.

1 point

2,500,000,000 (probably) an all-out Global Nuclear exchange ..

Damn, God's plan sure is fucked up. Couldn't he create things to be less horrific? Or is he just a sadist?

Sasuke(108) Clarified
1 point


I used to be a Muslim so I technically "believed in Jesus" but not in the sense that he is god or god's son. Muslims believe he was a prophet and Jews believe he was a false Messiah, either of which makes more sense than christian beliefs about him.

1 point

Christianity is theologically incoherent and I would much rather be a Jew or Muslim if I was one of the three. This is because they are truly monotheistic and somewhat coherent as far as theology goes but Christianity is just nonsense. It is basically trying it's ass off to be a monotheistic religion but has an insane paradox at play wherein Jesus is both God, God's son and a human at the same time. If I believed in God, I would still find it extremely difficult to believe in Jesus and would see it as a form of idol-worship in a sense to worship a half man half God and consider it the same being as God while also being something distinct. Christianity is essentially founded on Orwellian doublethink in that regard.

1 point

It would be nice if third parties had any credible chance in the US. The fact that only Democrats and Republicans ever have a chance is clear proof of the US's fake democracy.

1 point

Africans being muslims is a lot like white people being christians, they have been given a culture by invaders that they think is their own and passionately defend that which killed their pagan ancestors and enslaved them.

0 points

It is so sad that over a billion Muslims follow the devil and call him God.

It's so sad that muslims and christians follow a figment of their imagination and call it real.

1 point

No military that can destroy all of its opposition worldwide in seconds exists that could commit such an act without killing itself.

Do you have any assertion to support this evidence? Wait, the whole thing is an assertion, nevermind.

1 point

Militaries have been beaten by defections, uprisings, allegiance switches, revolutions, etc. Many have happened in my lifetime. Once again, you are objectively wrong.

Look everyone, Bronto condones violent and bloody revolutions just like Marx. Bronto and the US founding fathers are Marxists.

1 point

I have no problem killing flies or cockroaches.

Neither do I buddy, so you'd better start running and/or flying.

1 point

News flash. The bible talks about killing people all the time. Also, you are not vegan so you pay for people to kill and torture animals. You don't even avoid funding factory farms.

1 point

That which doth not exist, cannot be evil. .

1 point

What? You're the GRAMMAR NAZI now??? FUK you..

Your command of the English language is that of a drunk caveman with a fractured butt hole and non-reconstructable cranio-facial abnormalities which caused the malformation of your primitive brain.

1 point

Trust me, it's not wise to lock people like Bronto in a room alone with a five year old.

1 point

hundred rounds them drums on them

beef with us get a gun drawn then

ho fakes just run right then...

hundred rounds them drums on them...

2 points

You took a shit today, was that calculus? .

0 points

Not necessarily........................................................................................

Sasuke(108) Clarified
2 points

Those who ban anyone who disagree's with them.


Those who take things so personal they create about 50 different "debates" about it.


Those who want to be in the top 10 so much they spam anything and everything to get there.


And those who are genuinely interested in debating.

Nom, me, you, Al, Slavedevice, Mingiwuwu and Amarel (even though Amarel is an idiot).

Everyone else is just an alt of one of the above, and then there's Jody/Dermot but he is not in any of the above categories, he's kind of just here to be a dick. The point is most people here do actually try to debate, it's just that they're insanely stupid and dishonest when they do it.

1 point

I'd take the cat's answer over Excon's answer.

Cat's are actually better and more coordinated when it comes to spatial perception than the majority of humans but they lack the ability to comprehend abstract and symbolic mathematics. Excon lacks both of these capacities, as he is the perfect example of a fat, lazy human capitalist that would die within 2 seconds in the wild but he also has no ability to comprehend abstract concepts.

1 point

All of those things except the last one (which is actually your own favorite hobby, not Nom's) are as complex and intricate as classic literature like LOTR and ASOIAF. Try working out the time paradoxes in Zelda you cretin, maybe it will help you comprehend Nom's meaning when he speaks of time machines.

1 point

if you can create a debate around hate, it's still a debate let's get that straight, mate.

1 point

That was aimed at "beast666" not you. The only productive thing HE does is spread HATE!

I am beast666 you moron. I was originally FactMachine and I use 20 different accounts because I get banned every other day. Did you not notice how it was this account doing the bump thing that you were replying to? God, you are such a retarded little ass biscuit. Stop whining about me and look at the insipid horse shit and right wing propaganda being spread on this site.

1 point


Someone needs to put some rubber on your head, cause it's shaped like a dick.

0 points

Everyone lost their fucking minds.

Profanity will not be tolerated young man. Five points from gryffindor.

3 points

Keep your clothes on you mutt. We aren't interested in your morbid peep show. Would there be much to see? Would there be anything to see?

By replying in this debate you have doomed yourself, you will now be forced to see my nipples every day. You will even be stuck seeing them when you're trying to jerk off.

1 point

A dress code would only complicate things. A dress code would allow the idiots in your staff a chance to get students in trouble for things which are benign, but which offend them. For example if someone walks in with a pentagram on their shirt miss Christy Mcthumpington doesn't like it. The last thing we need in this world is more people turning their subjective opinions into law. Keep it simple and stick to the "don't show up naked" rule.

1 point

Bump .

1 point

Bump .

1 point

Bump .

1 point

Bump .

1 point

Bump .

1 point

You just witnessed a total and complete repudiation of Donald Trump, and I'll bet you DENY that too..

I'm a real grandpa.

1 point

I couldn't have changed so many minds debating with liberals.

I've never seen you change anyone's mind.

1 point

He is more likely part Korean. The creasing is diagonal, not horizontal.

A fair point my cringey little mingi poo.

Sasuke(108) Clarified
1 point

Fromwithin and I are allied on this issue

If you agree with him on literally anything you are automatically human waste. He has literally never said anything correct in his life.

1 point

Infinite Tsukuyomi .

1 point

You are a sophist dip shit. Dogs are descended from the interbreeding of Yakisoba and Udon with North Korean hot pot.

1 point

Yes in about 6000 years.

penispenispenispenis can I stop now?

1 point

Sansa. She annoys the ass fuck out of my pants. Fucking idiot.

1 point

The Hound, because I also want to murder my brother. We also have a similar personality. You cunt.

1 point

just write any books you like

All the books I like where already written, otherwise I wouldn't know if I like them or not.

1 point

Nom you're really losing it now. Stop before you harm yourself or others.

1 point

God created Satan and God created sin and everything is God's will so I am only doing what God wants by worshiping the devil and fucking tranny midgets in the ass.

2 points


eeeeeeeeeew you like penis you're gay.

I personally like HAVING a penis, I wouldn't like to have a cunt. But I do like cunts better when it comes to OTHER peoples genitalia.

1 point

The only thing stopping jews from genociding the gentiles is that it's too profitable to keep them around and exploit their labor and resources.

1 point


You said you wanted to know the history, the real history isn't what the jews are going to tell you. If you want to know the origin of hinduism should you trust a hindu when they tell you some theological clusterfuck of insanity?

1 point


You want science? It's a scientific fact that all religions are bullshit.

If DNA has nothing to do with religion then why are you a jew just because your ancestors practiced judaism?

Sasuke(108) Clarified
1 point

It would be interesting to know about it from someone who practices and is devout to it.

If you want to know the truth about judaism you have to ask someone who doesn't believe in it, because judaism isn't true. If you just blindly believe everything in the Torah and the Talmud chances are you have no idea what the real history is.

2 points


You're drunk I'd wager. This is what you do, you get sauced as fuck and you stay up all night replying to everyone including yourself on 30 different accounts then you wake up agitated and hung over and take it out by accusing poor Ryuuzaki of doing everything you did last night. This is because you where so drunk that you don't even remember what you did last night and your subconsciously looking for someone on whom to vent the embarrassment.

Nigger jew nigger jew nigger jew nigger jew african kyke

1 point

human society can't be completely about the objective and the factual so long as instinctual processes drive our behaviours and biological processes precede our cognition.

Objective facts and logic are not opposed to our instincts and biology any more than man made laws and the monetary system. In fact, one could argue that the rules of our current society requires people to curb many of their natural instincts. Our current society hits you with a series of arbitrary social constructs and expects you to conform to them, this model fails frequently to produce positive results. Very often the man made rules which are meant to protect people are simply ignored, and the social constructs like the monetary system create an artificial barrier in front of natural resources for some people while simultaneously creating an opportunity for others to accumulate way more than they need or deserve and hold other people by the bollocks. A truly civilized society does not program people with arbitrary social constructs, it does not give you a list of "thou shalt nots" but rather it makes the mutual benefit of socially constructive behaviour inherently apparent in the structure of society and educates people on why it is logical to behave that way. Our current society incentivises greed and corruption and gives you no reason not to harm others if you are so inclined and you think you can get away with it.

Emotions are a complex physiological and psychological response that come out of biological processes. They're closer to instinct than logic.

Sure, but if you can understand them scientifically that is the first step to setting up the conditions which lead to the development of emotionally healthy individuals and abating the conditions which lead to the opposite. In our current society we expect people to behave a certain way and punish them if they don't. But people's behaviours are largely the product of their environment and conditioning. What we should be doing is trying to alter the environment to make it less conducive to unstable personalities and more conducive to health and sanity. When you grow up with poor nutrition, a stressful environment etc. it induces socially destructive behaviour and emotional instability. Instead of making up rules and punishing people we need to educate on why it is logical and in ones own self interest to participate in a mutually beneficial society, and isolate and attempt to recondition those who become a threat to others. The primary reason people behave destructively is because their experience in society is not one of mutual benefit.They might be exposed to poverty, or born into some wealthy bloodline and told they are better than other people, along with any number of different factors, and their experience in life doesn't teach them to behave in a productive way. Our society isn't based on mutually beneficial systems or logic, so it's easy for people to act illogically or act selfishly.

Even if we could understand the minutiae of the chemistry and physics underlying basic emotion, we would still feel them instinctually. Emotional, illogical reactions would still happen in our species.

Emotional responses are not inherently illogical, I'm sure you understand that. It's perfectly logical to feel fear if you see a gorilla charging at you with a battle axe. In fact if you didn't feel fear it might make you less logical, you might just stand there and let it kill you. The problem is when you feel too much fear and it interferes with your ability to respond to the situation. Emotions can underlie, and catalyze logical responses as well as interfere with logic.

utopian society

There's no such thing as utopia. There is no perfect society. The best we can hope for is an emergent society which continues to evolve and adapt, nothing in nature ever stays the same forever. If we don't stop destroying the ecosystem and killing each other and continuing to behave like uncivilized apes we will destroy ourselves. If we don't colonize other planets and solar systems after that one day the sun will destroy life on earth and we'll die with it. There can be no fixed state or perfect society, if we don't keep evolving and adapting and finding new ways of doing things then something will take us out eventually.

1 point

A) You're not one of God's chosen people, you're a european with traces of Hebrew blood.

B) You openly stated that you think jews are superior to other people because they are smarter. That's just as bad as saying white people are superior to blacks because they're smarter.

C)You don't practice the religion and you aren't a Hebrew but you call yourself one of God's chosen people so that you can feel superior about yourself and call other people racist.

1 point

Probably. I don't know.


1 point

The key is balance. During the ice age humans died in their 30s or younger. Too much sugar is bad, too much fat is bad. Not enough sugar is bad, not enough fat is bad. Low carb, Low fat, High carb high fat, you all are just being extreme and stupid whether you are fruitarian or keto.

1 point

You're such a loser Naruto, we can literally detect particles like quarks and measure them you idiot. Remember the fourth great ninja war? You witnessed "particle style jutsu" first hand remember? You are such a failure as a human being, how did you ever become hokage you incompetent halfwit? Stop watching pseudo science youtube videos and read a book for once you sub-sentient dweeb.

If I wanted to kill myself I would climb your ego and jump to your IQ.

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