
Debate Info

Good I love Walmart Screw the little guy
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:15
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 Good I love Walmart (5)
 Screw the little guy (3)

Debate Creator

NomsChicken(30) pic

The Democrat lockdown crushed the little guy & made Walmart richer

Good I love Walmart

Side Score: 5

Screw the little guy

Side Score: 4
1 point

Sure. Walmart's doing well. The Democratic thingy to HELP the little guy .... and the Inspector General the was supposed to see that the $Trillions went TO the little guy, ain't doin' so well!

I said two months ago that most of the money would "disappear" (into the pockets of the 1%). Last I knew that included the Waltons .... not the Waltons that lived on the mountain, incidentally, the ones who could USE it!

YOU should be happy that the supporters ...... well fed by Moscow Mitch and Mneuchen Inc., are doing so well. As you said, screw the little guy! He can get the ol' "trickle down"! We need money to bury 18,000+ lies ... DEEP!

Side: Good I love Walmart
0 points

Little guys are little because they have little, unimaginative barren minds incapable of forging a better life for themselves and their families through entrepreneurial enterprise risk taking and good old fashioned hard work.

Don't blame Walmart for the failings of ''the little people'' and never feel sorry for them.

Side: Good I love Walmart
2 points

The Democrat lockdown

Hello N:

I'm just not sure WHY you think the Democrats have ANY power to do ANYTHING??

Ohhhh, I get it... If you don't like something, it was the evil left who did it.. But, if you DO like something, it was your dear leader who did it..



Side: Screw the little guy
TaterOfTot(40) Disputed
1 point

I'm just not sure WHY you think the Democrats have ANY power to do ANYTHING??

Who chooses whether Michigan, California and New York stay locked down and what businesses stay open or closed in those states?

Side: Good I love Walmart
1 point

Why do you think every single Republican governor created restrictions in their state?

Mike Dunleavy - R (AK) - ref

Kay Ivey - R (AL) - ref

Asa Hutchinson - R (AR) - ref

Doug Ducey - R (AZ) - ref

Ron DeSantis - R (FL) - ref

Brian Kemp - R (GA) - ref

Kim Reynolds - R (IA) - ref

Brad Little - R (ID) - ref

Eric Holcomb - R (IN) - ref

Charlie Baker - R (MA) - ref

Larry Hogan - R (MD) - ref

Mike Parson - R (MO) - ref

Tate Reeves - R (MS) - ref

Doug Burgum - R (ND) - ref

Pete Ricketts - R (NE) - ref

Chris Sununu - R (NH) - ref

Mike DeWine - R (OH) - ref

Kevin Stitt - R (OK) - ref

Henry McMaster - R (SC) - ref

Kristi Noem - R (SD) - ref

Bill Lee - R (TN) - ref

Greg Abbott - R (TX) - ref

Gary Herbert - R (UT) - ref

Phil Scott - R (VT) - ref

Jim Justice - R (WV) - ref

Mark Gordon - R (WY) - ref

Side: Screw the little guy
TaterOfTot(40) Disputed
1 point

Ohhhh, I get it... If you don't like something, it was the evil left who did it..

If they did do it. In this case they are screaming to keep it shut down, just not Walmart and Amazon and the like. And also in this case, the white, leftist ideology controls you, and you will stay silent on those points. Keep shining those shoes for them and picking their fields buddy. It's your life.

Side: Good I love Walmart