
Madeingerman's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Madeingerman's arguments, looking across every debate.

That's the thing, to me it looks like the supposedly humorous shows are way better at giving you the facts.

They claim they are entertainment, but do a pretty good job at educating their viewers.

Mass Media however, claims they have the news, but only focus on easily digestible stuff and talking points.

No wonder, a lot of people are ignorant - staying informed is hard work! You have to look at different sources and you can't even trust the candidate you favor - they are all lying :(

But "the governments and villages in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan" are not put on a war criminal trial.

If Bush had followed the Constitution, none of this Iraq mess would have happened.

From the Yahoo article:

Even if they find him innocent, Hamdan may not be released. The military retains the right to hold "enemy combatants" considered a threat to the United States — even those cleared of charges by the tribunals.

So yes, if the outcome doesn't matter, this trial is a joke.

A lot of people just don't care. They don't want to download a Browser, if their computer shipped with an Operating System that already had one.

So unless Microsoft no longer bundles IE with Windows and Windows with hardware, IE is here to stay and in the lead no less.

A vast number of people claims they believe in a talking snake and you tell us that we can't believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster???

a) seems like a no on McCain....

Supporting Evidence: McCain is a computer illiterate (

Vote Republican, if you favor explicit entertainment! (see link below)

Supporting Evidence: McCain's explosion record (

McCain seems to be a bit senile already. The only way he could still get elected is, if people really like his running mate. Never did any VP have such a great chance to the office ;)

What is McCain talking about?

I don't think the stigma will change before it is legalized.


If it was, everybody could see that is is less dangerous than alcohol for sure.

Wow, was that your first serious argument? Sorry, if you had read the other side of this debate, you would know that I do have kids.


Locking a child in a room alone does not encourage a kid to think at all. They will sit lonely in a corner.

You have to tell your kid, what it did wrong and why you didn't want this to be done.

A short spank on the bottom is surely no more cruel then locking a kid in their room for who knows how long.

BS. There is no law against it in the US

Supporting Evidence: Legal Situation of Spanking (

I don't see a big difference between locking in a room and spanking.

If spanking encourages violence, what does locking into a room encourage?

-1 points

So what do you do, if your kid does not stay in its designated timeout spot?

I will try everything I can to never hit my kids.

But on the other hand, I know how aggravating kids can be (from when I was a kid) and would not judge parents that do smack their kids too hard, if I don't know the full story.

It should be a last resort, but reasoning will sometimes only get you so far. By the way, verbal abuse can be at least as damaging to a child's ego as an occasional slap on the bottom.

Face it, there is almost no way to stop a person from committing suicide - if the person is really committed!

What gives us the right to tell a person, what to do with their live? (I'm talking about a sane and mature person here)

If we had suicide facilities, paired with counseling, I doubt that suicide rates would go up.

Supporting Evidence: Suicide Booth (

you wish

So why exactly are you opposed to it?

Even illegal immigrants pay sales tax. Often times they have a fake SSN, so they pay taxes like everybody else.

I'm an immigrant as well, albeit a legal one, and I pay a shitload of taxes in the US (most of which are not used the way I like).

Instead of subsidies I favor mandatory emission standards. If the only way to reach them are electric cars, the industry will have to build them.

Also, make gas really expensive and invest the money into research.

Wait, but we have about 3 metric tons of wood from his cross!?! ;)

The picture says it all.

Supporting Evidence: Christianity [PIC] (

Er, no the topic of the debate is that porno degrades - so you have to say how.

Also, why do you have to be married to have sex? I say: Find out if your compatible in bed first!

There is almost no way around indoctrinating your child. You are trying to give your kid values - your values. Since it will take quite a while until your kids are old enough to evaluate your values, you are indoctrinating.

The only thing you can do is to encourage critical thinking, teach logical reasoning and healthy distrust of authority and in the end your "kid" will be able to shed the parts of the unwanted parts of the indoctrination.

The only problem is when you don't do the critical thinking part, which doesn't seem to be high on the list of values for the ultra-religious types. So they are stuck with the ideology and have no way out.

-1 points

No really - I mean it :)

That's how it is in Germany and many other EU countries - drinking (beer & wine, no liquor) at 16 and Driver's License for the car at 18.

Women in general are not keen on showing their breasts. If it gets exposed for a second, while putting the child on, so what?

I don't understand how the site of a boob negatively affects anyone.

It's the most natural thing in the world to nurse your baby. Numerous benefits have been shown. Sometimes babies get hungry on the road, so you have to feed them.

If some people are too sensitive to a little breast, that is their problem (What did those grow up on?). You can't even see the nipple, because that is where the baby is latching, so it is no different from wearing a bikini!

No, I just declared you an enemy very calmly, after reading about the 20th argument from you that was supposed to be a joke.

No, because it is not Science.

The word science is derived from the Latin word scientia for knowledge, the nominal form of the verb scire, "to know".

Creationism is based on Faith, not knowledge.

Supporting Evidence: Science (

Location: Arlington, Virginia.

Supporting Evidence: Whois (

And which God are you talking about?

Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Hestia, Poseidon, Zeus, ...?

I'm not sensitive to the truth.

'Happy Holidays' is not what upsets me, it's that people think they have to be PC and can't say 'Christmas'.

Just because she is a women? No way.

If she is elderly, pregnant, has a kid with her, etc. sure, but just being female does not earn you my seat.

I thought women want to be treated as equals?

There were no WMDs. The intel was false and the CIA and other experts knew it.

Generations of Americans will have to pay the bill, 100,000s are dead and pretty much everything your president told you about the war was a lie. And you can justify that still? Just wow!

one question, dude ;)

Just one more reason to not fly AA.

With which of all your blunders can we most successfully impeach you?

I'm not sure which answer is which, but I don't have any believes anyway. So I just didn't know.

If my son is going to steal the hearts of pretty boys, so be it.

These days, that doesn't even mean I won't have grand kids ;)

I really thought gay-hating was so last century, but judging by all the debates on that topic, there is still a lot of tolerance missing.

No, Hillary sucks.

Do I really have to back it up with facts? ;)

This has gotten way out of hand.

Even as a non-religious person, I get angry if somebody wishes me a 'Happy Holidays'. WTF is wrong with you?

The best part: The people that are supposedly 'protected' don't care. For example, a major Muslim organization said last year they are completely fine, if we celebrate Christmas.

Last October our neighborhood was plastered with banners for a 'Harvest Festival' with costume competition! Either you are doing Halloween and get to dress up, or you are not. Get over it!

Supporting Evidence: A Harvest Festival?? (
-2 points

Bring 'em on!

So far it seems like the Reality-based community is winning most debates.

And it's always funny to watch how "blind faith" tries to reason with logic.

PS: Spellings doesn't pays your bills either ;)

I'm with you on that one. I do play the guitar - just campfire style, I can accompany a song with chords. But practicing is demanding.

Guitar Hero is something totally different. It is just for fun, nothing artistic about it. The only thing it trains might be your rhythmic abilities.

I love both :)

There is a huge difference between Talking and Listening.

At least 80% of the time, the driver in front of me drives like an idiot, it's someone on a cell phone.

If you think you are any better: YOU ARE NOT!

Hang up and drive!

Kids know when they are lied to.

Especially kids that had a long illness.

And being lied to won't make them feel better.

Any proof for your self worth claim?

I appreciate my friends by taking their calls - not by turning of VM and telling them to send an email.

And how exactly is communicating via email any better than on a cell phone?

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