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 Is P C the new censorship ? (70)

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Dermot(5736) pic

Is P C the new censorship ?

Politicians and media over here would not repeat on air what Donald Trump said about African countries as they said the remarks were "racist " which is absolute nonsense as they are factually correct , yet another example of over the top P C media types shouting someone down for being truthful 

President Donald Trump stunned lawmakers in a White House meeting on immigration Thursday when he reportedly referred to Haiti and African nations as “s---hole countries.”

“Why are we having all these people from s---hole countries come here,” the president asked as was first reported by media including The Washington Post, The New York Times and CNN. The crude term means dirty and impoverished.

Trump said the United States should let in more people from places such as Norway, whose prime minister met with him in the White House Wednesday.

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2 points

I think it is really easy to turn political correctness around, because in many cases, what is considered politically correct is actually more offensive.

For example, calling someone with black skin an "African American". Do you call people with white skin "European Americans"?

What do you call someone who was born in America? A native American.

Who determines what is politically correct? A bunch of fags, probably.

I'm not against people coming in from shit hole countries, who can blame them? Lets keep it real though, there are some pretty shit hole countries in this world.

Dermot(5736) Clarified
1 point

You say ......I'm not against people coming in from shit hole countries, who can blame them? Lets keep it real though, there are some pretty shit hole countries in this world.........

Yes I know this but Trump was talking about African countries , I’m asking why he’s being attacked for stating a fact ?

TzarPepe(763) Clarified
1 point

I don't have any primary sources of President Trump making his comments, so I don't really know how much of what is being reported is accurate. The media is demonstrably dishonest about the prez.

Isn't it obvious though? Some big people are out to get The Don. They must take him as being a threat to their money, influence, or something. They'll jump on anything to tear him down.

Which is a shame, because it has already fed into a lot of panic and hysteria.

There really is a coordinated media effort to take down The Don. It's so obvious, they aren't even good at hiding it.

See, 20 years ago they could have, and did in fact get away with this kind of stuff. It doesn't work as well in the information age when you can go to primary sources and bypass the media spin.

2 points

Ah, what's this man up to using one of my favorite descriptions?

It is wholly wrong for any politician be sufficiently honest and describe a shitehole as a shitehole.

Whatever happened to euphemistic deceit?

1 point

Hi Antrim , I think a lot of these P C types prefer deceit as people are terrified of saying what they think , instead preferring what they think fellow P C types want to hear .....I bet none of them ever book a holiday in any of these African shitholes but no doubt claim that these are actually beautiful countries facing “ challenges “

Antrim(1287) Clarified
2 points

Hi Dermot, Man's literary creativity is at it's best when engaging in the shim-sham practices of, for instance, trying to make a sow's lung sound like a silk purse.

At least once a year a hurricane blows the Haitian dwellings made from cardboard and chewing gum off into the sea.

They immediately replace these flimsy erections with exactly the same type of construction and materials all ready for the big bad wolf to huff and puff and blow them down.

HyperComm5(25) Disputed
1 point

Like Trump Mocking that disabled guy?

You are so insensitive and uncaring.

That literal menstral joke about Hillary Clinton?

So insensitive and uncaring.

Tell me, I'm curious as a liberal, does your mouth have any filter and are their anythings you WOULDNT say?

I don't think so. Such a Deplorable. Typical behavior of Emotional Physcopaths.

Never mind what the other person may feel, as long as its "PC". Sicko!

HyperComm5(25) Disputed
1 point

What ever happened to respect even if one is going through tough times.

If one has AIDS one doesn't refer to that person as "A diseased mangled toxic creature"

If one whose mother is a porn-star one doesn't refer to his mother as "A prostitute etc)

(If that person is muscular and you're not self-interest comes into play as well)

Of course no Conservative has any heart for decency.

They say whatever comes into their mouths with no filter.

Dermot(5736) Disputed
1 point

What ever happened to calling a shithole a shithole ?

How would you label North Korea ?

If one has AIDS they are dieseased and indeed toxic is that not a fact ? How would you re -define this ?

If ones mother is a porn star and sells her body for sex she falls under the category of working prostitute , how would you re -define this ?

The truth does indeed hurt you sensitives doesn’t it ?

1 point

I think, with King Donald in office (enthroned?), PI is more dangerous than PC. His rejection by the Mayor of London and its public shows how Political IN-correctness is hurting OUR country! ;-(

6 points

The mayor of London is a rabid extremist Muslim named Sadiq Khan. He doesn't speak for millions of people. There are youtube videos of people from London all over the place who support Trump.

Dermot(5736) Clarified
2 points

While I could never be called Trumps biggest fan I detest this P C type of nonsense because he’s saying something that’s factually true , political in - correctness he gets called on all the time and yes I agree it is damaging for the U S

Trump never mentioned the names of countries he was speaking to. The Left will do what the Left does, and demonize him as a racist at every chance.

Fake news for all to see, every singe day.

HyperComm5(25) Disputed
0 points

Haiti? African Nations? El Salvador?

Of course you don't believe in established independent righteous journalism.

All you believe is Fox News basically the media outlet of White House Comm

Trump is racist, we need liberals. Liberals are why African Americans got their rights. Religion played a part but LIBERALISM did. Same for women.

In the 1960's I heard the equivalent of FAKE NEWS and DEMONIC AGENDA'S for African Americans and Women seeking indepdendence

I weep for you borther, repent to Jesus. You need salvation!

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

You are so lost, it is truly amazing.

Let me repeat... you support the right to kill unborn babies that God says he already knows.

You should be weepng for those children you total phoney!

1 point

Is P C the new censorship ?

I agree that it is a form of censorship, although there is nothing "new" about it. Socrates encountered essentially the same issues thousands of years ago as he challenged sacrosanct notions/norms of his time. Ultimately, he was the one forced to drink the poison in the end

2 points

Hi X , yes you’re right , people are terrified of voicing their opinions just in case they are talked down to and bullied into accepting the views they ordinarily would not hold

-1 points

I agree that it is a form of censorship, although there is nothing "new" about it. Socrates encountered essentially the same issues thousands of years ago

Really? How interesting. So what did the Greeks request Socrates call black people instead of "niggers"? Did they force him to stop referring to Muslims as "filth"?

Here's the thing that you and many other users on this site don't appear to understand about free speech: your right to speak ends when you use your words as a weapon to attack other people with. You are not permitted to attack others with bats, clubs, knives, teapots or cutlery, so what on Earth makes you believe you have a right to attack them with words?

6 points

Here's the thing that you and many other users on this site don't appear to understand about free speech: your right to speak ends when you use your words as a weapon to attack other people with.

The words Nazi, neo con, uncle tom, or deplorable ring a bell?

5 points


Did they force him to stop referring to Muslims as "filth"?

You refer to all conservatives as Nazis. Same thing. I'm sure the Muslims can defend themselves, as we do.

xMathFanx(1722) Disputed
2 points


Here's the thing that you and many other users on this site don't appear to understand about free speech: your right to speak ends when you use your words as a weapon to attack other people with. You are not permitted to attack others with bats, clubs, knives, teapots or cutlery, so what on Earth makes you believe you have a right to attack them with words?

Wow.. (smh..)

Dermot(5736) Disputed
1 point

But your hero Marx and Engels referred to blacks as niggers , so that’s rather hypocritical of you ( yet again )isn’t it ?

-1 points

Hello D,

Clearly, you can’t be a racist if you’re a true believer in white supremacy. I mean, if those black nations ARE shit holes, how can it be racist to say it? If those white nations like Norway are so great, how can it be racist to say it?


6 points

Clearly, you can’t be a racist if you’re a true believer in white supremacy

There are "supremacists" and "nationalists" in and of every single race, and probably about the same amounts percentage-wise. But libs don't seem to be concerned. Why? Need more imported Democrats. If they believed these migrants voted red, the left would build the wall themselves. You know it's true, and... I know it's true.

You interested in some migrants from Poland or Crimea Con? How about some Ukranians? No? Of course not. They, free thinking, independence desiring love of country people, might block the Liberal dystopia from being created. Who needs America, right Con?

Once the flag is gone, the nation is flooded with third world migrants, and the left has us in a race war, which will be soon, there will be no America that any sane migrant will want to come to anyway. Put your glass up con. Your grandchildren will inherit the threshold of hell that the left created. We aren't racists con. We are like environmentalists trying to preserve something as we watch others unintentionally and sometimes intentionally, destroy it. We love our kids enough to protect what's left of the country. It's too bad the left are so quickly ready to throw it away.

We don't mind some migrants. What we do mind, is the left importing voters and lying out their ass, telling everyone how much they love migrants in order to make a one party rabid, far leftist Marxist, Communist dictatorship.

HyperComm5(25) Disputed
1 point

America is supposed to be the land and the free for the poor and the meek. I've discussed above the pyschopathia it takes to call them s*holes (not caring about what another person feels emotionally). But they aren't "stellar" places, lets leave it at that. Ukraine is a heavily indebt high violence/murder rate and full of Right Wing Nazi's. They are actually having a WAR. By your logic they should be banned because of that.

There is only a small minority of people who are anti-Western. Every ton of apples has 5 or 6 rotten ones. Many contribute in countless universities, trades, labor etc. Europe may need some fine-tuning yes, but America's Immigration is absolutely stellar in every reason imaginable.

I'm thinking of a certain term oh yea that the right love to say, oh yea.


P.S White People control the infrastructure, the majority of the population, corporations, education etc. Minorities can be racist and prejudice but only whites can be supremacists. Because the take their "better position determined by culture and centuries old oppression" and turn into the alt-right, (blacks have lower IQ's, etc)

With great Power comes responsibility you use it to build people up not kicking the stool underneath them.

5 points

I mean, if those black nations ARE shit holes

Those nations are shit holes. Race has nothing to do with it.

Norway is great. That's why people from shit holes keep trying to get there.

How about just admitting the truth rather than the left jumping to racism like a kangaroo regardless of reality?

2 points

Race has nothing to do with it.

If race has "nothing to do with it" then why did you lie about being an American Indian? Why not just admit you are white?

Dermot(5736) Disputed
3 points

Nothing to do with white “ supremacy “ you idiot , but of course you’re one of the P C loons who prefer to use P C terms like “ these African countries are facing “ challenges “ .....

So in you view it’s “ unfair “ to call a shithole like Zimbabwe a shithole 🙀 What Happy clappy term would you use ?

Antrim(1287) Clarified
3 points

If it looks like a shitehole, reeks like a shit hole,is rat and disease infested like a shithoile, by golly it is a shithole.


The winners would well deserve their hard earned prize.