
YIsRisenLord's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of YIsRisenLord's arguments, looking across every debate.

The police are a much needed, public safety, resource.............................................................................................................

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
2 points

U don't care, House, nation, Marine marching band, troll, much?.

WTH are you talking, about> You need to stay in yopoc, or be trolled.

La shukran majnoun, wa ahlan wa sahlan, wa himar?.......................................................................................................

Many including myself, serve Yeshua...........................................................................................................................................

The public does not have the right to support crime. and endanger others. That is exactly, what defund police people are saying, to support crime.

Ageinst because this is some leftwing globalist tyranny..................................................................................................................

Yes, the truck drivers, should refuse service. No one has the right to defund police, because police protection, is a right. The people who defund the police, have never had their lives saved by the police. I have, copy that?

Yeshua said a nation divided, will not stand, and I believe dividing nations, is wrong. It is better, to pursue more Constitutional and diplomatic terms. I don't care what any political Party says, I am sticking to my moral code of honor.

No one told me I am a centrist, only I told me I am a centrist. Unlike you, I think for myself.

Tu es loco en loca besa punta. Comprende?...........................................................................................................

You called me a rapist first, lied and clied I was lying about the two times, I was raped, graphically told me what I could do to myself, but according to you, I am allegedly lying. Cool story, bro!

Says the person who called me a fascist, and a rapist, and yet you have the nerve to accuse me, of slander. You are a liar and a hypocrite, and this es no, finito! Adios, mi punta!

Anyone who makes fun of me being raped twice, calls me a rapist, sexually harrasses me, calls me a retard, calls me a conservative bigot, calls me a slanderer, when he slandered me first, Since Andy is pro troll and does not care, I will handle the issue, myself. The war is on, and both of you, can kiss my ass.

You have slandered and sexually harassed me with multiple accounts, and accused me, of wrong doing. You could tell me to fuck myself, and I would assume it was Monday. I care about Yeshua than you, and your feeling don't matter, when it comes to my life. Foutre vous, mon cher!

Neither could you care about Yeshua or democracy. When you areon my debate lying about me, you will abide by my rules, comrendez vouz, mon cher? You are the one who slandered me first, and no, I do not have to tolerate any slander, ever. You need a nice serving, of Bull Shitoki mushrooms, coming right up. Would you like anything, else, with your order?

Ha ha hypocrite, I thought you were prochoice. That is her body and her choice whether or not to be vaccinated, abd Daddy Government, and you, fo not have the right to say what she does with her body. If you disagree, you are not prochoice.

You have me mistaken for you, because you have publicly slandered me, several fucking times, ya waker. If you don't knock it off, I will publically list, all of your slander against me.

I am a Christian, I have done nothing, wromg, I will not change my mind, and I have the right, to defend, myself. You don't have the right to attack only me and not that other person, and you can kiss, my lilly white rosy cheeked ass.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point


I have done nothing wrong. If that person can say shit about me, I can say shit about them. I don't care what you think, and I will not, change my mind. You are a hypocrite for accusing me of slander, when you have slandered me, several, times. Tisk tisk, what a risk, of bullshit.

Yeshua also said, to not throw your pearls, before, swine. Boom, chaka laka!............................................................................

Cool story. That person trolled me first, so I defended, myself. I am not sorry, and I have the right, to defend, myself. I literally don't care, what you think. Toodles.

If someone trolls me first, I will return, the favor. Don't dish it out, if you can't take it. That person trolled me first, so I dispensed the troll drama. Don't step to this.

And you were kidnapped by aliens, and buttfuckedm for cash. Any questuons? Do not try to out troll the mack mama, of trolls.

And Yeshua was crucified for all sinners, including, you. Merry Christmas, Home Skillet. I do care about you, even when you tick me off. You deserve to be valued and respected.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point


I'm a vegan, I don't participate in the slauter, of God's animal, creaters. Proverbs 12:10.

Merry Christmas. I wish you well on Christmas, Day. God bless, you.

I'm just trolling, my friend. Merry Christmas................................................................................................................................

If you make a claim, you need to orovide at least one link as proof, or I don't have to believe, you.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

Yes you have racial equality, without racial unity. People who call themsemseves, racial equality supporters, can theoretically, believe in the fictional concept, that all of the skin colors are allegedly sepeate races, when all skin colors, are one race, respectively, so why do we act, like assholes?

If centrism can be used as a religious label, you need to prove it, by naming the Holy Book, so I can find and read, it. If you make a claim and expect the right to be believed, you need to prove it.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

Racial unity is better than racial equality, because racial unity is the concept that all skin colors are equal members of one human race, and all ethnic groups, are equal. Racial equality is similar, but the word equality can imply allegedly separate races, which is a ficticious, concept.

If centrism is a religious term, show me the holy book, and house of worship, or shut the fuck, up.

Not tonight honey, I have a headache......................................................................................................

I believe you, and have a negative veiw, of government, and institutions. I am not singling out either Republicans or Democrats, as I am a centrist, and allergic, to bullshit.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

You love me, you bloody wanker!.....................................................................................................................

Religion and politics, are two separate, ideologies, do we understand each other, you twit?

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

Centrist is a term used by politicians, pundits, and political commentators. That will not change, with your political, fellatio.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

Honey, Atrag my ex showed up, so I have to troll him, and not you. Take a hikw, Mike!

Not tonight honey, I have a headache. Tea and crumpets, you wanker?..............................................................

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

Religion is not a part of politics, and yes I do have the right, to say what I believe. Centrism is a political ieology, and not a religious one, and nothing you can ever say, can change, my mind.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

I have the right to say that centrism is a political veiw, and not a religious veiw, and I don't care, what your propaganda, says, I have the ability, to think logically.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

Yes beimg a centrist is a political term only, no you are not a centrist like me, if you are a centrist I am Ronald McDonald.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

You are an atheist and a leftist, not a centrist, and centrism is a political ideology, not a religion. I wish you knew, that. Tea?

Dream On, Aerosmith!................................................................................................................................................................

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

More like East and West, not God and Satan........................................................................................................................

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

I agree with individual policies on both the right and the left, and think both have potentual.

No really I wouldn't. Both the left and the right have negative issues, they need, to work on.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
2 points

Rhis could be true. Making light of a pandemic is shitty, no matter how one tends to look, at it.

I would argue that both sides, are...........................................................................................................................

Why did you name yourself, Coronavirus?.........................................................................................

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

What is, that, hun?..........................................................................................................................

I would love a crumpet, can you pass the tea?.........................................................................................................

No honey, I am a bharatnatyam dancing clown, and you are a tap dancing, clown. You can believe anything you want, as can I.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

No I am not, and you are a liar and a slanderer......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

I said nothing, about being, rich, I was refering to enough ,oney, to pay the bills, and survive. Who the Hell cares, about buying, a yacht?

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

I am not sexually active, do try again. Yeshua is not bound by anything. That is the point of being God and Lord. He laid His Life down, it was not taken, from Him.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

Yeshua is God and Lord Almighty and therefore not bound by ideologies created by His creation, so He would be the First Independent.

If you can be prolife for a fetus, you can be prolife, for born pwople. Only hypocrites, say otherwise. #Consistensy

Good argument! I don't always see eye to eye with the left, but I do, on healthcare. I believe, healthcare, is, a right.

Do you, boo!..................................................................................................................................................................

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

Yeshua is the Beacon of Light, capitalism is equal opportunity to earn, capital.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

Miss Bitch, and quid pro quo. You answer my question, I answer, yours. It's called, reciprocity.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

That's Miss Bitch to you, and Yeshua is not bound by political ideology, or Party, making Him the First Independent. I also will not be reading biased propaganda by some of the same people, that hate Christians, and Jews. I was born June 26, 1981, not yesterday.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

I will answer your question when you tell me why you socialists believe you have the right to everyone's, wallet. I support welfare for those unable to work, or those who have a legitimate need, but you selfish socialists and communists don't have the right, to everyone's wallet. THAT is capitalism.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

I only heap praises on Yeshua, but I do mention capitalism, because socialists and communists, are braindead zombies.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

I am debating, and you said I told you I didn't want to debate. That is a strawman fallacy.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

Darling I never said that I don't want to debate. That would be a strawman fallacy...............................................................

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
2 points

Religion can cause wars, but it does not have to. I am an antiwar Christian, so I wanted to make that point.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

Darling, no. Capitalism is only an economic system, and not a governmental system, like fascism, socialism, and communism.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

Fair enough. I can agree that capitalism favors those who own capital, however, it otherwise, does not favor, anyone.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

I am not insulting your intelligence, you just want to be pissed off. Capitalism favors no one, and [rovides everyone the chance to earn money, and exchange it, for goods, and services. When favoritism is involved, it is not true capitalism. And yes, lazy people, should starve. If you are able to work but won't, you don't have the right, to someone else's wallet. If you can't work due to disability, that is a different story, so is age.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

You don't know what capitalism, is. In a truly free market, everyone who is able is free to exchange labor for currency, and currency, for goods and services. The system you are refering to, is crony capitalism. I do agree with some of your points, though. I think you are quite, inelligent.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
2 points

Are you not concerned that power concentrated in the hands of one or a few, would lead to a dictatorship?

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
2 points

Globalism, is a one world, government. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

I agree. I can thank someone, in 11 languages, no BS. I am not fluent in these languages though, but I want to learn Modern Hebrew, and Biblical Hebrew, for religious, reasons.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

All skin colors are equally beautiful members, of one human race, created, by God. All ethnicities, are equal.

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

Fair enough. I am sure we agree, on more...................................................................................................................

YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

I agree about our moral directive, and believe it comes, from God....................................................................................

Thanks, cupcake. Try the tea and crumpets..............................................................................

No Darlin' I am a Christian because Yeshua is Faithful, and He deserves to be worshiped. You should calm down, and give Yeshua, a chance.

Actually as a Christian, I do speak for God, and I will. Do something. ...................................................

Awesome. ;)...........................................................................................................................................

Should I change my name, to Sugare Tits?............................................................................................................................

Good pun. I like to smoke weed, because it helps me weed out the problems, in my life. ;)..................................................................

Cool story, bro. Have you begun your career, as a tap dancing, clown, yet? I hear the circus, is hiring..............................

You have the right, to your, opinion. Maybe you can have tea and crumpets, with Nom Nom....................................................

Yeshua is God and Lord. He can do, what He wants.......................................................................................................................................

True. ;)................................................................................................................................................

I know the feeling. I always have people kisssing my ass, so that is about, the same. ;)

I agree........................................................................................................................................................

You have the right, to your opinion. Have some tea and crumpets..........................................................................

Awesome, I'm a vegan, too. I went vegan, because animals are precious, to God, and to me.

Myu reason is because the animal is unable to consent, animals have rights, and testing methods, are sometimes cruel, to the animal. Yeshua said to do unto, others. Who says, that only applies to humans? Proverbs 12:10 says the righteous man regardeth the life of his beast, but the tender mercies, of the wicked, are cruel? How can you regard the life of your beast, if you kill him or her?

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