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Yes (And why) No (And why)
Debate Score:447
Total Votes:529
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 Yes (And why) (95)
 No (And why) (95)

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Dremorius(847) pic

God Is Evil

No doubt about it.

Yes (And why)

Side Score: 228

No (And why)

Side Score: 219
9 points

If God is willing but unable to prevent evil,

Then he is not omnipotent.

If god is able but not willing,

Then he is malevolent.

If he is both willing and able,

From whence comes evil?

If he is neither willing nor able,

Then why call him God?

This is a very nice paragraph by the Greek philosopher Epicurus. It embodies the point that God never stops war or pollution, so how can he be good? I think there is not what people consider a god, but I suppose there could be a devil. The nearest to what a real God could be is Zeus or another Greek, Roman, Egyptian or other God. We cannot believe there is someone like God helping us, since, in truth, there is no-one.

Side: Yes (And why)
Name(18) Disputed
1 point

Assuming the point of Epicurus' paragraph is to point out and dispute the various views on God's power and presence, then I must bring up the point that the pot cannot question the potter, who creates and does as he wills, and is always more intelligent, wise, moral, etc. than the created pot. But outside of using the Bible to defend Christianity, which I understand to be looked down upon, third statement not only provides a perfect example of a "non sequitur" argument, but does not touch on the point of the fall of Lucifer (Satan) or the fall of man. God is both willing and able, however evil comes from the Devil and err and sin from us.

Side: No (And why)
6 points

God's moral standing. Good or Evil? Well, here's something to think about:

Does God command us to do things that are morally correct because they are morally correct and He is holding us to a Universal code of ethics?


Does God command us, and his commands are morally correct because He is an omnipotent, omniscient being?

If the first question is what you believe, then that implies that a Universal code of ethics exists outside of religion, which ultimately means that God's actions must be held to the same standard.

If you believe the second question to be the truth, then you're implying that "might makes right." I'll elaborate.

Imagine that the Christian God is in a room with 100 people. God could easily say "Thou shalt not drink a glass of water, or you shall suffer eternally." Sure, 99 people in that room may not drink a glass of water, but what about the last man? God could certainly kill the individual and sentence them to eternal suffering because that person broke God's command. But the true question still remains... what drinking the glass of water morally wrong? No. It was wrong only because God says so. No one would hold God accountable for His actions.

In philosophy, this is called the Euthyphro Dilemma. It makes it much easier to understand that even if God does exist, he would need to be perfectly, amorally fair. The Bible, however, discounts this by his [wanton] punishment of the human race over and over again.

Supporting Evidence: A Short Table Outlining the "Quantitative" Killings of the Bible (
Side: Yes (And why)
0 points

interesting idea, but you forget that god is perfect and his word is perfect. his word telling us what is right and wrong is perfect. it is an interesting arguement but frankly gods power is irrelivant. he has granted us free will, free will to choose what we do and then as a father told us what he expects of us.

also you were right about 1 thing in your arguement. god isnt fair. god is just. modern day society expects these two to be the same thing but they arent. fair means you treat everyone the same just means you treat the individual the way they deserve. and we are all sinful and we deserve punishment, but god is willing to forgive us if we repent.

it made me laugh though how you put down that he was all powerful and all knowing but forgot vitally that he was all loving.

i am so sinful i do wrong things every day of my life and yet god who is perfect still forgives me.

i dont know what your idea of perfect is but i can tell you this with certainty, my god is so much more

Side: No (And why)
6 points

-he created evil.

-can stop evil things and doesnt.

-knew evil acts would occur frequently, made it anyway.

-forces us into existence without any proof to motivate us to do good actions and then judges us and punishes us if we dont act right in the world (ultimate of unfair).

-lets racist, prejudiced, biggoted, drug abusing, sociopathic, child beating(, etc...) people have children.

-lets children be born with diseases that cripple and kill and cause intense pain and suffering, some which increase over their childhood and end in death.

-even if god put evil so there is knowledge of good, he is still half evil and maximally so.

-according to some religions, rapists, child abusers, and murderers can go to heaven if they accept jesus as their savior.

Side: Yes (And why)
Srom(12120) Disputed
3 points

-can stop evil things and doesnt

He can stop evil things but will in the future when He comes back in the future for his Second Coming.

-lets children be born with diseases that cripple and kill and cause intense pain and suffering, some which increase over their childhood and end in death.

The reason why there is diseases and suffering is because of sin. If we were perfect then there would be no suffering and death. In heaven if you get there will have no pain and suffering.

-according to some religions, rapists, child abusers, and murderers can go to heaven if they accept jesus as their savior.

In the Bible it says that people who don't believe in God or people who continue to do evil will go to hell. But, you can turn away from sin and still be saved from those things as long as you don't do it again and you ask God for forgivness.

Side: No (And why)
3 points

First, the person you are disputing here raised 8 points. You only responded to 3 of them. That is not proper debate etiquette.

He can stop evil things but will in the future when He comes back in the future for his Second Coming.

This still doesn't explain why, if God exists, he didn't prevent the occurrence of evil and suffering in the past.

The reason why there is diseases and suffering is because of sin.

This is an unjustified assertion.

If we were perfect then there would be no suffering and death.

But God didn't create us perfect. In effect, he is condemning us to suffering and death.

In heaven if you get there will have no pain and suffering.

It still doesn't account for the pain and suffering experienced in the past.

In the Bible it says that people who don't believe in God or people who continue to do evil will go to hell.

You are attacking a straw man. What he said was, "according to some religions, rapists, child abusers, and murderers can go to heaven if they accept jesus as their savior." If I were to agree with your statement, you are agreeing that rapists, child abusers, murderers and the like will go to heaven.

Side: Yes (And why)
6 points

There is so much violence in the Bible. if you look at the skeptics annotated bible and take a look at the violence ratios, it is estimated at 25 million, compared to the Devil at 10. This isn't to say I am an atheist or anything else. I just don't believe in the Bible or anything of the sort.

Side: Yes (And why)
5 points

Everything = God = (evil + everything not evil)

(God - everything not evil)= evil...

Without everything else, god is evil.

All evil is part of god.

Hmm, it should be said that Evil is God, I suppose.

Side: Yes (And why)
3 points

good reasoning, seems pretty simple to me. I dont understand how people cant understand that if there is evil and god created everything, then he is and created evil.

Side: Yes (And why)
1 point

It's right there in the OT. In Isaiah 45:7 God says, ''I form the light, and create the darkness,

I make weal and create woe;*

I, the LORD, do all these things''.

Footnote to this verse in the New American Bible:

Create woe: God created and controls all aspects of creation (light and darkness, order and chaos).

Supporting Evidence: The Word Translated ''Woe'' In This Verse, And Its Meaning (
Side: Yes (And why)
vandebater(443) Disputed
2 points

im not a christian, but god, if he exists is not evil. god is neutral.

everything bad and evil + everything good= neutralness. therefore he is neither evil nor good.

Side: No (And why)
Akulakhan(2984) Disputed
2 points

Well no. That's to say that the opposing components of reality, such love and hate, peace and war, fear and courage, cancel each other out. This isn't true. If god were a mathematical concept, He wouldn't be a net value, a figure after the equal symbol- He'd be a harmonious equilibrium. After all, Good and Evil are on separate transactions.

Side: Yes (And why)
Pito(27) Clarified
1 point

I think you mean ''amoral'' and ''neutrality'', my friend.

Side: Yes (And why)
AdaLovelace(4) Disputed
1 point

You cannot have a neutral God and it specifically says in the Bible more a hundred times that God is Good. It also says at least once that God is Evil. But I'm not saying I agree with the "God is Good" thing though. If anything he (if a God even exists) is Evil because how can a omnipotent, benevolent sit back and relax when ISIS and other terrorist groups are killing human beings. Or how can he watch children starve to death. Or not wave his magical wand hand and cure Ebola. If he is able to do anything then why hasn't he done something? Heck, why would a perfect God create sinful humans give them a temptation he knows they will give into then punish them with eternal suffering and death?! If you ask me, I don't even think religion should exist anymore. We are far to advanced to believe in sea monsters and witches so why do people still believe that there is a magical being that's gonna kiss all our boo boos for us and tells us to behave so we can go to heaven. But hey don't listen to the crazed eleven year old girl who considers herself a debater. Go down LaLa land road and live life your way. Enjoy.

Side: Yes (And why)
Canin88(110) Clarified
1 point

This just boils down to whether there is more evil or good in the world, I suppose...

Side: Yes (And why)
Name(18) Disputed
1 point

This determines whether the Earth is evil, but God cannot be judged by the evil in the world, but himself, which is none.

Side: No (And why)
Name(18) Disputed
1 point

The basis of this is incorrect, God is not everything, he created everything outside of himself.

Side: No (And why)
2 points


(Sorry for the caps.)

Side: Yes (And why)
1 point

The Pharaoh of Egypt and his father the previous pharaoh enslaved the people of Israel and were responsible for the deaths of many of the Israelites including many young children.

As the leaders of Egypt their actions have a direct result on their subjects. If they rule wisely, their subject do well. If they rule poorly, the citizens suffer, sometimes even starvation and death, while the leader suffers few ill effects.

In seeking their release from slavery, the Israelite would have been well within their rights to rise up and rebel, freeing themselves by force, and demanding justice and punishment against the behavior of their captors. Instead, God sent Moses to call for Pharaoh to release the Israelites. The Pharaoh refused -- continuously, even after seeing clear demonstrations of both his and his idols' powerless against God's justice. Even with some of his people's pleading for the release of the Israelites, the Pharaoh stuck to his pride and refused to act justly. Even after the 9 plagues, Pharaoh refused. The suffering and death of his subjects is at Pharaoh's feet. God did not have to give any chances to Pharaoh. As it was, the people of Israel were waiting in slavery for almost a year while God patiently endured the resistance of Pharaoh. Nine chances when the Pharaoh deserved none and while God's people continued to suffer and die under the king.

A sign of the last days is that people would blame God for the trouble they brought on themselves. The thief on the cross repented of his deeds, saying to the other thief we are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong." Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." ... Do we really deserve any good thing from God. Do other people continue to suffer from our actions while God continues to show us mercy?

Side: No (And why)
Dremorius(847) Disputed
3 points

I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the natural disasters that many Christians say are the cause of God's anger. What they fail to notice is that sinners are not the only victims in these disasters. There have been countless articles about innocent people and children who have suffered a most terrible death (eg. blood loss, drowning, infection.) Who ever down voted me- For Shame.

Side: Yes (And why)
2 points

If God has predetermined everything and has a plan for everyone, then he has planned to send homosexuals and other sinners to Hell.

Ask yourself this: Would you ever torture your children eternally for a wrong-doing?

Side: Yes (And why)
1 point

That's an excellent point let me expand on it. Imagine you have just had your first child and named her Thea. She is the love of your life. You would never let any harm come to her and will always be there for her. But then she lies to you. You would obviously forgive her right? A small punishment like a time out or a spanking right? You would do what every normal parent does. But then she steals from you. And then she starts hurting you physically. But you still love her. Any parent would still love there child no matter what. But you could NEVER EVER send your daughter to a place where she would be eternally punished and forgotten. Think about it. That's exactly what your so called benevolent Christian God does on a much larger scale. I, for one, will stick to evolution thank you very much. But hey don't listen to the eleven year old debater; go live in lala land where you belong.

Side: Yes (And why)
1 point

doesnt that depend on which god you refer to? Kali or Visnu or Thor or which?

Side: Yes (And why)
1 point

Well, if I were to put it into my words, what I have to say would either sound unoriginal or cliche, or it would not sound very good. That's why I'm going to quote a dead guy.

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"

- Epicurus [341–270 B.C.]

Side: Yes (And why)
1 point


Side: Yes (And why)

If God loves us....why did he make us with a free will that would undoubtedly go to evil?

He could have just put in some defense mechanism to prevent us from doing evil.

God allegedly made everything, everyone, and all of our components, so did he also make our evil nature? No theists never admit to this, he didn't make our evil nature he just made our free will that saw fit to do whatever we please. So he made us a conscience, yet the conscience is easy to break.

Think about it this way, you can't eat yourself while it's still attached because your brain is hardwired to not let you. You can't hold your breath until you die, for similar reasons. So if God made these defense mechanisms for us killing ourselves why didn't he make our conscience wall a little stronger?

The answer is simple, either he's evil and wanted us to experience evil so he could judge us, or (and theists hate this one) he's not perfect.

If he's imperfect why call him a God?

Side: Yes (And why)
1 point

All very valid questions. Take them to God. .

Side: Yes (And why)
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

Well I would if he presented himself.

If I shout in a desert on my knees until I'm read in the face, hoarse in the throat, and even for twenty more years after that, I still don't think I'd get an answer.

I feel if he's at least just, that after I die, I will be allowed to ask him one question at least, since I never got to meet him on Earth.

And if that is the case, I will ask him, "Why did I have to have faith?"

Side: Yes (And why)
1 point

It would seem to be true that he/she yes. Although there is still no proof that there is any type of God/Gods if there is then i would have to go with that yes he is evil. He/she is evil in the way that if you had all the power of the known universe and did not stop wars or help then you are not using your powers to the right source. Although god may of made something he or she liked he or she should learn how to look after there "toys" to say...

People believe that he/she will help them if they believe in them but at the end of the say if you do or do not then were are all meant to be gods children.

I say that god is a shit parent...

Side: Yes (And why)
-2 points
keenEdge(23) Disputed
3 points

Instead of just posting a link to the other argument you tried to use this strategy on, I took the liberty of copying it so everyone may see how shallow your statement is.

Allow me to outline the argument you just made:

God is Jesus.

God loves us.

Therefore, God must be real.

In case it's not blatantly clear, your statement doesn't make any real sense. Please... this is a place for logical discussion and argument, not for an unsupported statement with no logical connection to anything. Besides, it's as I said in the other post. The rules of argument for any philosophical or scientific (this happens to be both) debate requires the asserting party to provide proof. It does not work like this:

I believe I can travel to the Moon by flying myself there with spirit-power!

And I know it's true because none of you can prove me wrong because you can't see me!

Keep it reasonable, please.

Side: No (And why)
keenEdge(23) Clarified
2 points

Let me rephrase that. Tried to edit but it wouldn't allow me... (lol).

I'll humor you and assume that God is real (and benign).

Does God command us to do what is morally correct because it is morally correct?


Is what God commands us to do morally correct because He commands us to do it?

Side: Yes (And why)
WVRN212(41) Disputed
1 point

I believe the topic of this debate is Gods' moral standing rather than his existence.

Side: Yes (And why)
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

This is not why I said that God is real. I said that God is real because it makes sense to believe in God. Think about it: The Universe did not just happen. Creation is proof of a Creator.

Side: Yes (And why)

All that you said was all true but Ismaila you posted on the wrong side lol. =P

Side: Yes (And why)
3 points

Darn it. I am new here, so I need to get used to things, I guess.

Side: Yes (And why)

I am a Christian and I don't expect people to listen to me about the goodness of God because the Bible says that some won't listen but if you do listen God bless you. I think God is so good because He sent His one and only son Jesus Christ to die on that cross to make a way for us the believers a way to get to Heaven. I thank God everyday for who He is because to be honest I wouldn't dare send my son to die for this sinful planet. I thank God for who He is because He is perfect in all His ways and is never wrong. When you are a believer you will face things in the world but it is best to follow God and lead not unto your own understanding because God knows what He is doing. I have never saw a person full of the grace of God leave God and I never will. If that happen to anyone then I will have to challenge that person's walk with the Lord. Like I said if you listen to this God Bless you but if you don't God have mercy on you and not going to say may God have mercy on you because I really do care about the souls of all. Moving along I am done here, message me if you want and I will reply if you are willing to listen.

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.

Matthew 5:44 (KJV)

Side: No (And why)
Mecca(44) Disputed
10 points

You see, that is the heart of the arguement; only an evil god would send his innocent son to die for people who committed no crime. According to Christian doctrine all men have inherited sin from Adam and Eve. It is the height of injustice and evil to condemn people to eternal torture for a crime that someone else committed (which was only the eating of a damn piece of fruit!). This is why Christianity sounds good until you examine under the hood. The god of the Bible is bloodthirsty (he drowns the whole world because "it grieved him that he made man"), and threatens people that if they don't believe in fairytales we will burn in an eternal furnace.

Even the idea that an eternal being would need a son is silly; an immortal creature would have no need for gender which is a method for finite beings to have offspring. Biologically speaking it would make absolutely no sense for an eternal being to have offspring.

The god of the Bible is guilty of the sins that he threatens to punish us with eternal fire for committing; he caused a woman to become pregnant out of wedlock even though the Bible says that a bastard shall not enter into the kingdom of god, and he orders the genocide of whole peoples that would make Hitler and Stalin proud.

If a supreme being does exist it needs a better book to represent it than the Bible, because it is a public relations nightmare for its image.

Side: Yes (And why)
WVRN212(41) Disputed
8 points

I would suggest that you pick up a study Bible as well as a few theology courses. Many of the instances where God orders a populace to be killed it is due to worshipping Canaanite/Ammonite gods. Look up Baal and'll see what God had ordered his people to stop. Also when someone tells you God is bad or evil then quotes a Bible passage, dont't read just the passage but the entire book that passage is in so you can understand any historical context which is used.

Side: No (And why)
7 points

You also left out that Jesus resurrected Himself from the grave on the third day. You will no go to Hell for not accepting Jesus into your heart but for not following His commandments and His standards. I will not read nothing else that proofs the existence of God because the Bible is all I need. I want you to think about something to Mecca you are right about we all inherited sin from Adam and Eve but if they didn't eat the fruit there wouldn't be not sin. Basically before Adam and Eve ate that fruit they were in a perfect Heaven with no sin plus they weren't ashamed that they were naked before they ate the fruit. Now this generation want to say I am glad they hate the fruit because we would have been walking around here naked. If they didn't eat the fruit generations later we wouldn't have been ashamed ourselves because that fruit from the Tree of Knowledge wouldn't have affected us. Another thing God hovered over the matrix of Mary and implanted a seed into Her womb so Jesus could be born. There isn't nothing wrong with the Creator using someone for His glory because in the end it would have been perfect. Also the Bastard comment you didn't finished reading the whole chapter in the Bible but the way you used it I don't think you know when you suppose to use it. There are a lot of people that were Christians that died and went to Heaven without an earthly father being in their lives.

Side: No (And why)
Sitara(11075) Disputed
5 points

God loves you. He really does. It is humankind that is evil for disobeying God.

Side: No (And why)
5 points

You see, that is the heart of the arguement; only an evil god would send his innocent son to die for people who committed no crime.

It was because of the crimes that God became flesh and died on the cross for our sins. That is why John 3:16 says God so loved the world that so means continuing without an end that He care about our fates died on the cross for us so the curtain would be teared that was blocking us from getting into Heaven.

Side: No (And why)
Name(18) Disputed
1 point

On the idea of being punished for a sin not committed, the question becomes raised; Does humanity no longer sin? Because we do continue to sin, it is not an uncommitted crime as previously believed. The last sentence of the first paragraph also contradicts itself as he doesn't force us into believing in fairy tales as He does not view them as such. It would be unjust if he forced us to believe something that isn't true, but He only asks us to believe what has already been found true.

Secondly, Jesus' title as God's Son shows his right as being closer tied to God than man or even the angels, not his biological relations to God as God is metaphysical, not biological. Also, again as God is not biological, he did not get someone pregnant out of wedlock. It is the act of adultery that is a sin, not the result.

Side: No (And why)
7 points

I agree with you. It is nice to see a fellow Christian. God is good, eh?

Side: No (And why)
6 points

I know right. Finally some people with common sense. I have actually never seen so many Christians all on one debate.

Side: No (And why)
4 points

I'm with you. At least some people have faith these days. God is good? Amen to that.

Side: No (And why)
6 points

Amen my brother. God bless you .

Side: No (And why)
4 points

I totally agree with you!!!!!!!!!! Good job on describing it ! 1 upvote for you!

Side: No (And why)
6 points

I agree with your agreement!!! :D an up vote too!

Side: No (And why)
4 points

Your entire argument is question begging. The Bible can't be used as evidence of God's characteristics. This is because the authors of the Bible already made the a prior assumption that God exists. This might seem to be divergent from the question at hand, but if one were to speak about the character of some agent, one must have good evidence to suggest that the agent exists in the first place.

Second, since the Bible is assumed to be written under the direct influence of God, it would be illogical to use the Bible as evidence to assess the character of the author. Clearly, the Bible not only has many inherent contradictions, but is also a biased source of information. Even if there weren't contradictions or if the Bible is not biased, it is still the only source of information that you are using. Even an amateur historian, scientist or philosopher would know that it would be unreliable to merely quote once source of information to draw a conclusion.

And finally, even if I were to accept that an all-powerful creator exists, there is no evidence to suggest that the creator is good given the over-whelming validity of the evidential Problem of Evil.

Side: Yes (And why)
2 points

It is not really an intellectual matter, but a matter of the heart. You rebel at the concept of God because you are not willing to be subject to God.

There are men, including scientists, that can give strong arguments providing evidence, but ultimately God has decreed men shall not find Him through intellectual prowess, but only by a humble acceptance of His last word to Mankind: the cross, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The question indeed will be answered in the end time when all stand before God. Some Christians just can't back it up as well as you want it to be. There are questions we ask God but He even hides them from us to at times and usually is answer them at His own time not ours.

Side: No (And why)
2 points

If this is a debate about God's characteristics and the only source of information is the Bible, it is relevant to examine it's authorship and validity. Some of the debate participants are preaching contents of the Bible, editorializing, or expressing their religious beliefs, all of which are not germane to the debate. Whether taking the "for" or "against" position, in a debate, all participants are required to put forth reasoning and evidence. Otherwise, this particular "debate" is frivolous. "Faith", I personally believe is an important part of life. However, it's not a useful tool in a debate.

Side: Yes (And why)
AdolEssence(60) Clarified
2 points

-Clarification- There is evidence that the creator is good you see...

God is not evil...

God is everything that is not evil...

The only reason why this is even a debate is because in so many people's eyes, God is the supposed opposite of evil.

Why? Because, it can be argued that god is good, which is the actual opposite of evil, correct?

So the reason this is debatable is because God exists on the same spectrum as evil. (Stay with me here)

But think about what a spectrum is exactly. Light and dark are on the same spectrum, though darkness is nothing more than the absence of light. Just as hot and cold are on the same spectrum, when cold is nothing more than the absence of heat. If you suppose that God is good then God is on the same spectrum with evil, and if that is assumed then evil is nothing more than the absence of God.

God is not evil...

God is everything that is not evil...

I have two more reasons why god is not evil.

The debaters on the opposing side of this debate argue that god is evil because God created everything, and if God created everything then he created evil as well, ultimately resulting in God being evil himself...Right?...

WRONG!!! And I will explain why.

-Side-note- I could care less whether or not any of you actually believe in God, whether or not you have a belief in him is on you. But what I would like to say is, for you to not believe in him therefore not care about him at all, you all are here debating about him. So whether he may be a positive or negative force in your life, the fact that you're here reading this, shows that he is something to you. Therefor he exists :)

Back to what I was saying...

Suppose that God created everything...

Say it in you own mind...(God created every-THING)


Evil is an adjective...not a THING!!

God is light...and he created before everything was created, there was nothing but light...

Think of it this way...

Picture a room of nothing but light...if you put a chair in an empty room of nothing but light, the chair would cast a shadow, thus darkness...

God put the chair there...see? The shadow came without God's intentions...

God created everything with good intentions and evil simply followed, and in all honesty, evil hangs on a thread of existence because it depends on the existence of everything god has created.

Without light, there is no darkness...not the other way around..

Without God, there is no evil, but god is not evil. God is everything that is not evil. Just as light is everything that is not dark.

People tend to toy with the idea of light and darkness being equal or opposites, but it is proven that this is not true. A battle between light and dark is over in an instant. Wherever light chooses to be present, darkness must give way. Yet darkness has no power to push back in the other direction. Light shines, Darkness doesn't darken. It can only have a shadowy existence. It is not a positive thing, its simply the lack of a positive thing.

The same holds true for God and evil...

God is not evil...

God is everything that is not evil...

And evil is not a problem, it's just another way of life that we see as something bad when in all honesty it's just a part of nature.

Side: Yes (And why)
Facadeon(508) Disputed
3 points

Amen !

Side: No (And why)
2 points

Oops, I meant to click support, not dispute.

Side: No (And why)
2 points

1 John 1:5 (English-NIV)

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.

The scripture you have just read shows us that there is no darkness in God. If this is so, then why is there darkness and evil. If God is the Most High, then surely he must be responsible for what exists or what he allows.

Ezekiel 28:14-17 (English-NIV)

14 You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones.

15 You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you.

16 Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, O guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones.

17 Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings.

Revelation 12:7-9 (English-NIV)

7 And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.

8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.

9 The great dragon was hurled down, that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

John 8:44 (English-NIV)

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Jesus told us that the Devil who is Satan is the Father of Lies and a murderer from the beginning.

So sin started in Satan and he spread his lies and deception and corrupted one third of the Angels. He also deceived man in the beginning which meant that he sowed sin into all of humanity and brought death to us all. We can see in Genesis 3 (English-NIV) that the serpent deceived mankind in the beginning and in Revelation 12:9 we see that Satan is that ancient serpent that lead the whole world astray.

The reason that Jesus came to earth was to redeem man back to God and save us from death birthed by sin. This disobedience originated in the Devil's lies. so satan and man created evil not GOD.

Side: No (And why)
4 points

I accidentally posted on the "Yes" side. I am so embarrassed. God is not evil because He is so good to us. He came to earth to die on the cross for our sins and raise from the dead so that we may be saved if we change our mind about all of our sins and accept Him/Jesus as our Friend, God, Lord, and Savior. That is a sweet deal if you ask me.

Side: No (And why)
4 points

He is good he gave us all we have, family, earth, life, faith!

We have to thank him for that; hence the purpose of prayer

Side: No (And why)
Dremorius(847) Disputed
1 point

Why is God scared of shrimp? - And why did he punish those who ever ate shrimp? You've eaten shrimp before haven't you? Even if Jesus the scapegoat came into the picture to make such weird laws no longer apply, it still begs the question- Why did God hate shrimp (Aka his own creation) in the first place? In the bible he calls them things in the ocean that lack the scales that fish usually have, and no fins etc. So that could mean no crustaceans or calamari should be eaten as well. If you have eaten them, you are a sinner. O.o

Side: Yes (And why)
Sitara(11075) Disputed
2 points

Excuse me, but God is not afraid of shrimp and He never was. He just wanted the Jews to be set apart from, and to be an example to the other nations by giving things like shrimp up.

Side: No (And why)
Dremorius(847) Clarified
2 points

Leviticus 11:9-12:

9 These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat.

10 And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you:

11 They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination.

12 Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.

Side: Yes (And why)

Regina Belle- God Is Good Lyrics

I know that God my God.

God Is Good.

God my God.

God Is Good.

You know that He brought me out of darkness.

God Is Good.

You know that He saved my soul.

God Is Good.

Said He saved my soul.

God Is Good.

I said that He saved my soul, and then He brought me out of darkness.

God Is Good.

You know that He guides my every foot step.

God Is Good.

Said He guides my every foot step.

God Is Good.

You know that He guides my every foot step, then He saved my soul, and then He brought me out of darkness.

God Is Good.

And then He put shoes on my feet.

God Is Good.

Said He put shoes on my feet.

God is Good

You know He put shoes on my feet.

So He could guide my every footstep.

Jesus saved my soul, and then He brought me out of darkness.

God is Good.

And then He put food on my table.

God Is Good.

Said He put food on my table.

God Is Good.

Said He put food on my table, then He put shoes on my feet, so He could guide my every foot step, Jesus saved my soul, and then He brought me out of darkness.

God Is Good.

And then He made a way.

God Is Good.

Said He made a way.

God Is Good.

I said that He made a way, and then He put food on my table, then He put shoes on my feet, so He could guide my every foot step, Jesus saved my soul, and then He brought me out of darkness.

God Is Good.

And with no money in my pocket.

God is Good.

With no money in my pocket.

God is Good.

With no money in my pocket, He still made a way, Then put food on my table and he put shoes on my feet, So he could guide my every footstep, Jesus saved my soul and then he brought out of darkness.

God is Good.

You know that He healed my every sickness.

God is Good.

Said that He healed my every sickness.

God Is Good.

I said that He healed my every sickness, with no money in my pocket, He still made a way - out of no way. He still made a way - out of no way. He still made a way - out of no way.

And then he put food on my table, and then he put shoes on my feet, so he could guide my every footsteps, Jesus saved my soul, I know that he saved my soul, and he saved my soul, And then he brought me out of darkness.

God is Good.


God is Good.

Yea, yea

God is Good.


God is Good.

ooo oooo

God is Good

Side: No (And why)
Dremorius(847) Disputed
3 points

Make it stop! Oh God, make it stop!

Side: Yes (And why)
1 point

Make God stop what?

Side: Yes (And why)
2 points

1 John 1:5 (English-NIV)

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.

The scripture you have just read shows us that there is no darkness in God. If this is so, then why is there darkness and evil. If God is the Most High, then surely he must be responsible for what exists or what he allows.

Ezekiel 28:14-17 (English-NIV)

14 You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones.

15 You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you.

16 Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, O guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones.

17 Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings.

Revelation 12:7-9 (English-NIV)

7 And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.

8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.

9 The great dragon was hurled down, that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

John 8:44 (English-NIV)

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Jesus told us that the Devil who is Satan is the Father of Lies and a murderer from the beginning.

So sin started in Satan and he spread his lies and deception and corrupted one third of the Angels. He also deceived man in the beginning which meant that he sowed sin into all of humanity and brought death to us all. We can see in Genesis 3 (English-NIV) that the serpent deceived mankind in the beginning and in Revelation 12:9 we see that Satan is that ancient serpent that lead the whole world astray.

The reason that Jesus came to earth was to redeem man back to God and save us from death birthed by sin. This disobedience originated in the Devil's lies. so satan and man created evil not GOD.

Side: No (And why)
gherity(3) Disputed
2 points

Silaswash, the lyrics of "God is Good" expressed beautiful sentiments. However, expressing praise for the God you know is not relevant to this debate. Preaching your beliefs, I respect, but your beliefs, without verifiable evidence, are a waste of time. And pointing to one's beliefs as proof for one's beliefs is invalid. From reading your all of your posts, it is clear what you believe in, but typing long pieces of texts, which I've read, wastes my time and the time of others who are serious about applying some intellectual integrity to the topic of this debate. Please try to be respectful of this forum. (And using the tool before submitting any future comments would help).

Side: No (And why)
1 point

Yeah whatever you say gherity it's a waste of your time because you are lost it doesn't matter what my comments say what I believe is what I am.

Side: Yes (And why)
3 points

ok i prefer to stay out of religious debates BUT here is my take on it

Adam was made in the image of God-

the old testament is a reflection of an eye for an eye

the new testament is an entire symphony of virtous unconditional love

Jesus said- i cam not to abolish the law but to fullfill it

after HE died with the exception of the book of revealations that is pretty much where the bible ends

so the real question is why is the bible split in half?

why half of it an eye for an eye and the other half unconditional love?

Side: No (And why)
2 points

I usually stay out of them too, but as a Christian-Catholic, I had to add my input. I can't answer you question about the Bible, but some people can.

Side: No (And why)
3 points

God isn't Evil. He is the definition of all that is right and good. Even his name is one "o" away from saying Good.

Side: No (And why)
3 points

God is not evil how dare people even make this debate I know there are some out there that don't believe but please keep it to yourselves:(

Side: No (And why)
2 points

I would not say that God is evil (if one exists, because if he doesn't then he cannot have a moral leaning), but mans concept of God certainly is, according to how he acts in some of the so called revealed holy books.

Side: No (And why)
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Are you an atheist or an agnostic ?

Side: Yes (And why)
2 points

I dont think we can say god is anything. God created good too and so he is good? If god is good and evil that makes him normal. No one is evil and no one is good. We all have a bit of both in us. And god would too, he would be evil when he has to be and with who he has to be and good with those and when he has to be. We can't label god.

Side: No (And why)
1 point

Evil is simply lack of good, like cold is lack of heat.............................

Side: Yes (And why)
2 points

God is evil It is winning position It made me think that God created us-Evil created us and let us live. I am Muslim and I believe in God. However God is neither good nor evil. He is justice. He is the one who recognizes evil and good, then decides should good be awarded, and evil be punished or should they exist or not. He created good and evil himself, so how can God be evil or good? He is higher than these notions.

Side: No (And why)
2 points

This is a difficult question for most and I can understand why. However, as a Christian, I will try not to establish a biased view.

It is believed by many Christians that if someone is not saved by the lord Jesus Christ, that they will be sent to live forever in the burning depths of Hell. Is this evil? If someone had been raised as a child of the Islamic religion and had been surrounded by family and friends of the same faith, how can God punish them for something they cannot control? How can he send them to burn for eternal life when they had been born into another faith? They are NOT simply going to perform a conversion at the sight of a Christian preacher! How can he punish them?!


Why would God bring suffering upon a race of people as in genocides in Sudan and earlier in the Holocaust? Why would he kill innocent souls that he created himself? God controls everything... and it says so in the bible. Why, then, would he send innocent souls, born into another faith or killed by the strength of racist fools, to be tortured perpetually in Hell?!

My answer is this... sin. Sin is the basis for all evil that exists on Earth. It is the foundation of the racism that had been found within the hearts of Nazi followers; the seed of contradicting faiths; the embodiment of greed and selfishness. Sin is evil.

BUT, if God can do anything... Why hasn't he? Why would his plans allow genocide, tragedy, and sufferance?

The answer to this question is I don't know. However, I love God, I believe in him, and I trust that some day he will provide me with answers.

If you have answers of your own, please feel free to express them.

Side: No (And why)
4 points

Are you, in essence, admitting that gratuitous and intense suffering and evil exists in the world?

Side: Yes (And why)
jackienw36 Disputed
2 points

By gratuitous do you mean evil without compensation or without warant?

Side: No (And why)
2 points

People who don't believe in religion are atheist that is what the other side is atheist

Side: No (And why)
2 points

People people God did not come down to earth and die, Jesus did the text are pretty clear on this God is not Jesus. God = Jehova, which = God. Jesus = Jesus, which = son of Marry which = extraterristrial human life manipulation which = work of God. Hwich leads me to a new debate.

Side: No (And why)
1 point

There are many deities to believe to exist, with many different characteristics. Not only would you have to describe which deity you are talking about to assess the question of evil, you also have to prove a deity exists and that specific deity is the existing one. Once that is done, we can properly analyze whether a god factually is or isn't something.

If however, as I'm going to assume, this is about the Bible-descriptive god, then I would have to conclude that the deity is probably evil or the Bible is not completely accurate.

But for the general question, the answer is no because of what I said in the first paragraph.

Side: No (And why)
1 point

This is the most ridiculous statement I have ever read but then again, this is typical of a non-believer. Don't dare come at me and say I am being self righteous either, for that is typical as well. There is no argument about if God is evil or not. Statements such as the are of the enemy and serve only to distract a true believer of Jesus Christ, the Almighty. That's all that satan can do, is distract. You see, God won this battle on the cross. satan will endure all the evil he inflicted as will his followers. Those who don't love God will find out what evil really is.

Side: No (And why)
ChuckHades(3179) Disputed
1 point

This is the most ridiculous statement I have ever read but then again, this is typical of a non-believer

Really? I thought worshiping an infanticidal, misogynistic, homophobic, genocidal, bat shit insane deity that is scared of shrimps was more ridiculous.

Don't dare come at me and say I am being self righteous either

You're being self-righteous. :)

There is no argument about if God is evil or not

Seeing as the winning position is "yes", I'm fairly sure that there is an argument.

God won this battle on the cross.

A true God wouldn't need to battle.

Those who don't love God will find out what evil really is.

We won't find out in hell. I mean, there's no God there. How else do we know what evil is?

I find it hilarious that you think a crazy fucker that allows innocent children to be brutally burned and tortured for eternity is not evil because he stores up true evil for the non believers.

Side: Yes (And why)
notmymuse(10) Clarified
2 points

Really? I thought worshiping an infanticidal, misogynistic, homophobic, genocidal, bat shit insane deity that is scared of shrimps was more ridiculous.

Really? Do you not understand the difference between the Old and New Testament? I see you are resorting to being typical of other atheists, the defense argument always contains the same words. You atheists have such a weak argument that you have a hint sheet you have to go by for your argument.

You're being self-righteous. :)

Okay, my reverse psychology worked on you. Yes, we need more self righteousness in this world. As a Christian, I am called to judge in righteousness.

Seeing as the winning position is "yes", I'm fairly sure that there is an argument.

You see, this is typical atheist belief right here. Christians are already aware that people live "of the world" and that satan is the ruler of the air. So therefore, satan is happy with the atheists being right where they are, on his side. satan has an ax to grind with a believer. God even said in the Holy Bible that this is how it would be in the last days, and you atheists prove it just that much more by how you are "of the world."

A true God wouldn't need to battle.

We were created with a free will just as you are showing you have. Because of ignorance, God will battle for you to pull you out of the wilderness.

And please, not the same old statement about God allowing innocent children to be brutally burned. It's a shame that you still haven't opened your eyes. If you do some Bible study, you will get a better understanding of the why's.

Side: Yes (And why)
1 point

The only thing that needs to be said about this debate, has already been said, just saying...

Side: No (And why)
1 point

who in their right mind would say a thing. some people say that he is a sadist and corrupt for sending people, he loves, to hell. but that is simply not true...God wants all of us in heaven.. But he is kind enough to give us a choice wether or not we want to be with him. If you choose to disobey god and deny his existence, then you are choosing your own fate.. In the end its your choice if you want to be with him. God loves us. All you have to do is believe that he is just, and that he gave us his one and only son, that jesus christ died for our sins. a horrible death on the cross.

Side: No (And why)
1 point

I have learnt something, i never realized how many atheist there are in the world, this is scary... im praying that there are decent, good people in the non-believers. but also worried they could be the devils children, slowing destroying, people beliefs.putting their poison in the works..every day good verses against evil. then science proofs things about us.. that can confuse people, with their religion intact..

Side: No (And why)
1 point

i ment yes szzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Side: No (And why)
1 point

God has love and compassion for all living things. He gives people a choice in life, they can be good to people and go to heaven or they can be evil and go to hell.

God creates miracles. God and Jesus can save peoples souls and send them to heaven. Our Almighty God is full of love, forgiveness, and is a 100% merciful God.

Side: No (And why)
1 point

God is not evil. And what is evil? And if you want god to stop evil, do you want him to stoff everything or just a little bit. Where should it stop? The murder level, the lying level or the thinking level? What about our evil thoughts?

Side: No (And why)

No, God is never evil.

The bad which happens in our lives is just the negative aspect of god acting, i..e the devil. It's the devil and the god which keeps things in balance, which provides the right mixture of good and bad.

Life cannot be all rainbows and sunshine.

Side: No (And why)
1 point

no because he wants you to do stuff for yourself like if you're a parent you can't do stuff for them all the time our this world is so fuked up that god doesn't want anything to do with it

Side: No (And why)
0 points

God is good and merciful. Lucifer is evil, which is why he was cast from Heaven. For all those who are using the "Adam and Eve" example, God gave us all free-will to do as we wish. Lucifer tempted them to eat the apple, thus began sin.

Side: No (And why)