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Debate Score:56
Total Votes:68
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Srom(12120) pic

Does the Flying Spaghetti Monster exist?


Side Score: 34


Side Score: 22
5 points

It's as real as any other god :D

Side: Yes

I couldn't formulate my argument, but you have addressed it as well as any 've seen. This is a true statement I can agree with.

Side: Yes
TheThinker(1688) Clarified
1 point

To be more specific. He is real as any other god perceived by you and probably others.

Side: Yes
2 points

He must exist because people believe he exists. At least that is the argument I hear for some other fake beings.

Side: Yes
2 points

Yep how else do you explain how planets are shaped like meatballs?

Side: Yes
2 points

Ramen. ;)

Side: Yes

OF COURSE THE FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER EXISTS!!!! If you don't believe me then you will squeezed by the FSM noodle appendages for all eternity! ALL OF ETERNITY!!!!!

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes. There are two rational arguments for this possibility.

1) It is possible that everything exists, .'. every eventuality will come to pass, including flying pigs and spaghetti monsters.

2) Deities, should they exist, are shown to crave power and create cults to worship them. I am sure cultless deities would adopt a man made cult in no time. Haha cultless, cutlass... no, not really.

Side: Yes
Elvira(3441) Clarified
3 points

Downvote and no explanation?

Side: Yes

So did I so apparently everybody got down voted. Been here for 3 hours and not having any fun

Side: Yes
1 point

I don't know about 1. But there is something crazy about 2 that I like. It sounds so insane it just might be true. I like the idea that Gods are "made up" by humans because the actual God got the power to come down and get written down.

Side: Yes
ThePoisoner(8) Clarified
1 point

Just expand #1.

1) It is possible given an infinite amount of time, then an infinite amount of things would exist. (Premise)

2) The Flying Spaghetti monster is timeless (Premise)

3) If an infinite amount of things exist, then everything would eventually be encompassed in that infinity. (From 1)

4) The Flying Spaghetti Monster would therefore exist then. (From 1 and 3)

5) The flying Spaghetti Monster Exists. (From 2 and 4)

Side: Yes

How else can you explain or existence? We were obviously created by the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He even left his signature on us. The male reproductive system consists of a noodley appendage and two meatballs.

The video below is a sighting of the FSM. It's TOTALLY legit and not CGI ;)

Flying Spaghetti Monster in Germany
Side: Yes
2 points

From a debate website, this place has decayed into a trolling spree

Side: No
1 point

yeah and it's sad that the 2 trolls Chuz and Prod made it so.

Side: No

I dont think there is a practical way to prove it exists in any way shape or form especially since us humans made spaghetti.

Side: No
zephyr20x6(2386) Disputed
3 points

No, no, no. Isn't it obvious the flying spaghetti monster gave us spaghetti!! How can one deny FSM when the evidence is right there, AND IT IS EDIBLE!!!

Side: Yes

Oh snap. i forgot about that. Man I always wondered what that stringy object in front of the sun was. Thanks for bringing me to my senses.

Side: Yes

I'm not even going to ask who or what a "flying spaghetti monster" is.

Side: No

It was actually invented to mock religion or at least mostly used for such.

Side: No
2 points

Who the hell keeps down voting me and possibly upvoting all my aguments? it's really random...

Side: No
1 point

It seems that the Flying Sphagetti Monster has one definitive weakness, unlike earlier gods, things such as

Pascal's Wager

Cosmological Argument

Ontological Arguments

Telelogical Argument

simply cannot be used due to the fact that the Flying Spaghetti Monster does not fit into such terms as "maximally great being" or "That which none greater can be conceived" or "Timeless Entity"

Thus, Since these are the most common of arguments for the supernatural, it follows that if there are no logical arguments for the existence of something, it does not exist.

Side: No

This may be odd to say but what defines existence is the first question? Something that is tangible? Or something that is not tangible like a thought? Merriam Webster gives a sentence that i like: "Strange ideas existed in his mind." So you see, the word "exist" isn't just something tangible. And this is what i believe what you Srom meant by using this word.


Ok for my answer: I do not know if the Flying Spaghetti Monster is tangible. But he does exist in minds IF he or she is ever thought of. If i go in the "thought" route, then the answer depends on the user his or herself ultimately....meaning, have the user ever put thought of the flying Spaghetti Monster? The user cannot speak for anybody else thoughts because simply, what if they are lying.

Side: No

The flying spaghetti monster was created as a parody to compare intelligent design to, to keep it out of schools.

Side: No

Does he have a holy book, churches, things like that? If not, it kinda seems like a fad religion to me.

Side: No
Srom(12120) Clarified
1 point

They actually did make a church of it. Here is the churches's website

Side: Yes

You may already know this but the flying spaghetti monster is essentially a joke. People have acted like it is a real religion out of humor. What happened was this guy whom was making a text book or something was requested to make one based on faith (creation). This man thought it was ridiculousto have schools teach religion so he invented the FSM. Well that is what I heard in school anyway, I'm not sure on that, however it s oftenly used to mock religion.

Side: No

Lol you saw the man in that video? Look like anyone we have debating on this site?

Side: No
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

It has a church. Two actually. The church of FSM and the reformed church of FSM. And the holy book is The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Therfore he exists

Side: Yes

Up vote.

Side: No