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Debate Score:30
Total Votes:33
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victor01(146) pic

Are Guys Less Confusing then Girls?

I was having this discussion with a friend, he says that all guys ever care about is food, sleep, and sex. He says there is really nothing more to figure out with guys. But I think that when guys get moody, it is just as bad as when a girl gets moody. Both are impossible to figure out.

Just want to know what you guys think.


Side Score: 18


Side Score: 12
4 points

I can only speak with my personal experience, but it seems that the women I tend to meet are more consumed with emotion than the men. I guess this is why it's easier to have a boyfriend than girlfriend if you're a rational person, because it's so easy to offend an emotional person and impossible to correct them.

Of course, there are some really effeminate men out there too, but that seems to be the minority.

Side: yes
3 points

I agree emotions have the most to do with confusing traits of someone. Changing emotions change rational and while some men react on emotion,it generally is more of a trait of women.

Side: yes
2 points

A woman says blue is her favorite color. She is wearing a red dress with red shoes carrying red purse, and steps out of a red car. A guy says blue is his favorite color. He is wearing blue jeans and a blue T-shirt and steps out of a blue pickup. What do you think?

Side: yes
Spadedude(227) Disputed
2 points

Blue might be her favorite colour but might not be her colour in sense of what suits her or not. Besides being so "I want BLUE i t is ny faaave colour it rox your sox off!" is so sad, and a man doing that is more confusing thatn a woman chosing the colour that suits her best over her favorite colour.

Side: No
2 points

Guys tend to say it straight as it is and more often than girls they'd say it to you.

Girls wouldn't say exactly what they want and they wouldn't talk straight to you either.

Side: yes
2 points

No, you're friend is right, that's all there is to it... unless it's a teenage dude because they get weird for awhile. But besides that it's simple.

Side: yes
4 points

Guys are definitely just as confusing as girls,if not more confusing. The only difference is where as most girls tend to show their confusion and emotions more often than guys,guys tend to act like "everything will be all right". Many guys don't like to show their emotions because they view it as a sign of weakness and femininity. I personally don't mind showing my emotions because in then end,it's better for me to talk about how I feel whether than bottling it up and letting it explode in the end

Side: No
Kinda(1649) Disputed
3 points

I personally don't mind showing my emotions because in then end,it's better for me to talk about how I feel whether than bottling it up and letting it explode in the end


Had to be said.

Secondly how the fuck does this explain guys being more confusing than girls?

Side: yes
2 points

It depends on the persons articulation and their different personalities and thoughts.

Side: No
2 points

I don't knw abt the rest bt teenage guys r surely very confusing!!!

Side: depends
2 points

well i find guys dont show their emotions as much as girls do ie. if a girl is upset n cries dats fine but if a guy breaks down its weird n girly. Teenage guys get confusing wen they fancy u but wont admit 2 it however most of them turn red and try to look away

one of da only fings i understand about guys

Girls are also veeeeeeeeeeerry complicated especially wen dey r being bitches n fightin all da time guys are better at resolvin dat kind of stuff as they just punch each other n its sorted but with girls it carries on for months n months till dey get fed up so both r really confusing.

Side: No