
Debate Info

Of course silly Are you retarded?
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:17
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 Of course silly (5)
 Are you retarded? (4)

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AveSatanas(4443) pic

If billions of people simultaneously believe in something does it exist?

I write a book about an imaginary banana and the banana is magick and tells people how we should act, then I wait 2000 years. After 2000 years nearly 2.5 billion people believe in an worship my imaginary banana. Does that make him spawn into existence? And if so at what time? I'm gonna start writing this book asap!! :)

Of course silly

Side Score: 8

Are you retarded?

Side Score: 5
2 points

Of course it has happened before


Side: Of course silly
2 points

Poorly formed beliefs exist and it's important not to act as if they don't, otherwise how can they be reformed? Why is it so much easier to point out the poorly formed beliefs you think others have, as opposed to identifying the ones you have? If you think that you are free from poorly formed beliefs, that's probably the worst belief you could have.

Side: Of course silly
1 point

Unless someone comes along and convinces me otherwise, I am just going to keep right on believing that everything is real

Side: Of course silly
1 point

Billions of people ins da Liechtenstein country actuallys believe that every male human is ams totally honest when he says "Hellos there female, I ams have big genitalia!" but then agains, they don't haves big genitalia, then they says "You is ams only cares abouts da money signs!"

Side: Of course silly

People will believe what they want to believe. There are silly icons out there that many people believe in.

Side: Of course silly
2 points

Believing does not make something so. Just like not believing is not capable of making something not so.

Side: Are you retarded?
1 point

It does in their head, but not tangibly. If I believe Wikipedia hatched out of an egg, does that mean it hatched from an egg? No, it does not.

Side: Are you retarded?
1 point

Wow, I'm going to write a book about humanities similarities with banana and how we all evolved from fruit. Then I'm going to get all my fellow scientists to support me with loads of evidence to denounce your book on bananas. Then we don't have to listen to your magical banana and do whatever we want.

Side: Are you retarded?
OliverJDH(131) Clarified
1 point

Then I'm going to get all my fellow scientists to support me with loads of evidence to denounce your book on bananas

Yes - because scientists all blindly agree with each other. Evolution is a hoax which the Scientific Community are all in on... The Socratic method, peer reviews, experiments and debates are all just an elaborate show to fool the public into becoming atheists...

Then we don't have to listen to your magical banana and do whatever we want.

Because we can't do good without believing in God...or in this case a very tasty omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and benevolent fruit.

Side: Of course silly
1 point

Argumentum . Ad . Populum .

Side: Are you retarded?