
Wardogninja's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Wardogninja's arguments, looking across every debate.

Just because you are ignorant of your schools policy does not excuse you from it.

College right now is 10 times better, and i am just getting started.

It is not an inheirently good or bad thing. I believe that my past struggles have helped define who i am today, better or worse, but that does not justify inflicting unnessicary suffering of people in the name of personal growth. It is dependant on the situation, but generally i like to believe that things work out for the best.

When you walk onto the property you are consenting to those searches. see for youself, oftentimes they post a notice on the doors going into more detail.

Most schools have a sign on the door that says when a individual enters these doors they are agreeing to those searches which are conducted for the safety of all students and faculty. It's school. What kind of moron would try to bring something illegal knowing that the searches are a possibility.

Did you know in a international comparison, there is not signifigant differance between the amount of cavites in nations that use flouride in their water and the nations that don't.

I remember token. I just dont see why to needed to post a big thing about your "return". I mean a lot periodically leave and return CD, but never made any fuss about it.

wardogninja(1790) Clarified
1 point

You can not physically be both. Vegetarians abstain from eating meat. A person who eats any combination of foods, provided that their is meat somewhere still in their diet, is a meat eater.

I like vegetarian food, but i still eat meat.

Democrats are generaly liberal. Republicans are typically conservative. The political sytem here has become a mess of political parties and lobbyists.

If this had happened to a british monument like parliament or the London eye, I believe the response would have been the same.

Well i would put a promotion under the classification of "safety". with a premotion you become more crucial to your place of work and less vunerable to potential lay offs.

and living on the streets is doable, but it more potentially hazardous then living in the suburbs.

Need is the instinctual desire for something that provides the basic necessities for living (food, shelter, safety, and maybe even care)

Want is the desire for anything other then those basic needs.

I do not want my goverment getting involved in my church or my church in my goverment. Plus, how sure are you that your church will be the one that merges the goverment. If you are not a memeber of the new religous order, you are pretty much screwed.

No one should be fined. At long as it is not statutory, and both parties concented to it, it should just be brought to the attention of the parents. I'd rather we not waste everyones time and money by bringing cases like that to court.

I thought it was accurate and well written. *

She has told me she was going to change multiple times, but I believe that she is physically incapable of doing that due to her condition at present. I do not believe createdebate is healthy for her nor does it benefit from her presence. Maybe in the future we can give her another chance, but right now is too soon.

No, i think the loneliest number is 1i, because it is so desperate for company it resorts to having imaginary company.

I thought we already had some.





those are just the ones i know of

It sounds like you are basing that reasoning more on tv shows and wishful thinking.

This will not be the final debate. Lets be honest, religion is probably going to be a debated issue for a long, long time. I think there is too much conflict currently to believe that the debating will be ending in our lifetime.

Wow... The intelligence level in the room just dropped.

wardogninja(1790) Clarified
1 point

Gossip is talking about someone elses life that has no reverence in your own life, often times is unconfirmed, and may be information that the subject does not want people to know. I would say that this whole debate is gossiping.

I recommend it to my roommates and political science majors I meet.

wardogninja(1790) Clarified
1 point


I agree. I got friends who are atheists and we get along fine. It is just the people who go purposely out of their way to insult my religion that annoy me.

That pretty much sums my problems with her too. I don't think she should be outright banned, but I think time away would be good for everyone.

Just because something puts you in an unfavorable light does not make it a lie

Just because someone is questioning your statements does not mean they are attacking you.

And just because people sometimes will branch off into subdebates does not warrant banning. They can be interesting conversations, which is the whole reason why we are here.

And as for that whole self first thing, I don't think it is good for you induvially. There are people who should work harder at building confidence and supporting themselves, but you are not one of them. If anything you are too proud, at a narcissistic level. Create debate is a community, and a good community has interaction between its members. Your constant censorship is hurting that interaction.

Whenever i hear about a big drug-ring bust or some other big arrest, i think of one of those two being involved.

Then stop talking about religion.

Why are you still hear if all you do is complain about other people.

I think you would be better as FBI or Swat.

Personally I would like to be a detective if possible.

wardogninja(1790) Clarified
1 point

You implied that religion and science are like oil and water. I just wanted to show that the two can be understood by one person at the same time.

I do not respect people who go to extreme lengths of censorship such as yourself.

Did you know that the big bang theory was given to einstein by a priest? Who says that a scientist can not also be a believer.

She does the same thing to me. I think Andy is going to eventually create a "Ban All' button just for her debates.

That is wonderful. Best of wishes to you and your family.

I was reading somewhere that helping others can actually trigger a stronger chemical response in the reward center of the brain then helping yourself.

I don't, and I frustrates me when atheists look only at my religious beliefs, not my arguments.

Did you really need to post the same argument twice? And how is that relevent. We are talking about how people who can not afford condomns or pills should not be having sex.

If by secular soceity you mean a non-relgious goverment that allows relgious groups to worship without hassasment, then i agree. I think when it comes to law, things should be kept secular so that there can me more common ground.

No, i ban people for posting ads, and in once case for verbally assualting another debater.

That is stereotyping. I as an individual support homosexual unions. I as a individual have supported equal rights between races and gender.

Yes there are fanatics our there and they are bad. But when you start attacking every religious person despite whatever their personal beliefs are you are just as bad as them.

What are you talking about?

I think you are hurting your cause. You want religious fanatics to stop insulting you, but you response is presenting a negative image of atheists to not fanatic religious people such as myself.

.. C. Edit

I am catholic and I often try to learn from the Dhamarada. I do not see any problems with it.

Not to blow my own horn but It really comes down to intellect and the ability to comprehend reason and logic, I have spoken to many people and some people can't seem to see reason and logic as if there brains can't comprehend.

That is the kind of attitude that annoys me. I fine with you being atheist and I don't think it is right that people are telling you that you are going to Hell for it, but that attitude about only stupid people are religious is offensive to me.

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