
Judgemaster's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Judgemaster's arguments, looking across every debate.

The occasional laughs, the scolding of the teacher, the student with his puppy face. The individual teacher teaching in his/her own style, the students making fun of them. These experiences can never be replaced by machines, and the relationship a student has with a teacher can never be replaced by a machine. Yes, teachers may be removed and machines may be put in their place, but teachers can never be REPLACED by a piece of metal.

2 points

For advances in science, sacrifices are necessary. This I agree with. However, what I do not understand is why animals, who have nothing to do with it, suffer for it? Why is it so that testing on humans is against the law, but testing on animals is not? Why is it that humans need an assurance that what they are being given is totally safe, but animals do not get a choice?

Is this fair? If you want to go forward, YOU have to take the risk

The following things need to be kicked out of your society -




Gender bias

Dishonest people

Useless people

People who don't follow the rules

Careless people



I think that's about it

2 points

First of all, forget about perfection. Perfection doesn't exist. It is only a thought. No matter how finely you craft something, how fine you behave, how fine you carry yourself and all that, you cannot be totally faultless. Everybody has faults. Some show, some don't. It is as simple as that. You should not change yourself. Be what you are.

God never plays favorites. He only guides those who help others in need, that's all.

Peace with all.

0 points

Women have been hard pressed and kept down for centuries. We cannot count the intelligence on the number of brilliant scientists of each gender.

4 points

For the record, I am a boy, so read this debate keeping that in mind.

During evolution and the early days of the Homo Sapiens, men used to go out running after prey and hunt. They used to make the tools, light the fires and fortify their dwelling. The women, on the other hand, handled the food they brought, supervised the fortification and looked after the children. Some researches also say that it was a woman who discovered the growth of plant from a seed. Therefore, as humans evolved, humans advanced in their physicality while women excelled in their power of mind.

This led to the greater mental capability of women, and the greater physical capability of men. This is evolution and science speaking.

Poverty, perhaps? It might be the major reason, if not only.

Conserving our environment is a large scale effort. It requires contribution from a large number of individuals, much less from a single person. If change is to happen, we cannot leave the work to others and sit back and relax ourselves.

However, all movements begin from an individual. The Chipko movement began from one man, the movement for black civil rights began from a single woman.

Thus, ultimately, it is the individual that makes the difference.

" What will I be remembered as? As a benefactor, a good man? An evil element?

Life has been one long, lonely ride.

Let's now stop and get off "


" Life was pretty fucked up, thank god I am getting a break"

Either of the two.

judgemaster(265) Clarified
1 point

So, is it better or worse than the use of non-violence?

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

"The United States is the only industrialized country that does not use the metric system as its official system of measurement, although the metric system has been officially sanctioned for use there since 1866. Although the United Kingdom committed to officially adopting the metric system for many measurement applications, it is still not in universal use there and the customary imperial system is still in common and widespread use."

The metric system was supposed to bring uniformity in measurements throughout the different countries. However, highly developed countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom stick with the imperial system, complicating things and troubling people with their conversion formulas.

Thus, the United States MUST convert to the Metric system.

With my personal experience, I think it is gaining over non-violence.

2 points

Keeping a grudge in your hear will make you hollow from the inside. Forgiveness, however, should be first asked for, then given. The one who forgives is greater than the one who asks for it.

" To forgive is human, to forget divine " Mahatma Gandhi moved masses of people with this simple sentence.

However, can forgiveness be a weakness? No.

The human heart is a very fickle thing. When it is in the other side of the situation, it begs for forgiveness. However, upon being in power, it is equally adamant not to forgive.

Is it right, that we succumb to our pride? Is it right that we do not let the other person make amends?

Forgiveness, therefore, is a divine attribute.

Human nature is not good. It is savage. Human nature strives to work towards the downfall of it's adversaries. No matter how much we try to cover it up, be good and all, this bitter truth we must accept.

For in the core of the human heart, is an animal more ferocious than anybody has ever seen, eager to destroy all in it's path.

No, God is never evil.

The bad which happens in our lives is just the negative aspect of god acting, i..e the devil. It's the devil and the god which keeps things in balance, which provides the right mixture of good and bad.

Life cannot be all rainbows and sunshine.

2 points

This is really tough to explain.

In the modern day perception, evolution means having a greater dominance over the other species, being by mind and power more sharper. However, has anybody ever though about the basic instincts in animals which seperates them from us?

Animals blended with their environment, for they know that it is not wise to disturb the balance. Mankind did not.

Animals did not create differences within their own species. Mankind did.

Animals do not kill members of it's own species. Mankind does.

Animals do not kill members of it's own species for any reason whatsoever, for it realizes that it will only divide the species. Mankind killed, but did not realize.

Animals do not push others down for them to succeed. Man does.

Animals do not work towards the destruction of others of it's own species. Man does.

Thus, all said, I think that man has not evolved as much as it claims.

Religion is a very fickle thing. It can be easily manipulated, and is thus a very useful tool in the hands of the wrong person to start a war.

No. Teaching evolution is all about increasing the average student's understanding of the world, and not about teaching him atheism.

2 points

Pests are no good.

They harm our environment.

Thus, pesiticides, in limited quantities, are good.

Let not a "someone" think that it is morally correct to kill someone. It should always be a group discussion.

Imagine four people are running from a pack of wolves. One of them is injured, and because of this they are being slowed down. If they continue to stick with him, all of them will die. If they leave him, they have a chance of surviving.

It is the bitter truth of life. Not everybody's life is important. What decides is the situation.

If it is in the welfare of the group that I die, so be it.

Love is a stupid ass emotion. Never indulge in it, for it is specifically designed to override all logical thought. No that I am saying you don't love your relatives. Just don't indulge in it otherwise.

In those times, religion was MANIPULATED. People who were ignorant of the right knowledge were kept in the dark. Those who manipulated kept manipulating, while those who were being manipulated kept stumbling in the dark. That's why it is viewed such. If religion is viewed in it's finer sense, then you shall realize that all religions preach the good of mankind.

The evidence is given in the statements. Do you think peace, hatred, hope and despair do not exist?

It is not fiction, it is the truth which you cannot see.

People may be raised in different ways, but the ones who have balanced their minds through discipline, can view these emotions in a clear way. Also, the cause and application of the emotions I have given in the rest of the statements. Love for something bad is bad, and hatred towards something bad is good. That is the way you can see it.

Positive and negative encompass actions, emotions and the motives for those actions.

I am saying the same thing. The positive or negative of the actions depends little on the emotion utilized and largely on the action, the purpose of the action and the result of the action. It doesn't matter what people think about it. If it is right, then it is right.

What is right and what is wrong can only be thought upon through a clear, unbiased mind. Unfortunately, that is very rare to come by.

Not everything can be explained by science.

I'll say it again.

It's the yin and the yang. The God and the Devil. The good is the God keeping things in balance, while the bad is the devil keeping things in balance. You cannot blame either of them for playing favorites.

4 points

Harry potter is for all ages.

Twilight is for the retarded ages.

Rock on!

2 points

Human nature towards somebody is never changed, however it may be suppressed.

Tiger Woods cheated on her, it shows that there is a possibility that he may cheat on her again in future.

Elin should not ruin her life twice.

The yin and the yang.

All the good that happens is God keeping the world in balance, while all the bad that happens is the devil playing his part. We cannot blame either of them.

Life can't be all rainbows and sunshine, or all death and massacre.

2 points

Wizard101 with it's awesome schools and spells and all. It's storyline is also good.

Lotro with it's in depth gaming system beats wow, although I would also like to see other views.

Talking in a softer voice seems more pleasant to them, according to me.

There, let me answer your questions.

A soul is simply the spiritual and immaterial part of your body. It is immortal. The soul simply goes from one body to another. It enters a body, lives in it and when the soul leaves, the body dies. Like clothes, the soul changes into different bodies. It continues doing so until it has learned all there was to learn spiritually, after which it is united with the supreme being.

It does not feel pain, pleasure or any other emotion. ONLY the body feels these emotions.

Your soul is what kickstarts you into action in the first place.Ä€tman_(Hinduism) )

This link will clear all your doubts. Hindusim, the oldest and greatest religion on earth, really explains things pretty well.

5 points

I think the X men have the wolverine advantage, along with the awesome iceman.

Kids can easily get addicted to caffeine and load up enough on sugar and coffee to give a heart attack to a water buffalo.

( Sugar is used in coffee, for those who did not know )

2 points

The Roman army was disciplined and each soldier fought for the glory of rome, unlike the Chinese who showed off their kung fu to increase their glory.

The Romans were well organized in their tactics and had well planned-out strategies. They did not stick to the honour shit, and realized when it is wiser to turn back. That's why they crafted the biggest empire of ancient times. Their equipment was not what the soldier was comfortable with, but what was required at that position. Thus, the Roman army was invulnerable, huge and strong.

I think he would win with his muscle and all.

He is pure carnage and anger!

2 points

The muscleman wins.


The belief that some zombie can grant them salvation by drinking it's blood and eating it's flesh and pledging their name to him.


2 points

A vegetarian diet has more fiber and less of the harmful substances present in non-vegetarian diets.

Furthermore, it is healthier towards the environment.

It is also tasty and healthier for the body.

Well, let's face it.

Life's one problem after the other, each one more difficult than the other, and we spend our whole life just solving them. Happily ever after, thus, largely exists only in stories.

2 points

Man's inner desire to succeed and push others behind led to the origin, development and spreading of politics. The most cruel form being office politics.

The primary target of a job being to work towards progress, office politics comes in the way and largely slows it down. Offices in regions having a large corruption rate, say, China, are always bustling with this.

Yes, office politics should stop, and if everybody works with honesty, then there should be no need for it either.

Let's leave ratio aside.

What about the families of the people whose lives I have saved? Don't miss that out.

Only the leader and the person with the most clear, unbiased mind has the right to decide who is to live and who is to die in life and death situations.

There shall come a time when you will face a decision, a decision which cannot save everybody.

Well, actually it was proven long ago but some idiot burned up all the evidence so the religious community took over and now the scientific community is gaining hand!

So, it is pretty much a verified fact now.

2 points

I preferred the previous one more. It was more cool

and chic.

No it isn't silly! You could have looked it up on Wikipedia, instead of the Kama sutra link :D

The ratio is going in favor.

In life and death situations, you cannot let emotions override your thought. In such situations, you have rise above them and make decisions that result in the overall well being of the group ( a number of people, for that matter ).

There will come a stage, when you will have to make a decision and you cannot save everybody.

There, there, I think you got it wrong.

I am not being sexist, so fuck it!

Would appreciate if you could write in English :)

Not everybody can understand..... whatever you wrote

One dies, all other survive.

The ratio goes in favor.

May the man that died rest in peace :D

School is what crafts us and makes us ready to face life.

School is, therefore, awesome!

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