
Debate Info

Coke Pepsi
Debate Score:50
Total Votes:61
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 Coke (10)
 Pepsi (17)

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kozlov(1754) pic

Coke or Pepsi?

This is the ultimate soda debate! Which is best?


Side Score: 15


Side Score: 35
2 points

Coca cola is a better beverage to mix into cocktails. It has less of a sugery sweetness and more of a carbonated bite than pepsi, so it lets the alcohol come through. Have you ever heard of rum and pepsi?

Side: Coke
1 point

This is for my wife.

Side: Coke
1 point

They taste the same no big difference between them for me

Side: Coke
1 point

Coke, but I really prefer Big K or Sam's knock-off brands.

Side: Coke
1 point

I like coke much better because the taste is good and pepsi is kind of the same thing as coke.

Side: Coke
1 point

I like coke.

Side: Coke
1 point

Coke all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Coke

Yeah, i don't really taste the difference that much, but I just go Coke because it was the first caffeinated drink I ever drank. I know Pepsi was like original and stuff, but it's just my preference. :D

Side: Coke
1 point

I support coke.. I love it. I need atleast a litre per day.. Thanks for for bulk supply :P

Side: Coke
3 points

I prefer Pepsi because of the taste, but the main reason is because back in the 50's Pepsi released a bottle twice the size of Coke's for the same price.

Side: Pepsi
3 points

Ill have either of them any-day, and anytime. I can't complain, I am a fan of both. They both taste great, and both know how to get masses of people to buy their product. For me is a dead tie.

Side: Pepsi
3 points

I like pepsi better. Coke is sweeter compared to pepsi. I dont like too much sweetness. It doesnt help in my palette and digestion.

Side: Pepsi
2 points

I find the same thing true with me. But soft drinks aren't what they used to be. I remember my Mum telling me about how when she was a child, your eyes would tear up from all of the carbonation in soft drinks. It just is not the same now. :(

Side: Pepsi
3 points

Coke is another word for cocaine ;) .

Side: Pepsi
3 points

Sometimes, when at a restaurant, I order Pepsi with my meal. They frequently ask "Is Coke alright?". I suppress the urge to (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ and send hate mail to Coke for making me sit through a meal with water, instead I just say "Sure.".

Side: Pepsi
2 points

Besides, the Pepsi Max ads are some of the funniest ads I've seen in a long time. I couldn't tell you, after just watching an ad for Coke, what it was for, they honestly make me want a Pepsi.

Side: Pepsi
2 points

Pepsi taste delicious to me so ill have to go with Pepsi.

Side: Pepsi
2 points

Pepsi sucks shit it makes you crazy and go off the fuckin wall. pipe the fuck down and go with coke.

Side: Pepsi
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
2 points

If you hate pepsi so much why did you vote for it?

Side: Coke
2 points

pepsi is quite sweet. for those who like sweet love pepsi. coke is different for those who like sweet.

Side: Pepsi
2 points

I Hope, that everyone knows, that Pepsi is much better...

Side: Pepsi
2 points

for me, coke is not so tasty and delicious, but coke and Pepsi have simple ingredients and both of them haven't useful things for people's organism, but also, nothing bad.... So, if i have choices between coke and Pepsi, i will chose Pepsi!

Side: Pepsi
1 point

I love pepsi

because coke has too much sugar

love pepsi next

Side: Pepsi
1 point

I say pepsi because one direction did a pepsi commercial and i just love them so much and so I'm just gonna say pepsi. bye.

Side: Pepsi

I favor Diet Pepsi because the taste to me is much sweeter.

Side: Pepsi
1 point

Pepsi is better then Coke .

Coke is sweeter and strong taste . Pepsi is not sweet and easy drinking juice .

Side: Pepsi
-1 points

I think Coke tastes sweeter than Pepsi, which I don't like very much. Plus, the commercials are always the best!

Side: Pepsi