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Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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BigNuts(56) pic

Do blacks owe Republicans reparations for freeing the slaves with their blood


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 6

I could use the cash ;)

Side: Yes

I think we should just call it EVEN. I think slavery was terrible (my relatives didn’t own any). But now, we should just call it even. Blacks have it better now in this country than if they were back in Africa! I don’t think any educated black person would want to live in Africa. Let’s concentrate on moving forward

Side: No

Speaking as a black man, I would have to agree with you on that one. There are still places where tribesmen kill bald me, and search their heads for gold. Because that is where bald men are said to hide it.. (rubs head)..

I like my head being intact thank you very much.

Side: No

In the most simplest of measures, no. No one really owes anyone in this instance.

Side: No
1 point

No, the blacks were happy and content in their state of subjugation when they didn't have to think or fend for themselves.

Side: No
DrChamberlin(145) Clarified
1 point

Something tells me that this account is just a parody of someone at this point. That, or you take yourself far too seriously.

Side: Yes
Mongele(643) Clarified
1 point

Nope, it's you who has an inflated perception of your own importance.

You didn't contribute anything positive to the topic by stating your opinion but, as is common on this back-biting site, chose to attack the viewpoint of another participant.

My purposely provocative statement was of course designed to bait and play with the sanctimonious 'do-gooders' such as yourself.

But hey, it's all good old clean and harmless fun.

Side: Yes

Poe's Law, for you. Troll on, trolly!..........................................................................................................

Side: No