
Debate Info

YES! BURN HIM! I'm special so I say NO!
Debate Score:286
Total Votes:357
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 YES! BURN HIM! (18)
 I'm special so I say NO! (64)

Debate Creator

PresChaffy(172) pic


Hellno is a constant nuisance to all of us, he enters our debates and trolls them with stupid comments like "fuck you" and "I'm a awsome". I know that we should all denounce Hellno and request he be banned from CreateDebate. It is for the good of us all.

America was founded on ideals of liberty and freedom, we were created to stand up against the tyranny of dictator monarchies who were bleeding us dry in ridiculously large taxes. Now, we must unite again to stand up to more tyrannical dictators, while you sleep Hellno logs on at night and downvotes all your arguments!

Do it for yourself,

Do it for the rest of us,

But most of all, do it for AMERICA!


And now for the ultimatum...

Either he leaves, or I leave.

I know which one you'll choose, because I can trust you all to make the right decision.

Your President,




Side Score: 41

I'm special so I say NO!

Side Score: 245

When I first joined the site, Hellno sent me an image of his enormous six pack abs next to his Lambourghini and two naked women time stamped with the message: "leave you fucking nerd loser". I'm afraid to come on, as Hellno claimed he is a real boss and wont let anyone "fuck with his shit".

Recently he sent me a video of himself speeding on his Lambourghini and taking money from an orphanages Christmas kettle saying: "I don't give a shit... I'll fucking crush you you little fucking nerd shit".

The video was timestamped with my full address and booked fight tickets to an airport near me. I really hope all those who have been abused like this could speak out before hopping the border.

1 point

LMAO! Part of this is true... I don't like people "fucking with my shit".

2 points

This whole site is all nothing but trolls with mindless, inexhaustable, unstoppable, repetative and nagging em ons. no way to have a intelligent conversation or chance of resolution to any opinion.

Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
3 points

This whole site is all nothing but trolls with mindless, inexhaustable, unstoppable, repetative and nagging em ons

so thats why you joined?

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
1 point

I know, right? Isn't it wonderful!!

2 points

This whole site is all nothing but trolls with mindless, inexhaustable, unstoppable, repetative and nagging em ons. no way to have a intelligent conversation or chance of resolution to any opinion.

Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

This whole site is all nothing but trolls with mindless, inexhaustable, unstoppable, repetative and nagging em ons

so thats why you joined?

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
1 point

This whole site aint nothing but trolls with mindless, inexhaustable, unstoppable, repetative and nagging em ons. no way to have a intelligent conversation or chance of resolution to any opinion.

Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

This whole site is all nothing but trolls with mindless, inexhaustable, unstoppable, repetative and nagging em ons

so thats why you joined?

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
1 point

What the fuck?! Why is this debate showing in my my activity again?






-4 points
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
9 points

Look at that MrsHellno supporting Chaffy

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
jonathangoh(1724) Clarified
1 point

Why not ?

3 points

Hellno made his account more than a year before you made yours. Don't even try to pretend like he is the one who stole your name. It is fairy apparent that "MrsHellno" is just another alt account to troll him.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
-6 points
-4 points
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
8 points

Look at that Mors supporting Chaffy

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
2 points

They all just insult newcomers for being different.

It's not because you are all different, it is because you are all the same person.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
jonathangoh(1724) Clarified
1 point

Why does he want you to leave the site? ?

1 point

He's lying. I don't care if him or any of his fake accounts stay or go.... let him make an ass of himself for all I care. ;)

Kururai(167) Disputed
1 point

I was a newcomer who had serious answers, and yet i never got anything. Seeing as you were threatened and not me, either something is wrong with you or something is wrong with me. I prefer it be you because I'm just hella selfish and cowardly.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
-4 points
-4 points
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
6 points

Look at that nummi2 supporting Chaffy

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
-7 points
-5 points
17 points

I assume this is a joke but I shall treat it as if it is for real, I say as I always say about things like this if you dont like someone ignore them or debate them but dont come on here crying and making ultimatums like ban him or I leave because that just makes you look stupid, but then you dont need my support because i'm not American.

From what i've seen of this site I dont think this is going to get you Hellno banned so it was nice seeing you around.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
6 points

It's no joke... he wants me banned.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
6 points

Well that ain't happening Hellno because you are loved by a lot of people on here and one of the active veterans on here.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
2 points

You are trying to tell me that description is but a troll/joke post?...That he actually believes it? .....I can't take it seriously.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
Jrob(134) Clarified
1 point

Oh, hey, how's things, Hellno? (Uggh, I hate the 50 min...)

14 points

Congratulations Hellno, you can now join the VIP exclusive club of people who have been defamed by Mic. I mean, I only got Mors doing it, you got el presidente himself, very impressive.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
6 points

Well he's British, el presidente could be your neighbor. ;)

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
5 points

Wait... Mic's a big black woman who sometimes gives me marrows ?

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
11 points

I'm so glad that I'm in the UK, so due to times zones I get to laugh at this early.

In 5 hours time I expect to see a wave of Americans laughing at this too.

Anyway, let's get downvoting!

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
11 points

" trolls them with stupid comments like "fuck you" and "I'm a awsome"."


tthats funny

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
11 points

Looks like Mic broke out his troll accounts.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
10 points

Nah lets denounce Mic instead.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
8 points

Oh geesh! Where to begin???

Hellno is a constant nuisance to all of us

This is probably true, although you're worse.

he enters our debates and trolls them with stupid comments like "fuck you" and "I'm a awsome"

I may have said "fuck you", I can't remember but I know I've never said "I'm awesome" but now I'll make a point of say both to you all the time.

I know that we should all denounce Hellno and request he be banned from CreateDebate. It is for the good of us all.

Go ahead... denounce me, I might just like it?

America was founded on ideals of liberty and freedom, we were created to stand up against the tyranny of dictator monarchies who were bleeding us dry in ridiculously large taxes. Now, we must unite again to stand up to more tyrannical dictators,

I'm not a dictator and you're not American.

while you sleep Hellno logs on at night and downvotes all your arguments!

Hahaha! The thought of this is actually funny

Either he leaves, or I leave.

Yay! I'm not leaving so you have to, you said it and I won't let you forget it. Soooo... does that mean Micmacmoc, Chaffy, Mrs Hellno, Edudmodnar, Mors777, Facadeon and Nummi2 will be leaving too? (I'm sure I missed a couple)

Side: I'm special so I say NO!

while you sleep Hellno logs on at night and downvotes all your arguments!

He makes you sound like the bogeyman. lol

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
5 points

I am the boogeyman... Boo!

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
7 points

Mic you forgot to go on Chaffy and micmacmoc.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
5 points

And Facadeon and EdudModnar

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
2 points

Facadeon too? What the fuck? Can it be we have a more dedicated troll than Joe? No....................................

4 points

Hmmm... Hellno, or Chaffy?

This is such a difficult decision. Oh, wait, no it's not. HELLNO all the way!!!

But if you leave, all the fake accounts have to leave as well.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
2 points

Be careful me pretty or I might log on while you're sleeping and down-vote all your arguments. ;)

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
3 points

D: Oh no! Whatever shall I do! ;)

Hey, what's up with new picture?

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
4 points

No PresChaffy you leaven as well as your other multiple accounts and look at all of the multiple accounts to your left because Mors, Mrs Hellno and you supported that side.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!

I would rather cut off my balls, throw them into a vat of hot gravy and gobble them up than have Hellno banned.

Kindly fuck yourself, you won't be missed if you do leave.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!

This is just retarded.------------------------------------------------------------

Side: I'm special so I say NO!

After all those debates that divide CD's members, it is nice to see everyone come together in agreement on something.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
2 points

Yeah everyone hates Mic

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
3 points


Side: I'm special so I say NO!
3 points

Wait??? You're that guy who's keyboard is stuck on caps lock, right!??? I love this guy!

Side: I'm special so I say NO!

You want to denounce hellno? Well, HELL NO!


Side: I'm special so I say NO!

It this guy serious...?

I sure hope not, but anyway, Hellno is awesome. He brings humor to this place so fuck anyone that wants him banned. That is all.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
2 points

Denounce Hellno? HELL NO!

(I'm not microphone.)

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
2 points

I am convinced you are joking. If you are serious you are extremely stupid.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
2 points

Well i guess we say goodbye to you because hellno cant leave because someone doesnt know how to defend his debates.

Hellno baby you rock!

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
1 point

Hey baby! Good to see ya... even if it is under these circumstances... you know, my public denouncing and all. ;)

I like the new avatar.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
2 points

I knew if i left you alone that you would get in all sort of trouble.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
2 points

I love how people even took the time to create a debate asking whether Hellno should be denounced or not. I see this website as a place to express one's ideals. This is a place of freedom. HOWEVER, i mostly see this website as a place to have fun. There are even point systems and allies, enemies, and hostiles. This seems more of a place of fun and competition. Seeing as Hellno's ideals are pointless and stupid, yet accepted since he receives multiple point's and a consistency of 93%, denouncing him would be pointless. He seems to have fun on here, and I still enjoy this website. There is no need to denounce someone if they are not disrupting the website to the point where the website itself is affected.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
1 point

Seeing as Hellno's ideals are pointless and stupid

Hey! I resemble that remark!

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
2 points

I stopped using this site about two years ago and just recently signed up again under a new profile. The people on here at that time seemed to be much more intelligent, one of them being Hellno. He isn't the most serious debater but he has some witty responses and they're usually pretty funny. I don't picture him being a troller (such a stupid term). By the way, you remind me of a guy that used to be on this site called TheThinker. He was my only enemy lol.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
1 point

Oh yeah... I completely forgot about TheThinker... he was a nutjob fo sho!

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
Blah123(43) Clarified
1 point

Yeah, my profile name at the time was GuitarGuy11. TheThinker and I got into some seriously heated debates. I don't know why though, I would of had better luck arguing with a wall.

2 points

Hellno we're not gonna ban hellno.

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
2 points

I support Hellno, you lying troll. .

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
1 point

LOL! Chaffy is a little panty-waste bitch-whore. :P

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
2 points

So true. He needs to go suck a dick. .

Side: I'm special so I say NO!

Nah I love Hellno :)

Side: I'm special so I say NO!
1 point

has not done any crime it would not be fair to denounce him and kick him off from CD

Side: I'm special so I say NO!