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Maybe Nah
Debate Score:46
Total Votes:47
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 Maybe (10)
 Nah (17)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Does China have the potential to take over the world?

China has the largest standing army in the world.


Side Score: 21


Side Score: 25

In a global economy, military might is not as important.

China is already on the verge of becoming the largest economy in the world within 30 years.

Side: Maybe
3 points

Well, relatively speaking; China is the top contender.


Side: Maybe
2 points

Well, it does have the potential... cause there are more than 2 billion people living there! But seriously, what chances are there that they intend to do it? I don't believe in the "Taking over the world" stuff, it's too fictional. But learning Chinese could become useful someday. :)

Side: Maybe
2 points

china is a big superpower as a big econmy is a commuinst and has a big army and has persuive soures i would say thee is a huge vance of it happend 50 or so years from now

Side: Maybe
2 points

cut China from the topic and add "EVERY NATION". What matters is the overall development. No matter how large a country is (take for example the development in Japan even though bombed several times.

Side: Maybe
2 points

Potential, yes. China is rich, it holds around a coupld of trillion dollars of debt, mostly owed by the USA, but that is not really the point. The point is what do you do with all that money. What China is doing with that money is buying things, buying companies, buying resources, buying land. I guess its better than putting it in the bank! The West, USA, Europe etc., we are all living off debt, and there is little liklihood that we will suddenly become debt adverse. So for the time being China is just amassing massive currency reserves, and they are using them to buy buy buy! They are already buying large chunks of the world and the more they buy the more they will control. They are managing their population by spreading their population. Some 750,000 have moved to Africa in the last 10 years or so, thats a lot. The liklihood is that these new African/Chinese will become rich and influential. They are already so in numerous African countries, they will control large swaithes of Africa and plunder its resources.

The west needs to develop alternatives to oil, as China is oil hungry and securing large proportions of the World's oil reserves.

It appears clear that China, and indeed Asia as a whole will become more and more important and the focus of the world's economics will be to the east and not the west. As we chase scarce resources China will by reason of its massive financial clout control much of them and whereas that may not be a take over it will certainly mean that it will become the dominant force in economics and in a way they will control the World.


Side: Maybe
2 points

can and will happen if pushed too far by the U.S?n It is stated that a Panda and an eagle will battle as seen by Nostradamus. Hmmmmm.....

Side: Maybe
2 points

The Chinese ARE doing just that. I have lived on 3 continents and maintain close contacts in all 3. The facts are very clear on all 3 continents.. the Chinese are taking over businesses and properties by means of a very intelligent strategy. First they offer products/services to locals at much more competitive prices then any local company can. The will work with companies and local businesses as these will want to take advantage of better pricing and will have to buy and use there products even to produce their own goods. Once these have no other place to buy these products and are totally dependent on the Chinese.. the Chinese then will produce that complete product and compete directly with the local manufactures.. and in effect put them out of business. At the same time the Chinese will be buying up properties in different countries..

That is what is happenng all over the world. There are several arguments about balance and that China's best interest is to maintain equilibrium.. but I am convinced if things continue as they are the entire world will be dependent and in Debt to China.. at the same time China will enhance its Defense technology and will soon have the most advanced and well equipt Army on the planet.

It is obvious at least to me .. that at that point they won't need to keep using their own "slave" labor of their own people.. since they dominate the world like any of the most powerful and richest country in the world.. its people will not want to slave as they do now.. and other peoples of the world will be required to do that for them.

There is no doubt they are out to take over the world..

Side: Maybe
1 point

Simply yes it's very possible. 1.6 billion people entering into a Socialist capitalism. That sentence is quite the anomaly. It could come down to finally the world defaults on the government bonds because of sovereign debt issue already in the works China holds most of those notes. What would you do if you are the only country that has a powerful economy and you owned the worlds debt and they defaulted on you? You would feel empowered to go in an get some of your debt back. As pertains to US? How can you attack the US without actually attacking it? You attack Israel. Prophecy an army of 100 million stand and the top of the valley of Armageddon. I believe this to be China with Russia

Side: Maybe
4 points

No modern country has the potential to take over the world.

Side: Nah
2 points

Thermonuclear weapons. Noone's gonna take over the world anytime soon.

Side: Nah

Damn! I was hoping for some authentic Chinese food :)

Side: Nah
2 points

china can produce numbers, but the gulf wars proved that numbers are useless without quality.

Adding to that, they would never get to North America or Europe because they lack the naval or air power. a war with China would be quick and easy because bombing raids, missles, etc. would cause severe civilian casualties with their over-crowded cities.

Side: Nah
2 points

with the politics and war involved no country would be able to "take over" as no other country would allow it.

Side: Nah

Having the largest standing army means nothing. When it comes time to fight, they are going to be too tired. They should have those guys sit down once in a while ;)

Besides, in order to use your army, you have to mobilize them and get them to their destination. Flying that many people would be a logistical nightmare. Just think about how long it takes you to get through the airport lines and into your seat in the plane. ;)

I guess you could drive them there in Jeeps and trucks, but everyone knows what bad drivers they are; they will never get out of the country that way due to all the car wrecks ;)

I guess you can get them there by boat though. I hear a lot about boat people ;)

Side: Nah
2 points

Haha!! Like that episode of Family Guy............................................

Family Guy
Side: Nah

Yeah...., just like that ;)

Side: Nah
1 point

Taking over large new areas of land and populations has been done but the problem China (or any one country) would have is keeping control over that area. No large nation or army could control the people of the world through fear like China does to a portion of it's population now. Freedom would cause people in areas to fight and eventually claim independence. Freedom is set too deeply in some societies now for China to change the heart and minds of the world.

Side: Nah

Just because they are going to have the largest economy in 30 years and have the largest military doesn't mean anything. The question is- Can they maintain a large economy and military while still being able to handle a huge population?

Side: Nah
1 point

China has a huge population, which would be an asset, except that it's a huge AGING population, which is a serious liability. Thanks to the one-child policy, China has fast-tracked itself to developing nation status, but the cost is it has fast-tracked itself to the largest developed nation problem i.e. an aging population. In 5-10 years expect there to be serious questions about the sustainability of China's health care programs, and consequently the sustainability of it's economy and social order.

Side: Nah
1 point

china only show off. it doesn't have much power. many countries are ahead from china...

Side: Nah
Pessimist(182) Disputed
2 points

Not true. The only reason China can't take over the world right now is because of nuclear weapons. The people of China are so brainwashed and afraid of their government that every single on of them, given a weapon, would be willing to take up arms. They actually have the strongest military force on Earth, if we dont count nukes.

Side: Nah
1 point

nah.! they don.t deserve it. china is big . Very big but I don't see how theey could take over the world

Side: Nah
1 point

Let's look at the numbers:

1 Billion Chinese

5 Billion World

Answer: No.

Side: Nah
1 point

History has shown that no single nation, or league of nations, can take the world for itself.

Side: Nah
1 point

I doubt that china would be able to take over the world because some countries have a more powerfull military than them eg the U.S and Russia. There would also alliences in order to stop china for example the U.S has an allience with canada and britian and with those three powers put in place I think that they would be able to stop the powerfull army of Japan. If china was able to take over Asia which would be pretty hard because of the countries in Asia eg Russia,Japan, Korea, India the rest of the world would be in pretty big trouble. However if that happened I am cetain that europe would declare war and with america being part in an allience with britian they would be dragged in to the conflict along with canada. Also becaue of australlian and british relations they would be dragged in to war thus leaving china tro crumble underv the weight of these powers

Side: Nah
jtopolnak(158) Disputed
1 point

What makes you think that it would only be China? China and Russia are buddies. I could see them partnering up maybe with some other countries that despise the western pro Israel nations.

Side: Maybe